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Devastator Bluebird

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Everything posted by Devastator Bluebird

  1. i hate people who hate peole for hateign people for disliking cake who hate people who hate to hate to hate chicken because chickens hate lots of things. that is why ordo doesnt hate chickens but chickens hate everything so they have the most hatefulness out of the hate meter and that is no good. so all they yell is long live hate god long live hate god and then people get freaked out because of the hate. then cookies came out of nowere and started killing the chickens because they hated chicken more than everything and that hate caused murder and murder made hate for the cookies and so people hated the cookies. so the moral of the story is that there is alot of hate is this post and if you are reading this still then i am going to get weird posts after from you. THE END
  2. hahahaha who even thought they were?
  3. this isnt a day care center as long as we all use our heads and act as mature adults we will do just fine
  4. i would also like to thank bullets for removing any enemy in the way, also explosives and the satisfactory detonation button to make the explosion, the sword for when you need to embarrase someone and most of all noobs for they make us all feel better about ourselves
  6. Dear Kwonn hello nice to meet you for the first time. I am hopelessly addicted to sl and will not be leaving for a long long long time. Love Eazy
  7. Dear Sosarin, I like you and your flying skillz Love, Eazy
  8. LOL just kidding...its way too addicting
  9. i remember that guy he is the one who...who....fuck it i never met him lol
  10. sliped from being off balance and totally ruined any moment at all and from this moment of complete foolery caine who had survived the herald battle came up and ___.

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