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Faril Iredell

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Everything posted by Faril Iredell

  1. Adding an original Playstation to my list! WOOO THRIFT STORES. I was always envious of my neighbor's PS, Tony Hawk was so much better on his console and he got to play Crash Bandicoot. >..>
  2. :clap: Greatest thing since Alien Homonid
  3. D'awww min-pin! :thumbsup: I have a small ancient one of those at home, I miss him. adorable!
  4. Ok Original flavor Xbox (two of them, one has a dead DVD drive) Nintendo 64 (my first console, I love this thing like a child) SNES (got it on ebay, has the boxes and manuals still) NES (got this on EBAY too, also has box and manuals, plastic baggies, and some pretty hilarious 80's "high-tech" game ads) Sega Saturn (got this to play 90's arcade games, only ebay console that doesn't have the box or docs) Gameboy Color (Got this for christmas in 1999 or something, never played it exept for pokemon yellow) Looking to get an Atari 2600 and a Genesis, and maybe a few other novelty oddities like a Game Gear or a Sega CD once I get the Genesis or something. Playstation- Picked it up at a thrift store for 16 bucks, returning the one I stole while my friend was drunk.... Post yours!
  5. Sentry goes there, build ur dispenser next to it so demoman can't blow it up as easy. :thumbsup:
  6. It's OK, we're gonna have fun....
  7. I totally took that picture he used to live in a treehouse.
  8. Since I prolly won't get to go to AC. I will most likely be there! :3
  9. "Yo put da' tupac tape on, let dat play for da last 3 minutes..." Best sermon ever.
  10. I feel lazy now, I am taking as little math as I possibly can while still getting a bio degree...
  11. I will still molest you at AFF :w00t: , you cannot run!
  12. I want you to be my everlasting snowmew! <3
  13. Hey, just because VG was of ill repute doesn't mean that being a member of their high command stands for nothing! Welcome!
  14. Josey for training me on the Admonitor, and Sosarin for volunteering to be the infantry practice target for cruise missile training....
  15. Last time I was in Elshout I was asked to disarm, drop the tag, and get out of uniform. However, this is still much better then the time before that where I was spawncamped by a Talon and yelled at by Luca so I guess things are much friendlier. :P
  16. nothing at all... nothing at all.... nothing at all...... STUPID SEXY ARYTE!
  17. I feel better being trapped in a dorm room with a smelly French anime nerd now.... :o
  18. I have some awesome builds that I never got to sell because Lehane didn't want to pay me enough for them....

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