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Vesper Akiri

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Everything posted by Vesper Akiri

  1. Talk to the dev heads, they confirmed that they had no idea this was going on.
  2. This isn't the first time this creator has prosecuted someone (From what i've heard anyway). This guy creates a lot of content, and as such has made quite a nice little fortune for himself.
  3. Edit: (Previous info was derp) The original creator on the nexus site, created it from scratch for use in fallout 3, as such intellectual property of that particular model belongs to the creator even though its based off something else. Simply put, he's copyrighted the mesh model, not the idea.
  5. Update: Christoph has changed his excuse, now claiming ignorant to the fact this was copied and is pinning the blame on a builder he coincidently comissioned. @Burr: He also tried to claim he took it from an anime, though as you can probably tell, this excuse failed as the model that was copied was the one on the nexus site, which is copyrighted to the creator.
  6. So, from a trusted source of information I recently found out that someone from Russia is currently pressing charges (And, are using the fullest extent of the law they can from the Russian Federation). So, whats happened? Well, you know that nice shiny new armor they have? Well, it seems that christoph didn't quite make this armor....and how do I know this? http://fallout3nexus...le.php?id=14349 Look familliar? Thats right, Christoph has directly ripped armor from and then uploaded it claiming it was his own creation, some eagle eye'd members on secondlife spot this and did what anyone would do who knew christoph....reported it right away to the content creator. As you could expect the typical excuse came across of "I made this first", but that was soon proven to be complete bs. So, expect VG to be dead soon from this, if these charges are pushed forward against christoph, he's going to be getting quite a large fine for it.
  7. So, it's finally happened, two of the biggest games known on the market have come out relatively around the same time to go head to head in the ultimate battle for the best FPS game out there to date, so far the Call of Duty series has taken this title effortlessly but lately their games have been considered lackluster or from a few other points of view, rushed. But I've been sitting here watching the obvious and predicted mud-slinging that was going to occur from such an event, but I've yet to see any laid out points of view comparing both games, so here it is! A detailed list of the Best and the Worst of these 2 games since their release this last week. So let's get this inevitable flame war started shall we? Let's begin with the current title owner of the "Best FPS of all Time", Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 The call of duty series has been around for quite a long time, only until Call of Duty 4 was it really noticed for what it is today, a fast paced action game full of grenades, RPGs and screaming kids bursting your eardrums all over your headset. Though a lot of gamers would argue that the best of the series was Call of Duty 2 which was a game I personally enjoyed quite a lot at the time, but as with the way games go, it was inevitably going to fall off the grid at some point, sadly now it's been replaced by a game that, not only repeats what we've already seen, it goes as far as to re-use what has already been done in previous titles of the same game, its pure laziness on an amazing scale, just take a look at this video submitted by Final Level Games. When I saw this, I immediately face palmed at the aspect that, not only has Activision given us the same game, they've gone as far as to reuse previous models and textures from older titles, I would have at least thought they'd take content from Modern warfare 2 as logically that would make sense, but Call of Duty 4?! ' That's just taking the piss. Now, seeing this it really made me doubt that this could be classed as the "Best FPS of all time", especially with this kind of lackluster care for the game that should be an improvement from the previous titles, so I thought "Ok, there must be something better to find about this game that would even this out" That's when I found out about dedicated servers, a huge mistake they made when they released Modern warfare 2 was to use a peer-to-peer system (Commonly used in consoles) to host online games on the PC, works for consoles as this is what consoles were designed for, but PCs? Hardware varies so much from each user that this would cause many, many problems, and it did. Though much to my happiness I found out that Modern Warfare 3 would be supporting dedicated servers, I was jumping for joy at this because I finally had that feeling that a company listened to its user base and changed something that was clearly wrong, but then that happiness soon turned to disbelief and anger, when I found out that all dedicated servers were unranked and the only way to rank up in the game was to use the peer-to-peer system that had in Modern Warfare 2. Who in their right mind would use a system that was criticized and moaned about so much on the release of a previous title, and pretty much killed it, and then just add it again in a future title securing the same fate as its predecessor, I mean seriously are these developers smoking something magical or was everyone just asleep when this idea was put forward? How can you make the same mistake with a previous title that pretty much killed it and then add it to the newest release, it logically just does not make sense whatsoever. Putting those aside, I had to continue on and look at how the game plays, how it handles and if at all, what did they change to make the gameplay different, so I went and investigated this. Much to my expectations, the game was...pretty much the same as Modern Warfare 2 in terms of graphic quality, in fact I didn't really see any difference at all in terms of graphic quality and animations, it was all the same. The killstreaks make a return to the game introducing pretty much the same things as before, nothing too amazing apart from them now being called "Strike Packages" being classed in 2 different sections, Assault and Support. Most of them would be pretty familiar to the masses who played the previous titles, such as Sentry Gun, Predator Missiles, Attack Choppers etc, though one killstreak that caught my eye was the Juggernaut, this allows you to actually be one of those oh so annoying pains in the ass and bitch slap your competitors with a riot shield until they're nothing but a bloody pulp on the floor, this amused me but I could see that the novelty would wear off after a while and cause quite a considerable amount of rage and "Nerf" requests in the game. And incase a lot of you are wondering, here's a full list of those killstreaks for all of you to see. Assault: UAV (3), Care Package (4), I.M.S, Predator Missile (5), Sentry Gun (5), Precision Airstrike (6), Attack Helicopter (7), Strafe Run (9), Little Bird Gunner (9), Reaper (9), Assault Drone (10), AC130 (12), Pave Low (12), Juggernaut (15), Osprey Gunner (17) Support: UAV (4), Counter-UAV (5), Ballistic Vests (5), Airdrop Trap (5), Sam Turret (8), Recon Drone (10), Advanced UAV (12), Remote Turret (12), Stealth Bomber (14), EMP (18), Juggernaut Recon (18), Escort Airdrop (18) So lets take a review so far, same gameplay, pretty similar killstreaks, they still have the perk system which gives the same types of perks from the previous titles, but slight changes to the names. So again I was thinking to myself, what good is there to this game that would give me any type of positive reaction to this game? The only, truthful thing I could find that really perked my interest, was changing your weapon sights on the fly, I thought that this was a very interesting a good feature to include. There's been many-a-time where you would see an enemy from far away, but you'd have to use a tiny itty-bitty red dot to try to snipe them with, but no longer will you have to do this, a quick press of a button and now you have an instant sniper/thermal scope switched onto your weapon allowing you to take them out with ease, this system is great for on the fly shooting in CQB and the nice, long distance face raping you can achieve from the long-range scopes, it adds that level of fluidity to the game which is something that really gives this game a little bit of justice for the issues that have already been found. Other than that, there really was not anything that I could truly say makes this the "Best FPS of all Time", it's the same content we've seen from previous titles with slight changes to it, the gameplay is the same, the perks and killstreaks are relatively the same given one or two new additions, I'm afraid to say that this is probably the biggest flop of all time on Activision's behalf, they made such great titles in the past in the Call of Duty series, but now it's just getting ridiculous, the amount of sales a game makes does not determine a great game, it's how long it lasts before people start returning it to the store. If I was to give any type of rating for this game, I would have to give it a 2 out of 10, reused content, same gameplay, it's just a very expensive DLC.
  8. It's not called "No-Shave November" its "Mo-vember", a month to grow moustaches for charity events, it started about 2 years ago, can't remember how but from then it just spread like wild fire and people made it an annual event.
  9. Apologies for randomly vanishing at the start of that, my internet decided to go "LOL no" .
  10. I just bought it for myself, thinking of playing it a bit later.
  11. Ask them to implant laser eye beams of doom.
  12. It's Hip Hop, therefore it's heresy.
  13. Looks like a fancy C14 Guass rifle, i'm digging it though.
  14. Anyone interested in joining Tactica, send me a notecard inworld or post in the "Apply" thread in the tactica board.

  15. I would like to play this, but I has no money, I would have some if my student loan company would stop messing up DX
  16. Version 4 was just released, took them 8 months to get it done, gives me something to do till RO2 comes out.
  17. I can happily say, yes, yes it is. The single player campaign allows you to play as either a Russian soldier or German soldier, the entire game is a free roam sortof map where there's no true linear path. />

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