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Everything posted by Qoph

  1. Qoph


    I'm Qoph, aka SirCorn Alter on Second Life. I was in the Ordo on SL for 2 years between 2010-2012. I joined here mostly because I want to participate with the Planetside 2 outfit and help it to be more active. Hope to see some familiar faces but looking forward to meeting new people too.
  2. Name: SirCorn Alter Rank: E-5 Squad: B-I Merits/Date: Corona Vallaris 2011-07-24 Alpha Contubernium 2011-04-17 Combat Prowess MK2 2010-12-19 Combat Prowess 2010-10-17 Homeland Defense 2010-12-05 Good Conduct 2010-11-07 Ordocon 2011-07-03 Armatura Completion 2011-01-09 Medicus 2010-10-17 Current Curricular/Extra Curricular Activities: IEA Formet Tactica, IAC Position you are wishing to be considered for: Consiliator
  3. Slaying the innocent inncoent drinks
  4. Here's some people nuking their own base
  5. I might not have said it directly enough but I have a laptop now.
  6. There's not really a cap but my dad's not gonna pay more than he has to. I can probably get away with more than usual since i haven't gotten anything big for a while.
  7. Well my computer has basically had it after just over a year and a half. It's the only thing I've ever done combat on. But now my screen is locking up every time I fire a gun and my ping is around 250 during combat. But now I'm looking to get a desktop cause I don't take my laptop around with me on campus anyways. I'd prefer to get one of the things I get a student discount on, which are these and this The most intense thing I'll be doing on these will probably be SL. I play a couple other games but SL seems to eat up my computer more than anything else. I'd like to be able to get 30 FPS during combat but I don't wanna go all out and get some super gaming system cause I really am not that big of a gamer, plus I still need to do school stuff anyways. So I was hoping all the resident computer nerds could help me pick something out. Or maybe I don't need a new computer and something else is causing the problems. I dunno, for a CS major I'm not too good with hardware.
  8. It said I have Brink instead of TF2, gg The total came up as $79.97 but since TF2 was 20 bucks instead of 40 for brink it's around $60 I play the same games a lot <_<
  9. Did he say 'Decemver' or did you mess up :v
  10. Potential Ordo member! [12:30] ghost5500: sir are u rascist? [12:30] George Reisman: Yes. [12:30] Johnny Law (neil.coveria) is Online [12:30] George Reisman: I am very racist. [12:30] Sinna Bayn has left the sim. [12:30] Mercury: Lost contact: Sinna Bayn [12:30] ghost5500: sircorn are u [12:30] SirCorn Alter: Take off the gun or you'll ber emoved. [12:30] SirCorn Alter: removed. [12:31] ghost5500: srry he said i could keep tht 1 [12:31] SirCorn Alter: Who is 'he'? [12:31] ghost5500: george [12:31] SirCorn Alter: No he didn't. [12:31] ghost5500: wait are all of u guys rasict [12:31] SirCorn Alter: Take off all scripted weapons. [12:31] ghost5500: they arre [12:32] ghost5500: the pistol is a gear prop [12:32] George Reisman: Detach the AK 5 [12:32] George Reisman: Or I will hit you. [12:32] ghost5500: george r u rasict to black or every thing thts not american or white [12:32] Gun (ervont.rascon) is Online [12:32] George Reisman: Yup. [12:32] ghost5500: im cuban [12:32] George Reisman: So take off the gun. [12:32] ghost5500: my guz are off [12:32] Radryl Allen has left the sim. [12:32] Shizzerk Kostolany (Channel 1): sling [12:32] Shizzerk Kostolany (Channel 1): rsling [12:32] Shizzerk Kostolany (Channel 1): ldraw [12:32] Radryl Allen has entered the sim. [12:33] George Reisman: I can see it. [12:33] George Reisman: Right hand [12:33] George Reisman: detach it. [12:33] SirCorn Alter: It's slung but it's still attached [12:33] Shizzerk Kostolany: Ghost you have a weapon attached to your right hand [12:33] George Reisman: Thank you. [12:33] ghost5500: oh srry (oh srry) [12:33] ghost5500: didn know [12:33] SirCorn Alter (Channel 1): sling [12:33] SirCorn Alter (Channel 1): draw [12:33] ghost5500: r u rascist [12:34] Shizzerk Kostolany: Um no (In a) [12:34] SirCorn Alter: I'm racist to fennecs [12:34] ghost5500: watz the asians? [12:34] Shizzerk Kostolany: So I heard you applied [12:34] SirCorn Alter: Fennec foxes [12:34] ghost5500: ur rascist to cubans an yes i did () [12:34] ghost5500: ? [12:34] ghost5500: r u (ru) [12:35] ghost5500: cause tht other guy was rascist [12:35] ghost5500: nvm let me drop tht shit [12:35] ghost5500: yes i applied [12:35] ghost5500: y (and) [12:35] SirCorn Alter: I'm onle racist to fennecs and andorrans. [12:35] Ookamiwulf Lemton has entered the sim. [12:35] Ookamiwulf Lemton is Online [12:35] ghost5500: ok (ok) [12:35] ghost5500: so cubans are good? [12:36] SirCorn Alter: Cuban cigars are good. [12:36] ghost5500: lol (lol) [12:36] ghost5500: yes want 1 [12:36] SirCorn Alter: And Mark Cuban won the NBA title for his team. [12:36] SirCorn Alter: So I'd say Cuban things are okay. [12:36] ghost5500: ok yes i applied [12:37] ghost5500: did it get acepted [12:37] Shizzerk Kostolany: I dont know [12:37] SirCorn Alter: I'm not part of the application process [12:37] Shizzerk Kostolany: Same [12:38] ghost5500: howd u guys hear [12:38] ghost5500: wait y u get hold gunz but i dont (yu wait to get hold gunz i dont) [12:38] SirCorn Alter: Because we're awesome. [12:38] ghost5500: lol (lol) [12:38] SirCorn Alter: You need to prove your awesomeness. [12:38] ghost5500: good reason [12:39] ghost5500: to start training do i hav to get exepted (two start training do in ocean få exepted) [12:39] SirCorn Alter: Your training, if you're accepted will be arduous. [12:40] SirCorn Alter: You'll need to walk a tightrope over 10,000 hungry rabid raccoons. [12:40] SirCorn Alter: You'll need to bear being pierces with 1000 needles. [12:41] SirCorn Alter: You'll need to survive for a month on nothing but a can of Swedish meatballs. [12:41] ghost5500: does it hurt ur sl charecter [12:41] ghost5500: ? [12:41] SirCorn Alter: The pain may not be physical. But it will be mental anguish. [12:41] ghost5500: ok (ok)
  11. faster than 85% of US INCLUDING ZRAZOR Also I know how that feels arokh from the school ISP I had, where wireless was mysteriously faster than clan
  12. Well last night I had a dream where I woke up and I was like both in my room and on the Ordo base IRL, there were lonewolfers and I was the only one there. So I had to get up and find my stuff to fight. I was considering getting a 'real knife' instead of just the LL damage guns because I wanted to go back to sleep. I could see how far away people were on radar somehow, and there was a guy outside my window and I yelled LEEROY JENKINS or something like that and threw my shoe at him. So anyways eventually more people came on base and they got fought back. So then we were at like an Ordo RL conference or something and there were hundreds of people there, and I was surprised how many females there were. We apparently had a new base, it was sort of like a savannah kinda thing with a stone fortress for the base. We did some sort of training thing but I was getting frustrated because we were issued these frayed hoodies and my hand kept getting caught in it, and also because the wires for my headphones got impossibly tangled, as in a ball of knots a couple feet in diameter with thick wires. So then after a speech we all left, and some numerii was spraying me with a water gun, and so since I was pissed off I threatened them with a friendly fire report.
  13. Super Mario Galaxy: Paid 50 bucks and maybe spent 20 hours total playing it. Just didn't keep my attention at all. XBOX and Halo 3: Played a lot of the game but never got anything else for the system cause I moved on to PC shortly afterwards.
  14. You already said that, herp derp
  15. I had a dream where I killed some sort of exotic rare parrot in my garage. But apparently Ericsson got blamed for it somehow because he lived in the same neighborhood as me. And then there was like this national media and internet deal where everyone was hating on him, and I was planning on confessing what I did.
  16. Late night on Titan [00:17] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): you seem to have misplaced your pants [00:17] Lyle Watanabe: I dont need pants [00:18] Lyle Watanabe: no time to put on pants (in his defense it was a rendering bug) Later on [00:26] Lyle Watanabe: she log or die [00:26] Lyle Watanabe: err leave [00:26] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): crash [00:27] Thomas Baddingham: Damn and I was enjoying the foreplay
  17. Last night I dreamed that Vanguard attacked us with a huge Star Wars size air raid and then I joined to spy on them
  18. I think Ericsson already got one
  19. NECRO Also, Even better
  20. Well last night they were mixed together for me. I dreamed that Ordo headquarters were in Pittsburgh for some reason, and we had to make sure everything was super secret. So to get to the Ordo places you had to either A. Run through the drains of public urinals, which were like hallways but filled with pee (wtf) B. Go through pipes of fountains outside the building C. Go up the the 340 something'th floor of a building, which made me get lightheaded :< Anyways once I got there I was the XO of Invictus for some reason and I was looking for my office. But the only thing I found was a little Invictus cubicle. And since Aryte wasn't there Teron was the 'Imperator' at the time. Then a bunch of random people attacked and they were flying around like crazy. And since it wouldn't make sense if we were using actual guns we had to pretend to shoot guns and make pew pew noises. I was still owning them though. THen we were doing training with cadets. One of them was a jumping puzzle which they didn't pass. The other was they had to ride bikes over all the capture points within a time limit, and since this was in the whole city there were a lot but they were still able to do it.
  21. 5/1/11 [21:36] [Ordo] Typhoon Combat Knife v1.0: You've collected Griffith Benelli's dogtags. I HAVEN'T RECORDED MANY YET :<

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