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Trevor Russell

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Everything posted by Trevor Russell

  1. This is, quite possibly, the most asinine thread to date, my good sir.
  2. Which is why I change my profile to say the following: For those of you who do not know satire, there it is.
  3. That is a good article. I relate to it ENTIRELY (as I am sure many of us do). Interestingly, Second Life attracts the introverts. As much as one would think that the community would drive away the introverts, in fact it does not. In general, an introvert may find the physical detachment more appealing, as well as the mobility, and, most of all, the ability to turn it off. In contrast, an extrovert (as many of my extroverted friends do) may find the lack of physical connection rather cold. In fact, most people I know do not understand why I spend so much time in online reactions.
  4. No. Talk to me, not Trevor. I planned the designs for all the ships in the "Fleet of Tomorrow" Project. ALSO, Had you looked at the Navis forums you probably would have noticed the MULTIPLE threads about the new ship designs. I don't know about the rest of you, but I read ALL new posts in ALL forums. It would be wise for others to do the same. *cough* Tsume, you weren't the only one who worked on that...*cough* But yeah, talking to either of us would work. I haven't seen Tsume on in a while, need to talk tom him about stuff. Also, he means on this website (since there are multiple forums). Which I do as well (not for info, but for mod purposes).
  5. Why do you need it to be 64 bit anyways?
  6. Looks like just another WoW clone...*sighs* *in before people start saying "OMG NO IT'S NOT, SO I WILL GIVE A 4 PAGE ESSAY ON THE DIFFERENCES"* :D
  7. Jeez, this was a place for people to say "yeah, i was in AN2". Not quite sure why we are posting a ton random AN-related documents.
  10. New main discussion, go. Divisional appointees/volunteers, please summarize your goings on. From Navis: Eazy101 Wilber is fully trained. Vladimus Nikolaidis is in the midst of training. Others on list, i have not forgotten you. The building competition is going smoothly still, deadline is mid-October. Personally, school work stating to pile in, so I may not be on as much X_X. Those of you with free time, especially those waiting to be trained, please be patient, as MANY other officers have asked.
  11. 3 out of 3 members of Departmento Exterminatus prefer the Benelli M3 over any other weapon in the armory.
  12. Not quite. It is designed to recreate the energies present 90 nanoseconds after the big bang. This energy is still low compared to the energy at t=0. For instance, an Active Galactic Nucleus is far more powerful than any particle accelerator now, and in the forseeable future (possibly more than man can do, but I cannot know for sure).
  13. In my living room, studying with my mother in the 6th grade (I was homeschooled for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade). The phone rang, my mom stopped, got up, and walked over an picked it up. We had been reading aloud, so my studying was on hold for the time. She remained collected, but there was a note of seriousness in her voice as my grandmother broke the news. As soon as she got off the phone, she started calling Will, my brother (who was in class at Florida State University at the time). Because he was in class, he could not be reached. My mom was a little more distressed now. She called the school, and insisted that he be called out of class. She was tranferred to multiple people, all trying, almost frantically to get in contact with him (it was his first year out of the house). Finally, she got in contact; he already knew. She wanted him off campus, anywhere, but not on one of the largest campuses in the state, within view of the state capitol building. After she got off the phone, she came in, calmly (a fast transition from the fraught voice I had heard moments ago) and sat down. She informed me, in the most sensitive yet lifeless voice she could manage (she is a social worker, so she is good at this). The TV was not turned on the entire day, as protection.
  14. [21:55] Trinity Heckroth force hugs you. [21:55] You: aww... [21:55] Vladimus Nikolaidis: What is it with AN people and forced physical contact? I'm sensing a trend. [21:55] Trinity Heckroth: Vlad [21:55] Vladimus Nikolaidis: :> [21:55] Trinity Heckroth: you love it when I forcibly touch you. [21:55] Trinity Heckroth: >.o
  15. We will be taking any good FAQs and posting them in the FAQ section. Don't know where this is? Look in the Navigation Box, at left.
  16. Very true. Due to the javascript delay, most PCs and their connections won't go that fast. Mine won't, Brand new Dell on a shared T1.
  17. Unoriginality? Hah. What is interesting, is that as this is the most extensively modified AV, it allows for such a wide variety of uniqueness. Eye shape and most of the muzzle are about all that is the same across the board. Plus, these AVs tend to fit with human-based attachments (i.e. hats) much easier than other furry AVs.
  18. HERESY! PURGE! *ahem* as serious as I bay be... LOL WUT?
  19. Aelus Janus stars in: PRAETORIAN PSYCHO O_O i must see this movie now.

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