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Desereck Creeggan

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Everything posted by Desereck Creeggan

  1. What is with all of these rediculous speeds :C My work has fast internet and it's still only 5mb/s
  2. I'm sending out a notice in the IEA group to have Magisters send me an IM or a Notecard stating the completion so I can compile and convey the notecard to you.
  3. Broke 900,000 XP today. About 12 kills away from 2,000. IS-4 is win, can't wait for 130mm IS-7 gun.
  4. I bought a 768mb Nvidia Geforce460 GTX for $89.99 (Fuck yeah $60 mail in rebate), and a 650W Power supply for $69.99 (FUCK YEAH $20 mail in rebate). I'm set for liefah. Only problem is, without a new motherboard, I will be unable to place my 9800GT in my computer as a dedicated PhysX card since my computer only has one PCIe slot.
  5. Okay, so, I have been meaning to get a new computer for about a year now, and with Christmas over I've got just a tad bit of cash. My current computer is a Gateway FX4710-UB003A. Graphics: EvGa Nvidia 9800GT Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 Quad Core Memory: 6gb DDR2 Dual Channel Hard Drive: 640GB OS: Win7 Ultimate /> I have been looking for upgrades, most notably my Graphics card and motherboard. I have a seller that I'm talking to over Craigslist willing to sell me an Nvidia 460GT for $150, but my Power Supply can't handle it (Delta DPS-400RB A) and he's willing to sell his 900w power supply as well (unknown extra price). So, I need help getting deals on other parts or overall if I can find something cheaper than this guy is offering me. I'm also eyeballing his motherboard which is a Nvidia Geforce 8300 SLI/Hybrid. I'm trying to keep as low of a cost as possible, I've currently got about $125 free cash from Christmas and I should be able to scrounge up some more.
  6. Got two $50 gift certificates to walmart. That's it.

  7. [22:12] Eriksson Foxtrot: Holy shit, Paranormal activity was freaky. [pussy] [22:12] Desereck Creeggan: pussssieeeee [22:13] Eriksson Foxtrot: Lmao, I laughed throughout the video [manly man] [22:13] Eriksson Foxtrot: It got freaky when she killed Micah. [22:13] Eriksson Foxtrot: Fucking lol'd when the bitch got dragged [22:16] Eriksson Foxtrot is Offline [rage quit]
  8. GW Tiger Average Damage Average Penetration 2000/2000 102/102 Great. Now I can get oneshotted by twice as many tanks!
  9. FML (You can thank me later Zrazor)

  10. [14:15] (COM): Hunter Abrams: MILK FOR THE KHORN FLAKES [14:16] (COM): Hunter Abrams: LET THE CEREAL DROWN IN IT [14:16] Mercury: Declaring new OIC for Titan: Milites Hunter Abrams.
  11. Hint. It doesn't have a vag. ALSO PAGE 100 WOWOWOWOWOOOOOOOO
  12. [15:37] Nikki4 Aquitaine: [15:37] Nikki4 Aquitaine: Niiya's AV bugged [15:37] Nikki4 Aquitaine: XD [15:37] Kitten Jenkins is Offline [15:37] Nikki4 Aquitaine: I GET BORED OKAY? [15:37] Kristian Kit: rofl [15:37] Desereck Creeggan: LOL [15:37] Kristian Kit: New wallpaper [15:37] Niiya Narayan is Offline [15:37] Radar Base: Lost contact: Niiya Narayan
  13. Denver is 318 miles away. \ Cheyenne is 416
  14. TL:DR Stuff about SL -> RL I quit. Naw, just jokin Gulliver. It was great to serve with you, and congratz on that promotion. Stop by every now and then and check in! You've always got friends here!
  15. [15:28] Desereck Creeggan: HEY ACH [15:28] Desereck Creeggan: BE MY BUDDY [15:28] Awanken Wasp: poor sheppy :| [15:28] Afevis Sodertelge: i was doing good so... yeah :P [15:28] Desereck Creeggan: DO ARMATURA KKK [15:28] Acheron Gloom: I JUTS GOT OFF A RAID [15:28] Acheron Gloom: AND I DO DO DO DO ARMATURA
  16. That thing puts a script into EVERY prim on whatever you're trying to delete, and then deletes itself + all of the scripts it made. Unfortunately, it has a chance of malfunctioning and placing all the scripts in it, while not deleting them. This happened to me and my script time hit like, 2ms. The "Remove all scripts in Selected Object" works much better and way more reliably.
  17. Got the new gun. Not a very significant increase in firepower, but it's noticeable when I'm head to head with a VK(DB) or a Tiger.
  18. And 6mil creds, no way I'd be able to afford one. Trying to figure out, have 30k in my IS. Should I get the new engine, even though I'm doing just fine without. New gun, so I shoot faster but have same damage ect. Or keep trudging to IS-3 which I won't be able to afford... hmmm.
  19. Zero is inbetween 1 and -1, meaning it is a place on a number line, ergo it can be represented as a number mathmatically, just as -1 can. However, physically, 0 can not be represented because it is the absense of such. This is also true for negative numbers, for to have a negative you must owe one to another from which you have none. WELCOME TO THE DEBT GAME.
  20. If I can get an IS-3 before the soft wipe, I'm going to be extremely pleased. Means I'll have 560,000 EXP to waste away. I don't know if I'll have enough credits for an IS-4 though.
  21. 1.55 posts per day and rising. It was 1.52 a week ago.

  22. [17:01] Ron Bleac: I see, this is a game of "pass the handgrenade" [17:01] Desereck Creeggan: *explodes* [17:01] Ron Bleac screams and waves his stumps in the air [17:01] Desereck Creeggan: ROFL [17:01] Desereck Creeggan: quoted. [17:01] Ron Bleac: rofl

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