And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has an improper stance. :/ Nevermind the fact that shooting a large caliber rifle while standing isn't a bright idea, you're never supposed to be leaning back, or resting the butt against your bicep. Looks like it takes place in India judging by garments and the type of rifle being used...
No console is devoid of RMAs, and as with all electronic items, the more in existence, the more that would have been repaired. No console really defeats the other because specific games are the only thing making people want to use any console in the first place. To each their own, and leave fanboyisms out of it. ;)
I do imagine it may be difficult to bend the metal backing to some extent (beyond just warping it). Water? It always comes out in dark gray dust, just as the iphone.
Oh wow, delicious justice wrought upon Steve Jobs... and that was incredibly hilarious seeing things like the on-screen keyboard pop up while he was cracking it in half XD
Most of the time it has happened, there has been plenty of jumping the gun due to current impending copybot threats then and now. Suspicious newbies will always remain suspicious.