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Trevor Russell

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Posts posted by Trevor Russell

  1. Streak Bender wrote:

    Aryte does not work at a bank.

    He works on Level 26 in the pentagon.

    The robber was actually a terrorist and Aryte is Bravo Leader-00.

    When he said he tripped the alarm, he meant he put the terrorist in an arm bar until he tapped out and surrendered.

    And by FBI he means Fun Bitches Incorporated...They threw him a party.

    And by quizzes he meant sex.


  2. [21:21] Second Life: Your object 'Object' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by Mizar Korobase from parcel 'Chronus: Training Fields' at Chronus 128, 128 due to parcel owner return.

    [21:22] Trevor Russell: MEANIE

    [21:22] Trevor Russell: ;_;

    [21:22] Mizar Korobase: :<

    [21:23] Trevor Russell: what did that object ever do to you...cut off in its prime, it can no longer live a happy life. Dreams of little baby prims, shattered, all for your selfish needs. how does that make you feel, huh?

    [21:24] Mizar Korobase: It was a heretic. I feel warm inside. But not nearly as warm as it's last moments of prim life.

    [21:24] Trevor Russell: :o

  3. [13:21] Gunau Sodwind: the day it is made known that i am actually the emperator

    [13:21] Gunau Sodwind: is the day

    [13:21] Gunau Sodwind: that i make trevor the imperator

    [13:21] Gunau Sodwind: because fuck getting worshiped

    [13:21] Gunau Sodwind: by furries

    [13:21] You: :o

    [13:21] DamionStJames Webb: Awww, what about just worshiped by me?

    [13:21] DamionStJames Webb: Remember you get divine ranks

    [13:22] Gunau Sodwind: well...yeah..but like

    [13:22] You: so like...there is a difference between emperator and imperator?

    [13:22] Gunau Sodwind: yes

    [13:22] Gunau Sodwind: when aryte is in his submissive mode

    [13:22] Gunau Sodwind: when his "woman" isaround

    [13:22] Gunau Sodwind: he's the emperator

    [13:23] You: extension, I am your dominant form?

    [13:23] Gunau Sodwind:

  4. Hello and welcome aboard Comrade Aluveaux. If you are looking for something in SL combat much different from the norm, might I recommend you consider joining Navis?

  5. As the Warrant Officer of Navis, I am pretty sure if you ask Ethan or Aryte, both will say "No." Except on very rare exceptions, we don't allow non-ordo planes. The same will hold true for ships. We have our ships for several reasons. If you join Navis, you will use our ships. Also, <3 you for considering Navis.


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