I've written at length on this topic directly to command several times in the past, mostly because I revel in mischief and try to explain my actions and what motivates me to act certain ways. It's a very controversial topic when discussed within a highly structured social environment with definitive regulations on behavior, however there is always a "grey area" when it comes to actually applying those regulations. As Ruin stated, there's always a place and time for these things, and the way to handle the situation is never clear cut from case to case. Unfortunately for those of us who enjoy being mischievous, the law or regulation is always the end-all definitive last word in all cases, the only matter of whether or not the law or regulation is applied is if someone decides to act upon them. This is simply put that anyone, at any time, can decide that they don't particularly approve of an action another is doing, and depending on their morals, disposition and sadly, sometimes self-interest, they can either turn a blind eye and play along with what's going on, or they can apply their right to report infractions. It sucks, but it happens, but it's the right of every individual to do so. It falls upon the person causing the mischief or disturbance to be accountable for their own actions, and be responsible enough to realize that they are, in fact, breaking the law or regulation, and that at any time they can be subject to corrections and/or punishment. I don't mean to sound like a complete stiff or a rulebook thumper, as I'm probably the worst role model for upholding regulation, but the subject is always in the back of my mind. I often cause a LOT of disturbance whenever I'm on Titan, but I know that there is a time and place for such things and it helps to keep mental notes on who does and does NOT appreciate my antics and to respect their stand on such things. I don't like turncoats either, but I realize that it can happen and I just deal with it the best I can when it does. And it's happened quite a few times! Vulgar language or teasing is never a good idea, but it's easily digested in smaller groups with close friends rather than a large audience of people who may or may not know the person speaking. We're a huge group with a wide variety of ethnicities, morals and cultural backgrounds, so it never hurts to be civil even if others are not. It's twisted, it's ugly, and often times completely unfair. But that's the law, and that's the way it works. Sorta. jesus christ tl;dr grey areas are a mess