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ribena Homewood

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Everything posted by ribena Homewood

  1. Brb e-mailing Stephen Hawking, he'd do this in two seconds. That $2000 is mine.
  2. What's next? The Imperator Sea?
  3. FFF I'M LATE. Anyway, I've never heard of forums. Strange. Sorry. :J
  4. Omg. Why are you so evil? Jerk. >:(
  6. I'd like to thank mysel- . . . I'd like to thank Scientific Waffle for being awesome and not being afraid of anything.
  7. One time, at band camp, I played the song of Se- Oh forget it.

  8. You use paper as an eyepatch? Omg cheap.

  9. RR vendor. NEVER WILL GET OLD. D:< I know you haven't forgot it. Oh, the good old 2007 at Armory Island . . . Shouting at French people who ask (continually) for the M700 AICS. Oh yeah.
  10. I will build you the best waffle. Ever. Like. EVAR. It'll be a cube with an amazing waffle texture on all sides. OMFG NOW WITH SIX SIDES - THE WAFFLE OF ALL WAFFLES. 1500L$ plz thx
  11. Welcome! (stay away from Aryte - he's violent)
  12. Welcome. I hope you enjoyed the boring phases I gladly gave you. :D srsly
  13. I'm back, I'll be online tomorrow when I can be bothered to reinstall Second Life (I reinstalled Windows). "I hope you choke on your beast roast. (Have fun!)" -Aryte I choked on some bacon. Lol. Second morning there, too! :( Cursed for life. thx
  14. About time. :D Welcome aboard, Crash! I give you uber cool secret bottles of Ribena with added (unknown) beer! <3
  15. Alright then. I'll be setting off on holiday tomorrow to Torquay! Just thought I'd tell you all again. Have a good week stressing out with the filming whilest I'm eating a 'beast fry up', somebody knows what I'm talking about. Lol. Have a good week. And! Please PM the meeting logs to me if you haven't put it up on the forums. Danke! Rib And no, Sera. I found out the hotel doesn't supply an internet connections. :( Jerks.
  17. Heaven on Earth. Thanks Sci. Thanks alot.
  18. Read it. The idea is nice, but the I personally dislike the concept too. It's a little large, and I also think it would make people think twice about joining up. That's my opinion.
  19. Well found. Pretty much same animations and ideads; but atleast they make their films enjoyable for poeple of all ages. I love Disney films! I guess I never grew up.
  20. I stayed up until 7AM last night, training a cadet. D:< THANKS DASCEDE.


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