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Trevor Russell

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Everything posted by Trevor Russell

  1. Remember kids, atmoic bombing (you know, since that happens all the time), poulliton, slugde, ivory, straving in acfrica, and other proble is bad. Oh and your a "lower people." Remember kids, the only way to counter atomic bombing is to recylce and ride bikes!
  2. Wait, what? What does this have to do with the current thread, or any of the posts therein?
  3. omfgasdf... Pandora, aelus said it, pandora... I'm surprised aelus, you didnt suggest "Janus"
  4. Titan is Greek.
  6. This is true. However, as much rarely happens in off hours, this is usually the time devoted to projects, development, and other stuff that cannot be done during primetime. Keep this in mind. Also, positions are appointed usually as needed. when the sim has been quiet for hours, people aren''t going to see a need for establishing OIC, let alone GDO. Not saying they shouldn't. just explaining reasoning.
  7. well, it should take longer, aren't there only 20 levels?
  8. I kinda sum up my response: "PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN" then I talked about ordo...and mercz...and an...basically saying, fox, no. we are nice, our policy makes sense, bye bye now.
  9. (speechless for now, more to come later)
  10. Katsuhito, may I ask what your character name is, so as I may find you?
  11. nice, he seemed to have done some editing...since one of his statements is in with yours, Kristian. Also, Kristian, did you really use that little punctuation?
  12. I know there are a lot of Warhammer people in ordo, as well as several people now playing Age of Conan BUT! I just got Guild Wars. Is there anyone in ordo who also has/plays this game? Forgive me for being cheap, and going for the game that does require additional payment once you buy it. Anyone?
  13. VDV by Alexander Buinov...its a song about russian paratroopers. I remember when Lurdan first found it, back in the Mercz.
  15. Well, if this is a time for applying, I am willing to through my name in. I served in the Merczateers for several months, got up to O-3, and while Kristian may have a better Merczateers resum
  16. Correction, that night, we used your own base to defend against multiple armies, in such a way that Sparta has never done. We had 95% control for most of the time there, and 100% control of the sim for extended periods of time. Short of having estate controls, we controlled the sim. Also, no one has really controlled Titan. I wonder why... B) Oh? So you prefer people who are willing to nuke their own sim, people who justify the tactic of spamming grenades for the sake of a kill, who use suicide bombing as a legitimate and official tactic, who rez over 9000 mines in anticipation of the enemy, who ban people at whim for no apparent reason, who rez mines right under the feet of hostiles, when they themselves are no where near the hostiles, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. May I refer you back to what you complained about in the first place, and I justified, that is, "fair and honorable"? We shall see.
  17. Do we have a liasion to the Merczateers?
  18. Empire >> Kingdom. This pretty much sums up this ENTIRE thread.
  19. I hate all the drama about glow. It one little thing. The manual allows it to an extent, end of story. Good night.
  20. Haha, if you ACTUALLY read Kristian's post, he mentioned that no one does this, lemme quote: We do. A lot. In fact, MOST of our attacks are small. Then, for us, 10 is small. That night, there were 20. Aryte referred to it as "half-strength." While I appreciate your concern for "fairness" we also have to think of morale. If we only took a really small group (whatever tiny size you would feel comfortable with) most of our soldiers would be bored, antsy, et cetera. As it is, when Aryte gives the call for a raid, the list fills up in seconds, and there are always leftovers. I served in the Merczateers for a time. They didn't always win against the AN. Before that, I served in TCG. Frequently, they didn't win. It was still fun. When both sides don't cheat (and I mean serious cheating, like tracking missiles, giant grenades (CSL once had 20m radius grenades), et cetera), combat has always been enjoyable. You know what isn't fun? Bickering, whining, SL military drama. All I have to say is: We boycotted AN's tracking missiles in the name of fair and honorable, while dispensing with ours. We participated (and continue to) in the STABLE II deliberation, in the name of fairness and honor. The other day, when occupying the CSL base, we removed the shotguns, machine guns, and rocket launchers, and limited ourselves to semi-automatic pistols for the sake of fairness and honor. We keep our Eternity-class fleet ships out of the air except in the harshest of situations, for the sake of fairness and honor. We land praedas when the enemy is not strong (or airborne), for the sake of fairness and honor. NOOOO CHARLES!!!GET OUT OF MY HEAD CHARLES!!! But seriously, what voice is that? The one saying, "lets not use the same tactics everyone else does"? Or the one saying "HAY GUISE, LETS LET THE SPARTANS WIN FOR ONCE LOLOL!"? Back on the "fair and honorable" part, I don't know why they are there, but as they are not permitted for use (except on shielded opponents, not riot shields, one-way shields), when I asked Aryte about it, he said something to the effect, that he prefers seeing his soldiers use the self-control they are capable of (back on the honor and fairness thing). As for the rest, I won't bother quoting, because it is moot given my previous reasoning, or it is just whining some more, and putting some fancy rhetoric which really doesn't apply, since you made few concrete points, which were all countered. Finally: LOLWUT? This sounds funny, like when the Iron Symphony boycotted AN, except Sparta has much less political power than the Iron Symphony.
  21. Vae Victus vs. ANS Persistence of Memory would be epic, though...
  22. Maybeh I'll go...only if I knew people... Undoubtedly...

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