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Everything posted by Iolair

  1. Yeah, strange how thing kind of come full-circle. But found my way to ArcheAge and happened to see some OI tags. So I asked Kisho. Sure enough... Well, you get the idea.
  2. This is a project that a friend of mine helped to compile, strongly recommend getting familiarized with it to ease the trade pack quest craziness: Also, timer apps for you farming folks: Android OS: Apple OS:
  3. Getting back into the swing of things.

    1. Crimson Nexys

      Crimson Nexys

      It's good seeing all the old faces as Black November approaches. If you need any other help, Just let me know :3

    2. Angelin01


      Crimson... we are still 2 months away from that. Chill, you still have to wait a LONG time.

  4. Thought I might introduce myself or re-introduce myself to some of you who known me from OI's Second Life days. My name there was "Heather McKay" and I served in the Astra and Officium Curia divisions from November 2008 through August 2012. In the gap of time between then and now, I've played Guildwars2 on the Stormbluff Isle server and I was an alpha player on ArcheAge from roughly May-August 2014. Looking hopefully to meet with old friends and make new friends, so here's to a successful future.
  5. Miss you being around "Navy Bunny". Hope you're doing well other than your hand still being bound up in a cast.
  6. Lone's the closest one to you.
  7. Syfte texted me this evening, requesting some help for a RL friend of his: So yes, Syfte's looking for a home for some furry friends, as apparently the Humane Society is not an option on Sundays. Contact Syfte directly with the phone number: (478) 235-4723 Or email the dogs' owner at [email protected] P.S. Seem like cute dogs from the picture, my cell phone is being ornery about sending the picture to the computer.
  8. Gave my mom and grandma gifts, and planning on going to an aunt and uncle's house shortly for dinner to celebrate mother's day.
  9. When we had major "Operations" (Campaigns) that lasted for hours on end.
  10. Officium Curia is looking for new lictors and consiliators at this point in time, likely three individuals in each section for a total of six new members. Requirements: Lictor/Consiliator candidates will be required to meet the following Criteria: ~ You need to be at LEAST E-4 ~Have at LEAST 4 mos in Ordo ~Have a clean record (preffered that no CIRs be present in the applicant's history with the Ordo Imperialis) ~Have a letter of recommendation from your CO/XO explaining why you are an acceptable candidate (send through notecard or forum IM to Heather McKay) ~History of sufficient activity levels to perform your duties (Active on a nearly daily basis would be preferred) Please include the following information in your reply to this post: Name: Rank: Squad: Merits/Date: Current Curricular/Extra Curricular Activities: Position you are wishing to be considered for:
  11. To explain a bit as to why this topic has arisen, in the case of someone whose application is denied, yet they are placed in CDF. Generally that is due to the person having had a degree of history with the Ordo Imperialis, or some aspect of their military history has triggered concern among one or multiple consuls. In other word, application "red flags". Rather than simply flat-out denying the individual, they are offered a chance to redeem themselves in CDF to observe how they interact with the overall Ordo Imperialis population. Sometimes this screening process works to the benefit of the applicant and they are later accepted, in other cases they have been dismissed from CDF. This is the nature of the circumstances that lead to someone being placed in CDF. As for the precise reasons they are placed there, they will not be displayed unless it pertains to a certain member of the Ordo Imperialis. Otherwise, don't ask.
  12. OK, going to bring this up here, as there have been a fair number of questions and concerns coming to me pertaining to certain individuals mixing and matching portions of their uniforms to create a certain look on their avatar. First off, I wish to present everyone with what the handbook has to say on the matter. The current edition of the handbook states the following: Now, to elaborate on what the handbook says, we are not to mix the armor sets unless they have approval from Aryte, or one of the consuls of Curia. That being said, it needs to be noted in the forums under Curia Approvals that it has been approved, please. Secondly, the mixing of uniform modifications between squads is something that is not encouraged. If you are a member of one particular alpha squad within Terra, you should either be wearing the standard UCA pieces for Terra or the squad specific armor pieces. Only those who administer to all of Cohor A may wear neutral pieces, this being the CO, XO, and Adjunct positions within the administration of Cohor A. Unfortunately regulating modifications to the uniforms of the group serves the purpose of uniformity among group members. It is disheartening to some to have a lessened form of individualism, I realize, but it does serve a purpose of identity among Ordo members. Also, we have to take into consideration each individual's choice in avatar, as some of our options do not suit everyone (as to a question I received concerning human feet vs furry feet). So that being said, at this point some of these matters are going to have to be discussed and fine tuned, I do believe.
  13. Zrazor is a magister currently. Which is kinda scary.
  14. In reference to Jayce's post of I would guess that is the infamous maglite. Ask Arokh how he chased down a protester in his hometown one day.
  15. Make sure you take your passport, Canadian-US crossings require them now, from what I've heard.
  16. This may not do it justice by any means, but it gives everyone an idea of what Aryte got. Kudos to Tsume for this.
  17. Some of you may have known Duckky Darwin, especially those of you who are former Millitant Collective members. Duckky also served in 2142 and Vanguard at different points in his career. In summary, Duckky lost his battle with cancer on June 10, 2011. A memorial was held for him in Citadel on June 16, 2011. Contents edited for readability in the forums (Content of "The Remembrance of Duckky Darwin" notecard):
  18. Officium Curia is looking for four to five new Lictors, with the soon to be implemented changes to the division. What is a lictor, you might ask? What is it that they do within the scope of Curia and the Ordo as a whole? Well, allow me to answer those questions. "Members of the Lictor staff are the backbone of Curia operations, functioning as investigators and information gatherers. Lictors are responsible for most of the day to day work within Curia, providing the Consuls with the time to focus on making judgment rulings. Lictor positions do not carry an enumerated military rank, as such any individual not dual enlisted will be classified as [E-0] unranked. Numerically, Lictor staff may be increased or decreased per the will of the Primus Consul. Appointment to the Lictor staff is done per the approval of the Primus Consul." Lictors perform the following: ~Investigations: Primarily of incoming applications directed to Curia, and the applicants. (For this aspect of the role it is essential to form relationships with individuals who have had impact on the applicant's past experiences.) ~information gathering (Again, need to be able to form relationships with various individuals who have encountered the applicant or subject of the information gathering) ~Investigate incidents and applicants to find facts, gather testimony, collect evidence, and compile a comprehensive report in a short period of time (Encouraged strongly to complete assignment within 72 hours of receiving and acknowledgment of the assignment) ~Advising Ordo Imperialis members of proper procedure in filling out a Curia Incident Report (CIR), weapons or uniform modification requests, etc. ~The lictor *may* request that a member comply with the standards of the group, but the role itself does not grant further authority to one's rank. In other words, an E-5 lictor, is simply an E-5. ~In the rare circumstance of a trial, a lictor may be asked to serve as a representative for prosecution or defense during a triumvirate. This list notes a majority of areas that a lictor may be involved in, yet may not be fully developed. The investigative process of applications and incidents tends to present its own challenges at times, so please keep this in mind when considering the role. If you have any questions, feel free to contact myself, Kristian, or to speak to a lictor to gather an idea of their role, you may talk to Kishoshima Dragonash. If you wish to apply, please note your interest below, so I can keep up with everyone who expresses interest. Asking that the applicants have been a member in good standing, with at least E-3 status. The ideal candidate would be someone who is professional and able to form relationships with parties that may be hostile towards the Ordo Imperialis.
  19. Consider this your warning, please let me know about setting up interviews. If you fail to contact myself for the Curia interview, or Trinity for the AIR interview, you will not be continuing in the trials, from my understanding. So don't be a complete procrastinator, need to get these done ASAP.
  20. Just a quick reminder, you have to attend both Curia and AiR interviews, sorry if anyone has been confused by the "contact Trinity Heckroth or Heather McKay" bit. Contact me please to set up your interview for Curia, and Trinity for your AiR interview. I'll try to accommodate on a contacting me "first come, first serve" sort of basis and online availability. So far 5 candidates have made requests for interviews.
  21. Even if they come in with an Iron Symphony tag displayed they need to be contacted and watched per orders noted above. While it is supposed to show the intent of coming around to hang out, or to tend to diplomatic matters, please still contact an Erebus member in the IS tag. It is still a possibility that the IS tag may be abused in order to bring a hostile into close range and then to attack, though this being more of a worst-case scenario.
  22. ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT <=====================Extend to this length=========================> <===========================================================> **********Meeting Report********** NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Heather McKay | O-5 | Curia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: 20 November 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: Main weekly meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: Weekly Outlook; Unit Reports; Zero Tolerance; Future Officers; Civilian Defense Force. ============================================================ CHAT LOG: Meeting Opener [18:01] Aryte Vesperia shouts: Hi everyone. Obligatory starter, as always: welcome to this week’s meeting. Per the norm, please be certain to hold all questions and comments until provided the opportunity to speak. Interruptions will result in dismissal from the gathering. When you are provided the chance to speak, be sure to /shout/ your comments or questions—otherwise the recorder may not hear you. Thank you: let’s get to it. [18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Statistics: Members: 315 Cadets: 3 Applications New: 13 Accepted: 4 Denied: 4 Review: 5 Combat Defensive: 80 Offensive: 19 Allied Assist: 0 [18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic notes for this week: activity is steady abroad, whereas our activity is off the charts. Erebus proving to be a pretty decent group to interact with. Combat bouts with them have gone really well. In fact, deploying against them was easily one of our better raids. Diplomatically, Erebus and Ordo are getting along on pretty polite standards. No major incidents to note. 2142 interactions are remarkably . . low, as of late. Same with CS. Honestly, not even sure if CS is even alive. Unit Reports: [18:04] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening? [18:04] Ethan Schuman raises his hand. [18:04] FireFox Breed rises his paw for Terra. [18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Schuman? [18:05] Ethan Schuman shouts: First, before I do anything at all, congrats to Wulf Lykin on his elevation to Aquila XO. I forget to mention that last week. Now, for Astra in general! We've been rather busy lately. Be sure to offer your condolences to members of other militaries for the loss of all of their comrades to our munitions. Detox has been popping over from time to time to keep our pilots on their toes, and hopefully he'll start bringing friends as they become available. Training overhauls continue to progress as Nrom and Trinity host training exercises and draft new material. We have builders who are busy too, with Wulf working on a plane model, but still needing someone to do the textures. Josey also proposed a set of assorted goodies for Astra members, including the helmet many of us have been wanting. Dascede and... Sebris I think? also have pieces of the ring course up, so feel free to go up there and mess around in them. However, don't pester Disembodied, as he's concepting our assault shuttle. Thanatos pilots will also [18:05] Ethan Schuman shouts: have a different kind of bomb option available to them soon, in the form of the SDB system. That's all for us this week. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you for the update. Good to hear. TO add-- huge pilot turn out yesterday for a completely random training. It was awesome. [18:06] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Breed? [18:07] FireFox Breed shouts: From Teron Gray for Antesignani: Standard week for Antesignani, the squad is active in Ordo operations and participating in the counter on Erebus, as they rudely interrupted our training schedule. The XCR is nearing completion and we are excited to hear that, a squad thank you to Keller for sticking with it for us. That's all from Ante this week. [18:07] FireFox Breed shouts: From Krow for Insidiae: Krow Ames has become the CO of Insidiae with Winterz Silverfall as his XO. Three new members have been added to the squad. Recruitment is still on going for more members. Activity has gone up a lot. We have had our first squad meeting and started doing squad raids. Planning to start some organized squad training and joint training with other squads once we have our piece of equipment from Keller. [18:07] FireFox Breed shouts: From Eriksson for Invictus: Tremendous overall activity this week. A pleasant joint operation took place on Wednesday, November 17th with a good chunk of Invictus present in attendance. The raid went extremely well and all squads showed excellent teamwork. On an entirely different note: I'd love to welcome the following into Invictus: Andriste Nesiote, Bradley Petrov, and Pr0wer Miles! These three individuals were chosen for their excellent character and passion for close quarters combat. Please congratulate them when you have the chance! This leaves one final open slot in Invictus! As a small insider note for Invictus: Be on the look out in the notices for a few schedules that'll be distributed to develop a solid training routine! This concludes this week's report for Invictus! [18:07] FireFox Breed shouts: From Typhon for Cohors B: Things appear to be slowing down, mostly for Cohors B-1. Other then that no big changes between this week and the last week. Might want to take a closer look in to how things are going for B-1. B-3 Appears to be getting out of it's curse of late, the one on one meetings could be helping with that. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome, thank you. Any additional reports? [18:09] FireFox Breed shouts: As for Terra in general things are going well. The Terra Adiutor group will be coming back to life shortly. This time it will contain the command nco and officers of Terra. It will be to help improve real time communication between them. [18:09] FireFox Breed shouts: N that is all. [18:09] Aryte Vesperia snickers. ".. annnyone else?" [18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Ms. Mousehold? [18:10] Corsi Mousehold shouts: For Tactica: Well now. A fun fun fun time in the military community. We got word that Unit Himitsu had not comitted seppuku they just have no builder and no sim. They assure me they will have both a builder and a sim soon. BSM has a new sim named (Uniquely) BSM Land ... Never would have guessed. First looks are it's going to be a lot of fun there to be honest. Report is already in and up in the folders. Order of Aurora is disbanded and should have a replacement group soonish. Those in the Opposing Forces group already know this. Black Rain Army is also gone so we have lost BRA as a viable target. Chaos Company has appeared in the sim Wooden Bay and are currently under construction. Contacts with Chthonic Syndicate note they are delayed in reopening because they had to rebuild their rebuild as it was being rebuilt because the build was ... ... You get the idea. Black Scorpion Mercinaries also reopened this week! Tactica's already for a report in there too. In short, lots of activity in the community this week [18:10] Corsi Mousehold shouts: ! There's still one slot open for the group as well and we are looking to fill it. Contact myself or Huttser Ishelwood for details. This concludes the report for Tactica. [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: .. haha. Thank you for the update! [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Any additional reports? Zero Tolerance is in effect: [18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Awesome. Moooving on. [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: As I said, going to fly through these tonight. Pardon me if I'm brief. Haha. [18:13] Aryte Vesperia: > Zero Tolerance Period [18:14] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you who were present last night-- you likely already saw the topic being posted. Starting yesterday, the Ordo has entered a "ZT period." These occur from time to time, often for the sake of . . well, keeping people on their toes. [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Zero tolerance periods are essentially shape up time: throughout the duration, any offense is treated as a step more severe. The intent is to remind everyone about key areas and to ensure behavior continues to remain strong. There is really nothing to fret about-- simply, continue doing what you do every day, but be sure to stick to the basics: no purposeful friendly fire, be sure to follow officer/OIC commands, so on and so forth. Also brush your teeth, eat your greens. Etc. Officer Applications and Promotions soon: [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: Next uuup~ [18:15] Aryte Vesperia: > Elevations for existing officers tonight. [18:16] Aryte Vesperia: With the promotion round, I will be nudging officers into ranks that fit their current positions. It's an overdue adjustment of rank, especially to clear up positions for the induction of junior officers. [18:18] Aryte Vesperia: If you're a senior NCO, don't get too excited. There's still plenty of work to be done. I do intend to begin appointing personnel as early as this weekend-- however the individual in question was aleady vetted for the role. We will start going over the O-1 applications here soon. [18:19] Aryte Vesperia: > Kudos on raid leadership. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: This week has been a very impressive demonstration of the deployment of qualified raid leaders. We have pulled in a strong increase of deployments. Thank you to everyone who participated and who led a deployment this week. [18:20] Aryte Vesperia: We will continue pushing for a higher number. I would love to increase overall offensives by another 50%. That said, I still have several folks to finish class with. Otherwise, kudos to you all. It's really awesome to see us getting out there without having to rely on the usual suspects to lead a raid, hah. Civilian Defense Force: [18:21] Aryte Vesperia: > CDF. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Crash Silverfall has tasked me to announce the "Civil Defense" portion of the Civilian group is open and accepting applications. It's .. pretty rare that any application would be accepted, however if you've any friends in the civilian group who may enjoy giving SL combat a shot, feel free to nudge them to apply. [18:22] Aryte Vesperia: The application is in the hub. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: For those who have no idea what the CDF is: it's essentially a "try out SL combat if you're a civilian!" Basically, we will permit trusted civilians to participate in defense with light weapons. [18:23] Aryte Vesperia: IE: expendable conscripts. [18:24] Aryte Vesperia: Participation in the CDF will be very clearly marked-- with a special civilian title and Mercury denotation. If anyone is added as given permission to participate, it'll be widely announced. It will also be rather limited. We want to encourage folks to, well, join, rather then be a civilian. Haha. [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Questions before we move on? [18:25] Huttser Ishelwood raises paw [18:25] Aryte Vesperia: Ishelwood? [18:25] Typhon Perun raises a hand. [18:26] Huttser Ishelwood: Will CDF members be required/recomended to be on vent for permited defensives? and are there any rulings prohibiting them joing in offensives? [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Hm, Civilians can basically join Vent on request. SO no problem there. As for permission: it is .. well. Possible, but not recommended. [18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Perun? [18:28] Typhon Perun: Would former Ordo members that still wish to fight along side Ordo qualify for CDF? [18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Errr .. that'd be more of an Aeternus thing. But possible! [18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions? [18:31] Aryte Vesperia: All righty. Reminder of the Officer post and closing: [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: I did have one other topic .. however it appears the majority of you already read the post. So I'll spare you all! If you've not read it, however, please give it a look! Especially if officer status is something that interests you down the road: [18:32] Aryte Vesperia: [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: That said, I am going to set you all free. Thank you for coming to an amazingly short meeting. It'll probably never happen again. Promotions will be up this evening. I am running off, so please hold IMs to me! I'll be back this evening. I'm late to a dinner, haha. [18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Raid will be handled. I believe I have multiple volunteers. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you and have a wonderful night if I don't see you when I'm back. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed and be well. [18:34] Aryte Vesperia clasps his fist to his chest, presenting a salute.
  23. Several individuals have expressed interest in joining Curia to me. At this point in time, Curia is seeking two individuals for the entry position of lictor. Expectations for this position are listed below. [Lictor]: Members of the Lictor staff are the backbone of Curia operations, functioning as investigators and information gatherers. Lictors are responsible for most of the day to day work within Curia, providing the Consuls with the time to focus on making judgment rulings. Lictor positions do not carry an enumerated military rank, as such any individual not dual enlisted will be classified as [E-0] unranked. Numerically, Lictor staff may be increased or decreased per the will of the Primus Consul. Appointment to the Lictor staff is done per the approval of the Primus Consul. Duties include, but are not limited to: • Review applications and incident reports for foundation; • Operate within the orders of the Curia Consuls; • Interview applicants assigned to Curia; • Investigate applicants to find facts, gather testimony, collect evidence, and compile a comprehensive report in a short period of time (72 hours max); • Act, if necessary, as a representative for prosecution or defense during a triumvirate trial; • Assist members in preparing incident reports, if necessary; • Provide specific knowledge on the law, application process, etc; • Cooperate with Schola staff to determine which applicants require Curia review; • Report infractions to the Consul for review; • Assist in assigned duties, with Consul oversight; • Assist the Consul in administrating examinations on regulations to the general members; • Act as a representative for assigned applicants, advocating their position and the position of the Ordo to arrive at a highest level of justice; • Review documents within the Ordo for accuracy and consistency with current regulations and paradigm; including Terra, Astra, etc. For those who are interested in filling this position, please post a reply to this post and a brief statement about yourself, and the qualifications you have for filling this position, which you will be interviewed at a later date.

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