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Aeriese Descenna

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Everything posted by Aeriese Descenna

  1. Yup, slap some Ordo crosses on it and we should be good to go <:D
  2. Yessir. I'd like to note that Syl has a lovely pic on her forum profile ^.^
  3. Heh, I was thinking the same thing. The king of what?
  4. Hey guys. I'm not going to point any fingers at people, but I'm getting tired of people wearing music players or putting them out. Despite some of the music being good, you're essentially gesture spamming and it needs to stop. if you want to share your music, post URLs in Vent, on the forums etc.
  5. [18:02] Krin Redgrave: ordo rum flask ftw? [18:02] Aeriese Descenna: deciding [18:02] Aeriese Descenna: Oh yes [18:02] Krin Redgrave: its "Holy Water" not rum >.> [18:02] Aeriese Descenna: Nothing like some dude drinking from a flask before he climbs into a powersuit [18:02] Krin Redgrave: lololol [18:03] Krin Redgrave: its the epitomy of badass ami right [18:03] Aeriese Descenna: I destroy my enemies better when I'm drunk [18:03] Krin Redgrave: lulz [18:03] Krin Redgrave is bored [18:03] Aeriese Descenna: and feast on their souls to cure my hangover from the previous battle [18:03] Krin Redgrave: o_0 [18:03] Krin Redgrave: o..........kay
  6. ... you know what...? sod it... im going to offer a selection of the following... green blue red and orange... no other colors... so dont bother asking or complaining about it... be glad i have decided to do this... Thankies Sera. We appreciate that you're willing to do this for us :3
  7. If he can't fly around with his wings, he may as well use jet engines. Gratz So!
  8. When she accused me of saying this in vent, I honestly didn't remember saying it and I'm happy about that x3
  9. I hope you enjoy your break, but I look forward to having you back with us ^.^
  10. I wonder what kid of ass-backwards weapon restriction we should place on Merczateers in Titan? I realize that it's their base and their rules, but what's their issue with Fairlight?
  11. Heh, I remember when Aryte asked me to replace the nekkid pic of myself on my profile x3
  12. Hey guys, as the leader of this OCTET, I want you to know that if you questions or concerns about your time with the Ordo, you have my ear. Please feel free to drop me a line in SL. This is the upgraded list as far as I know [COHORS B; CENTURY 1; OCTET 2] Aeriese Descenna Akurei Sieyes Boggen Johin Cody Serapis Eli Paule Endra Ashbourne Inouva Dagostino Kazuhiro Schnyder Mack Rachter Nevin Korobase Priest Foxley Rose Eucken Scoob37 Zenovka Sykes Furse Tex Hatfield
  13. Hey guys, i amanged to find the fix for it. Thanks for trying ^.^ If anyone else has the same issue, here's a fix WORKAROUND: Disable (uncheck) Advanced->Rendering->Features->"Palettized Textures" in the advanced menu (ctrl + alt + 'D') and rebake your avatar (Ctrl + Alt + 'R'). You may need to re-wear your clothing that is misbehaving and rebake yet again if at first try it doesn't solve the issue. Note: It may take a little bit for the server to refresh your baked textures if there are lots of avatars around or the sim is laggy. Future versions of the viewer will have this fixed and not require these steps every time you log in. Also, some people are still experiencing related bugs even though they are doing the workaround, we've been able to reproduce this internally and the permanent fix that doesn't require the work-around seems to also address these remaining issues. If the workaround doesn't work, try switching to older drivers not affected by the bug (if you can).
  14. Hey guys, I'm having a pretty bad issue in second Life. I cannot modify clothing items and I'm having issues like grey pants I can't remove. I'm told that there's something from Linden labs I can download to fix what is apparently an issue with the NVIDIA drivers, but I haven't been able to find it yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'll keep hunting
  15. What does this remind you of? :P
  16. I've been going over this in my head for a little while now, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm not cut out for the position of Curia lictor. This is mostly due to my first life schedule preventing me from from spending many afternoons on Second Life. My job schedules me full time from four in the afternoon to one in the morning and this is a time when most applicants seem to be online. In addition to work, I also have real-life relationships that need my attention and my only consistent free-time is about five hours after work. I do want to say that I was very flattered when asked to join Curia and I remain so, but I just don't have the time to commit to my duties as a lictor. I should be replaced with someone who can promptly turn in reports and be around to interview people. I want to thank a lot of people but especially Aryte who suggested the position to me and Kitsy Bunnghug who has been patient enough to not fire me outright. I look forward to continuing to serve everyone in the Ordo as a proud NCO of Antesignani but I cannot remain a lictor
  17. Come to think of it, I'll pretty much try any drink that isn't poisonous, a bodily fluid or Dr. Pepper at least once
  18. Both at the same time, no doubt. For me it's... Dark beer, wine (red,white whatever) Nearly any kind of juice (orange juice ftw), purified water, any fruit-flavored soda, Coca-Cola, Pepsi products, milk in cereal, coffee and it's cousins

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