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Everything posted by Qoph

  1. NAME: SirCorn Alter RANK: E-5 Vexillarius DIVISION: Terra AI Invictus CURRENT STANDING: Good
  2. It actually seems a lot better in Ascent. It used to crash a lot though, I'll see if that's different.
  3. Sorry doesn't look like that worked D: Also i attached a screenshot of my mouse settings
  4. I don't know, but tell me how to fix it in case that's the problem.
  5. My mouse is a Microsoft mobile mouse 3500. RIght now I'm trying a different viewer (Ascent) to see if it's different from phoenix.
  6. So lately you may have seen me firing off into the air or in random directions away from the attackers, especially during that last DF defense. I'm not blind and I didn't forget how to aim. The problem is that my mouse is lagging so bad that if I make a sudden movement, or even a not so sudden one, my mouse spins out of control. So when an enemy jumps, my view shoots up and I fire off into the sky, and when they're running to the side I spin and fire into buildings (or Ordo). I obviously can't fight like this, because it's both impossible and intolerable to do so. It's basically taking all of the fun out of my combat. So I need your guys help. If you're computer experts, or if you've overcome the same problems, I could use any advice you might have. Here are a few fancy bullet points with some details: This only affects SL. Even other graphically intensive programs or games are unaffected. The problem isn't the mouse. See above, and also the same thing happened with a different one. My FPS is where it's always been according to the stats bar, but it feels like it's lower. I'm not sure if that's imagined or if the stats bar is wrong somehow. This started being noticeable a few weeks ago, and it's gotten considerably worse within the past week. I came home for spring break last Friday, I don't know if that would have anything to do with it.
  7. We already had a thread on this somewhere and I called it heresy for dragging me away from the Ordo for a full day.
  8. Qoph

    Your SL history

    So I was talking to an old friend and I realized that I could determine dates of important events in my SL life. I decided to put together the AMAZING SEXY STORY of me on SL [22:03] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So I'll start by saying that I really didn't start SL on my account date. My old computer couldn't handle it and I just crashed constantly. [22:04] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I didn't really get to play it until the middle of July 2009. [22:04] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Oh, and I WILL say that my account was originally to grief, thus the wierd name. [22:04] Oneex Foxdale: griffer (scratch) [22:05] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So yeah, around july 09 I managed to get on and i was more serious. [22:05] Vincent Kroitschov is Offline [22:05] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I explored around and found a 'house' that was one of those freebie tenament buildings. [22:05] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): In a completely empty cityscape sim. (In a Completely empty cityscape yes.) [22:06] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I remember there was a plane that crashed outside every 5 minutes or so and there was this awful screaming noise... [22:06] Phares Nicholls (phares.sarjeant) is Online [22:06] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): so yeah, eventually i went looking foor the SL furries. [22:06] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): And a f urry avatar. [22:07] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): July 25th 09I went to a place called Club Discord and I met some people that gave me free avatars, and the avatar I picked was one I used for like 6 months. [22:07] Sekhmet (vix.venera) is Offline [22:07] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I might still have it actually [22:08] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Nah I don't. [22:08] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): But it was the wingless gray fox, with pink hair. [22:08] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): so who's still listening :o [22:08] Oneex Foxdale: i am [22:08] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): okay [22:09] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So I basically just hung around there the rest of the summer, there was this huge castle that to me was just mega awesome and they agreed to let me furnish it. [22:09] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): But then I went to that crazy christian college that blocked all online gaming, and that kept me off SL for a few months. [22:10] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Towards the end of my time there I managed to get on with wifi at a pizza shop. [22:10] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): THat's when I started to build. [22:10] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Build as in houses, and other buildings [22:10] Tatyana Kiznetsova (kaska.czarny) is Offline [22:10] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I might still have that, lemme check. [22:11] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I don't have the first ones I made but they were crappy, basically just a bunch of rectangles with freebie textures, no account for prim limits at all. [22:12] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): At some point though, a guy hired me to build for his company. [22:12] Oneex Foxdale: o: What kind of company? [22:12] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Commission building [22:12] Oneex Foxdale: ahh (ahh) [22:12] Oneex Foxdale: derp x3 [22:13] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): The owner's still around, with a different company though. [22:13] Oneex Foxdale: oh cool [22:13] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I feel like this is wrong for some reason actually :/ but it says I was hired on February 20th 2010 (?) [22:14] Hokusai Otsuka Ronmark ( is Offline [22:14] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So my first project was to build a reconstruction of a RL church from photographs. [22:14] Hokusai Otsuka Ronmark ( is Online [22:15] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): It was honestly going pretty well, but then the comissioner wanted me to give the church a 50 meter high steeple and wouldn't take anything else. [22:15] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So the steeple would have been taller than the church itself basically. [22:15] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Like, a lot taller [22:15] Oneex Foxdale: x.x [22:16] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So I decided I didn't like doing commissions and he reassigned me to making prefabs. [22:16] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I still have those actually. [22:17] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I'll rez it on those big tank things [22:17] Oneex Foxdale: ok (ok) [22:17] Oneex Foxdale: Oo (Oo) [22:17] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Well then the guy's company went under. [22:17] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So I tried to start my own prefab business. [22:18] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): But in the month that I had a store parcel I only had one sale. [22:18] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Which was to a group of furries that included Foxtrot. [22:18] Oneex Foxdale: I see o; [22:19] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): That's the one I sold [22:19] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So, my prefab business was kinda a failure but I was hanging out with these guys. [22:20] Intus (intus.infinity) is Offline [22:20] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): One night they took me to a haunted house kinda thing which had a zombie spawner out on the lawn. [22:20] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I didn't have a gun at the time, so I had to go get a freebie. [22:21] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I forget the places name but it was really crappy, star something guns. [22:22] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): But yeah I got my first gun. [22:22] Oneex Foxdale nodnods [22:22] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Oh wait, it was Shoot the Moon guns. Really crappy stuff. [22:22] Oneex Foxdale: x3 [22:22] Oneex Foxdale: corny name, but yeah. [22:22] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Eventually shooting zombies got boring, so I went looking for combat sims. [22:23] Rob (robwolf.dragovar) has entered the region. [22:23] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I went into Ordo at one point but the layout comfused me, didn't know where to go or what to do. () [22:23] thatguy Andel is Offline [22:23] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So I started fighting at this meter sim called Velocity. [22:23] Dz Dagger has entered the region. [22:24] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): It's a pretty badly run place filled with freebie buildings, and the guns they sell there are banned pretty much everywhere. [22:24] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): But to me it was fucking amazing, I remember not wanting to go to bed and having trouble falling asleep because of how fun it was. [22:25] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): But yeah, the system they had was crappy, it took about 50 hits to die so everyone was just using dual wield spamcannons, which I wasn't willing to pay for. [22:25] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So it started to grow old. [22:26] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): At some point, Valor showed up and basically made it the Velocity regulars vs. Valor. [22:26] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Well, with the way Valor is, they eventually got into a really heated argument and left. [22:26] Rob (robwolf.dragovar) has left the region. [22:27] Oneex Foxdale: of course >.> [22:27] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): But I was interested in what Valor was, so I'll say sometime around the beginning for march 2010 I went to Valor to fight. [22:28] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I remember I was really cautious, really hid behind cover a lot, and they started taunting me. Eventually I m anaged to take the defensive guy down before dying and I guess you could say that was my first SL military kill. [22:29] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So I was interested in how that combat went so I applied to join and I got accepted pretty much immediately. [22:29] Dz Dagger is Offline [22:29] Dz Dagger has left the region. [22:29] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): And that's when I learned that there was actually a huge network of militaries that fought against each other. [22:30] Oneex Foxdale: I see [22:31] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I'd say my most memorable moment in Valor was assaulting Bloodfist from around 1 AM until 6 AM. [22:31] Oneex Foxdale: x3 jesus (x3 jesus) [22:31] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So I progressed through Valor up till the rank of Sergeant. it got to a point where I was pretty much a step away from being an officer. [22:32] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): But I was growing kinda mad with how things were run, Verissimo would pass out notecards where he would curse out othe rmilitary leaders in IMs and laugh about how dumb they were. [22:33] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): I have a notecard of IMs between Verissimo and Carlla magic [22:34] Oneex Foxdale: oh god [22:34] Oneex Foxdale: the names alone say everything x; [22:34] Oneex Foxdale accepted your inventory offer. [22:34] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): You can read that in your spare time. [22:34] Hunter Abrams is Offline [22:35] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So yeah, I started looking around for a military to join. [22:35] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So here's how that went. [22:35] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Ordo was out of the question cause I'd been turned against them by all of V's crap against them. [22:36] Footman (exterminatus.footman) is Online [22:36] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Vanguard I hadn't had much experience with but I remember they got owned when they tried to attack at Valor, but they were kinda an option. [22:37] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): Mercz was an option too, but I eventually went with 2142 because it seemed like somehow V had some respect for them. [22:37] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): And that seemed to say a lot. [22:37] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): So I resigned vrom Valor and applied for 2142, I can give you my resignation letter actually. [22:38] Oneex Foxdale accepted your inventory offer. [22:38] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): And you kinida know how it went from there. [22:38] Oneex Foxdale: yeah [22:38] Marcellus Alter (sircorn.alter): LONG STORY WAS LONG SO guys whats your stories :o
  9. The Erebus thing is true unless they're in IS tag, right? Then they're okay?
  10. I'm a student So my job is being a stud :D
  11. Qoph

    The Hitlist

    Yknow I was reading it and I thought that taking someones dogtags would be a douchy thing to do because then they might not be able to identify the body :/
  12. I wasn't gonna do that... guy probably didn't understand what I was saying anyways.
  13. -- Instant message logging enabled -- [10:52] heector Haven: hi [10:52] SirCorn Alter: Hi. [10:53] heector Haven: Sir 500ld could pass for me to buy a gun at the salesman? [10:54] SirCorn Alter: Get the freeebie gun. [10:55] SirCorn Alter: Or sleep with me, if you're clean. [10:56] heector Haven: did not liked her very 500ld need to buy a grenade frag grenade'm not good with letter c bad need of a frag and best to kill here in traces can pass? [10:56] SirCorn Alter: Whatcha doin' tonight babe? [10:56] heector Haven: rsrs [10:56] heector Haven: Please pass 500lindes [10:56] heector Haven: ? [10:57] SirCorn Alter: Please get in my bed, woman. [10:57] SirCorn Alter: Or man, either works. (Then bothers Awanken who's next to me at the time)
  14. I'm trying to start my own apartments. This is honestly a pretty big investment for me and I really wanna at least break even on it. So if any of our friends are looking for a place on SL could you send them my way?
  15. Applicant: SirCorn Alter, E-III Sesquiplicarius Qualifications: 9 months in military community, over 1 year as moderator of the Fur Affinity Forums, ~6 months ownership of a small forum (about 30 active members) I've only been a member of the Ordo for a short time (A month and a half), but I'm looking for ways to involve myself in the group more. Also, I think I would enjoy the type of work that Curia does. I've had 9 months in the military community, and although that's not much compared to some others, it has given me an understanding of how things work here and how I should proceed. As a moderator on the Fur Affinity Forums, I've had to deal with lots of furry drama, deal with troublesome users, and hand down infractions and bans. This would help me in Curia to deal with reports. If you want to contact some of the FAF mod staff about me you can. The other forum, where I was the owner, actually had the previous owner delete for forum and I had to restart it from scratch. If I'm passed over for others that have spent more time in the Ordo I would understand, but I wish to be considered for this position with the qualifications that I have given.
  16. I made Ebil Titan and Heroic Titan Ignore the image titles <_<
  17. I just literally played this all day. Let us never speak of it again.
  18. LL says it's acknowledged but my ETA on it getting fixed is approximately never.
  19. Vote up and maybe some linden will read it. Then maybe they'll fix it. Maybe.
  20. Doesn't look like a raccoon to me o.o
  21. Well, I was accepted yesterday after a bit of waiting. Before I joined Ordo, I was in 2142, and before that, I started off in Valor. I'm still pretty new, and trying to figure out how to act when. Sometimes things seem very formal, and other times very informal. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up when each is necessary. A bit of personal info, I'm known pretty much everywhere else on the internet as Qoph. My sona off of SL is a lynx, that's what my avatar here is. I'm a moderater on the FurAffinity forums; not an admin the main site yet, but I'd like to be able to do that at some point. I live a bit north of Pittsburgh, so I'm at AnthroCon almost every year. I'm at a community college right now, mostly because I hated the first college I attended and it's taking a while to put a college search back together. Anyways, I hope I can become an active member in the Ordo community.

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