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Ron Bleac

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Posts posted by Ron Bleac

  1. "Death is the termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism."

    - Common fucking sense.

    Sky burial is the ancient religious practice of leaving the dead out in the open for vultures and other animals to consume. Prior to the ritual, "body breakers" or Rogyapa attend the scene of the ritual to break the body appart to allow for easier consumption. The process is brutal, involving knives, mallets and heavy bladed objects. Squadron #13556, completed training courses and familiarization in 44,407. #13556 was renamed to Rogyapa Flight after the battle of Planet Teotoburg by the only surviving member, Centurion T. Hatgui Andil. Deployed to the Wars of Silence in 44,409 to serve with the Orcanus Class Capital Dreadnought Gloria Lua, carrying the emperor Paul Xerxes Vesperia. Rogyapa Flight quickly built a reputation for their absolute loyalty, never questioning or disobeying an order, it became the home for political or religious radicals used for the most dangerous of missions, often with no chance for survival. People didn't join Rogyapa Flight to experience adventure, enjoy the large payments of Imperial credits or get all the chicks. People joined Rogyapa Flight to die, so command would always send them to where they could do exactly that.

    44,409 was no different.

    Aboard the Imperial Flagship Gloria Lua preparations are in full swing as the ship and its crew on their way to engage with the largest Juthungi force encountered in recent times. 1,200 ships including battleships, destroyers, cruisers, frigates and fortress ships stand by to engage with a force three times the size of their own. A Juthungi force commanded by an extremely competent and carismatic leader by the name of Hiemerstahl awaits on the death world of Tännhauser. The Gloria Lua is a massive ship by all standards, the main armament consisting of eight automatic 1200MM two-barreled turrets on the very front with thirty decks in between to absorb shock. Or the 600 smaller turrets dotted around the gargantuan hull in "small" star shaped formations. The ship itself is a large disc, with engines at the back, crew quarters for housing the 12,000 crewmen at the bottom decks, the fully armored and shock absorbant bridge at the front, factories for producing armored vehicles, ammunition and other necessities situated on the sides with separate hangars for reception of materials directly below them. In addition, towards the rear end of the ship are the 16 Massfunker produced engines meant for pulling moons out of orbit powering the maneuvering ability of the battlehulk. These huge engines functioning on power derived from fusion power not just the maneuvering of the ship, but all electrical appliances on board. The ship depends on its engines for life. But most of all, the ship depends on its captain, Xerxes Vesperia and the 2,000 fighter pilots onboard. Dominatum Astra, the Emperor's talons, protect the ship from all external harm.

    "Flight has been transferred to the base ship and is standing by for CAP missions for the fleet, m'lord."

    - "Roger that. This is the XO speaking. All combat stations prepare to report. FTL?"


    - "Weapons?"


    - "Tactical?"


    - "Engineering?"


    - "Damage control?"


    - "Main armaments?"

    "Online and ready for battle, M'lord. Top guns experiencing problems with operation, but all other guns standing by for battle. 1200MM armor piercing with nuclear warheads loaded and hot. Standing by to remove all further safeguards."

    - "Remove safeguards and secure all blast doors on all decks."

    As the safeguards to the main shells are removed, the ship creaks with dread as the crew stands by for what could possibly be a very violent death. 12,000 men sit still and stare at the empty hallways, but luckily enough nothing happens. The shells are now armed and hot, ready to plunge into any and all enemy targets that the barrels are directed towards. 1200MM of pure brutal power. If one was to look out of the viewing decks, they would see an endless amount of ships stretching from horizon to horizon in empty space. 1,200 fleetships standing by for what could possibly be their final battle, waiting for the order to drop into Tännhauser airspace and engage the Juthungi fleet waiting on the surface of the planet.

    Triplicarius Hatgui awaits in one of the armories on the 126th deck, the closest armory to the bridge. He along with a platoon from the 385th Infantry Cohors, Century 122 have been assigned to protect the bridge from boarding action as well as helping with damage control. Hatgui had donned his UCA belt along with his standard BDU and fighting vest upon his pressurized flight suit. The ship is bustling with activity and the armory experiences a constant flow of soldiers preparing their weaponry. From Milites to Praefectus, troops are picking up fresh ammunition and weaponry, stripping the cupboards bare from anything that might be of use to them in the coming battle. Each armory carries a standard of 100,000 rounds of ammunition of all shapes and sizes, 16 different types of weaponry and several tanks to use inside the ship itself. Seeing as the corridors are nearly 12 meters wide each with several transportable facilities on each side, tanks will no doubt be of great use. At will, these tanks could also be dropped onto the surface of the planet, which they will no doubt have to do as well.

    While Orel shifts through his equipment one more time, the lighting shifts from a bright white to a shade of red, standing for attention to be paid to something about to happen. A loudspeaker on the wall crackles to life.

    - "This is the Emperor speaking."

    The ship falls silent.

    - "Triplicarius Hatgui to the bridge please."

    "Me gusta.~"

    Hatgui said and picked up his gear, knowing it's time for business. As he rushed out of the armory and passed through the blast door, thoughts of bacon flooded his mind. On his way, Hatgui greets each one of his friends with a special sacktap performed with the knee placed against the male testicles at extremely high speeds.

    Then Curia came and ruined his day.

    I'll write more later, D/with it.

  2. 20116280.png

    art with me n tala

    bracket in lower left corner

    the reason his testicular area is pink is because the positive energy of his personality is reflecting off of his soul and it seeks to escape through the largest body cavity available

  3. Final paragraph.

    I laid there choking on my own blood. My back and head burned with the heat of a thousand suns and it felt like I had just been crushed by a steam locomotive. I couldn't see out of my right eye, nor could I feel anything with my left arm. With great effort I managed to move the fingers of my left hand, one digit at a time. My ears were ringing. I couldn't see for fucks worth, everything was very, very blurry. I felt the blood trickle down my throat, or maybe that was my saliva. I did not know at the time. All I knew was that I had been knocked down by something very large.

    My back was very, very wet as if I had just taken a swim in a large, warm lake. I had been manning a machine gun at the frontal guard post and had been knocked down by this great glowing ball. The first thing I saw through the blur and glow was spent brass casings melting their way into the dirty snow, I knew I had to keep firing. If you didn't keep firing, you'd be dead. I first placed one foot against the frozen surface of the guard post, then rose to one knee while holding the logs the trench was constructed out of. I struggled up the wall by my fingernails and looked around through the red mist in front of my eyes. Kokko was laying against the trench wall with his jaw still moving as if he was attempting to speak. As I eyed this young man clad in white washed clothing, I noticed a large red blotch growing by his stomach. He had been hit badly and I crawled to his assistance, opening the canvas on his chest and sides with my knife. It was not a pretty sight. His small and large intestines were potruding out of a gaping hole, the smell was terrible. The stench was a mixture of acrid smoke, human excrement and blood. Kokko lifted his arms onto my shoulders and told me what I already expected: "You're hurt. You must lay down. Come lay by me, it is nice and warm here. We can lay here together and rest." He said faintly, his large blue eyes staring out from underneath his tattered fur hat and helmet. His gaze was crystallized onto my face as I worked feverishly at his insides, shoving them back in with my bare hands. He began to whisper, his voice occasionally growing to a great painful wail before dying down.

    "I don't want to die here. I've never even had sex. Nobody loves me but my mother." He said, spittle landing across my face as I leaned in close to give him whatever comfort I could in what I knew were his final moments. There was nothing I could do for him and I knew it. I didn't have the energy to help him nor did I have the means to crawl out of the trench and fetch a surgeon, being wounded myself. I dug into my field pack to find some form of field dressings but ended up undoing my belt to assist Kokko, who was at the time in much worse condition. I fastened the belt around him to hold the wall of bloody mass back in his stomach. It was only after several minutes that I noticed that Kokko was no longer crying and that he had turned pale. His suffering was finally at an end and that meant I could finally leave this hellish place. On all fours I crawled through the destroyed trenchworks, encountering both our own and enemy dead on the way. It felt like a bad dream, I felt like any moment now I would wake up somewhere warm, somewhere safe and somewhere better. Someplace where I could fill myself with something other than stale bread and water melted from snow, a place where I could sleep soundly and not fear shells or enemy patrols. A place where I wouldn't have to be so terribly sad anymore.

    Jarno had been propped up by the trench wall with his submachine gun resting against his chest. Matias was at the end of the trench floor on his back with eyes fixated on the clear skies. He was at peace as well. I came across Joonatan who was still firing frantically off the lip of the trench with no particular target. He was simply firing his weapon because he was afraid, the sound of the gunshots creating an aura of safety around him. He was still alive and fighting by the time I reached the end of that particular trench. I remember that it was J shaped and by that time I was at the bottom 'hook.' The fighting at that particular section of trench had been so violent that enemy and friendly dead still laid motionless in a great big heap, onto which I had to climb.

    It was at that point that I was pulled out of the trench by a pair of helping hands. My initial response was that of self defense, cluthing for my firearm in case my saving angel was of the communist persuasion. The man quickly disarmed me and placed my weapon by my side. He removed the magazine then pulled back the charging handle, leaving me relatively harmless. I opened my eye and attempted to squint at him and in my daze, I must've muttered something about a password and if my memory serves me right, I received the correct answer. The man's coat was dark brown and I noticed a very fancy belt hanging across his chest and waist, the leather was of fine quality and clearly the work of an expert in his field. On his right side was a holster with a small sidearm in it which he kept his hands far away from, signalling that he meant no harm. His gentle hands ran across my chest and shoulders, feeling for wounds. It wasn't until he noticed the snow under me had begun to change color that he turned me around. It turned his friendly, helpful smile into an instant frown.

    Several days later I awoke in a field hospital. I had been through two emergency surgeries, one of which removed over 20 pieces of shrapnel from my lower back. The other one succeeded in removing 6 coin sized pieces from my right side, just below the ribs. My wounds had been left open and washed thoroughly to prevent contamination through soil or debris in my flesh. For the next few days I would be in and out of the operating room with surgeons working carefully at removing the largest pieces of shrapnel in my back. The largest piece was roughly the size of an ink pen, it had penetrated right below the third rib on my right side and had bludgeoned a lung, but not punctured it. A large amount of wooden splinters were also removed from my upper back and buttocks. In total, I was peppered with over 60 pieces of shrapnel in varying shapes and sizes, including wooden splinters. Roughly 20 metal scraps of these were removed during my initial stay in the hospital and another 10 in surgeries throughout my life. I never regained full eyesight in my injured eye but whatever remained I was very grateful for. My hearing was permanently damaged. My right knee took 2 years of rehabilitation to regain full functionality. I had also become infertile for a long period of time due to blast injuries to my testicles and groin. The extent of my physical injuries was great, but the extent of my mental injuries is even greater. From those I will never recover and I regularly have to see my friends die again as if the Lord himself winded my life back to that very moment, prior to the artillery strike that I was wounded in. I am incapable of writing with my right hand and experience prolonged periods of shaking. I have nightmares even when I am awake and a recurring dream about Kokko, going over what I could have done differently to save his life.

    My combat unit sustained an 86% casualty rate in dead, wounded and missing. Most, if not all of my friends died. If they didn't, the war fundamentally changed the way they lived their lives. Yet through all this, I have survived and learned to lead a new, better life. I write daily, enjoy long walks in the parks near my house and the company of what family I have left. I enjoy good food and physical labor, or swimming when the opportunity presents itself. Over the years I have met several veterans of the battles I fought in, from both sides of the conflict. Most of the men I knew have been gone for a very, very long time. However, what happens during an armed conflict grants a person a very deep sense of appreciation for his fellow soldiers, a sense of appreciation that transcends political opinion or nationality. That deep within we're all the same young guys with loved ones back home and that none of us are born evil or good.

    I think I did pretty OK with my life. Pardon the rambling.

    I'm not done yet, though.

    And then I went off to war again in '41.


    First person, act the role of a starting infantryman. Earn your way up the ranks to a regiment sergeant, field commander, general, etc. Would be a million times better than these new games that are all fail. >:[

    This already exists. It's called Battlegrounds.

  5. Strictly nonpolitical discussion and examination ahead. I'll fuck you up if you derail.


    "My honor is called loyalty." SS motto.

    The Waffen SS was a paramilitary and political organisation in the German 3rd Reich. It dominated both the battlefield and the political scene, rising from a band of obscure brown shirted hooligans to an army of over a million fighting men. The Waffen SS was in every sense an elite and exclusive organisation composed from the finest warriors of Hitler's empire. You had to be a certain height, a certain ethnicity and have a certain mindset to do the job. Every SS-mann went through rigorous, full military training before being committed to a battlefield. From its beginnings, the SS was a unique military organisation in the sense that it dismissed traditional Prussian militarisms and was not related to other German military units in any way, other than their uniforms and equipment. The Waffen SS was also revolutionary in training; officers and men trained together for on the battlefield men fought for eachother. Traditional ideas of weaponry were also dismissed, the SS pushed for modernization of the German military at all costs. As a result, most Western militaries still carry items or terms specifically related to the Waffen SS. During its reign, the SS became the most feared military unit that any Allied soldier faced. They preferred death and were never satisfied with battlefield gains, often throwing themselves into suicidal attacks rather than surrender. In addition to this, the SS gained a reputation for absolute brutality. The SS did not take prisoners, but if you happened to be the (un)lucky guy to get captured by SS soldiers you were probably bludgeoned to death with a variety of blunt instruments. The SS became legendary during the early war period, but probably one of their most famous combat engagements was during the Battle of the Bulge, were an entire SS division broke through American lines supported by whatever they had at hand. SS troops spearheaded the assault into Allied lines and in many sectors, resorted to melee combat and frontal bayonet charges against fortified machine gun positions. While the Ardennes Offensive was ultimately a failure, the SS ended up in the history books as a rigorous, elite combat unit that you couldn't admire but had to respect. Not because of respect or chivalry between armed factions, but because they would do everything in their power to put you and your buddies into an early grave, be it by suicide bomb attacks or feigning death. The SS fought dirty and were proud of it.


    Divisional crests of the Waffen SS.

    Organisationally, the Waffen SS was in an extremely unusual position. At the beginning of their reign they were Hitler's personal political troops and answered only to him. Towards the end of the war, they had become a vast army of nearly a million men that equalled, if not outpowered the German Wehrmachts military machine. They answered to their own specific chain of command and German military authority did not apply to them; thus, they were out of the reach of international law that applied only to ratified national military groups. The SS was not a national group, even if ratified by the German government at that time. It was a multi-ethnic (believe it or not) and multi-national organisation that was formed from 38 divisions.

    • 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
    • 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich
    • 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf
    • 4th SS Polizei Division
    • 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking (Scandinavian, Belgian, Dutch)
    • 6th SS Mountain Division Nord (Scandinavian, Swedish, Finnish)
    • 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen
    • 8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer
    • 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen
    • 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg
    • 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Nordland (Scandinavian)
    • 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend
    • 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar
    • 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (Ukrainean)
    • 15th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (Latvian)
    • 16th SS Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer-SS
    • 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division Götz von Berlichingen
    • 18th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Horst Wessel
    • 19th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (Latvian)
    • 20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (Estonian)
    • 21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Skanderberg (Albanian)
    • 22nd SS Volunteer Cavalry Division Maria Theresia
    • 23rd Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Kama (Croatian)
    • 23rd SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Nederland (Dutch)
    • 24th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS
    • 25th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Hunyadi (Hungarian)
    • 26th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Hungaria (Hungarian)
    • 27th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Langemarck (Flemish)
    • 28th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Wallonien
    • 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (Russian)
    • 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (Italian)
    • 30th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (Russian)
    • 30th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (Belarussian)
    • 31st SS Volunteer Grenadier Division
    • 32nd SS Volunteer Grenadier Division
    • 33rd Waffen Cavalry Division of the SS (Hungarian
    • 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (French)
    • 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland (Dutch)
    • 35th SS and Police Grenadier Division
    • 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS
    • 37th SS Volunteer Cavalry Division Lützow
    • 38th SS Grenadier Division Nibelungen

    Other nationalities included (listed by brigade:)

    • The American Free Corps (formed from prisoners of war and foreign volunteers, exact number unknown.)
    • The Free British Volunteer Corps (Less than 20.)
    • The Estonian Legion (More than 200, less than 1000.)
    • Finnish Volunteer Battalion Waffen ⚡⚡ (1,203)
    • Norwegian Legion (Exact number unknown.)
    • Danish Free Corps (Formed out of prisoners of war/volunteers.)
    • The Indian Legion (Large. Exact number unknown.)
    • The Kaminski Brigade (Small.)
    • The Latvian Legion (Large.)
    • SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger (What the fuck is a Dirlewanger?)
    • The Tatar Legion. (Lots, probably.)

    The origins of these 38 divisions and several legions lie in 1933, when Josef Dietrich formed the Sonderkommando Berlin (Special Troops Berlin) and drafted 120 men into his service. Within the next two years, the Sonderkommando Berlin had grown 800 men strong and swore allegiance not to the German state, but to Adolf Hitler himself: "Loyalty unto death and obedience to him alone." The Sonderkommando Berlin was renamed "SS Leibstandardte Adolf Hitler," a regiment that would later become extremely infamous for their numerous warcrimes in France, Poland and Russia. At first, the SS was under the observation of the Oberkommando Der Wehrmacht (High Command of the German Military) and depended on them for arms, munitions and training. Over the years, the group expanded and became largely independent and the Oberkommando Der Wehrmacht lost control. In 1934, the SS Leibstandardte Adolf Hitler demonstrated their loyalty and monstrous ability to kill other men. During the Night of the Long Knives the SS-men killed 84 SA-troops (Brownshirts, as they were called) as the rival organisation had more power over local populations. Adolf Hitler thus cemented his control on the fledgling German reich. Initially, they faced many problems: The SS was given the LOWEST recruitment quota and suffered from a lack of volunteers. With untested battle skills, the Wehrmacht still overpowered the SS in every sense of the word.

    SS ranks also differed from the main German ranking system as follows:

    1. Reichsführer-SS (No modern equivalent, theatre leader.)
    2. Oberstgruppenführer (Supreme group leader.)
    3. Obergruppenführer (Senior group leader.)
    4. Gruppenführer (Groupcommander, theatre wide.)
    5. Brigadeführer (Brigade commander.)
    6. Oberführer (Senior leader.)
    7. Standartenführer (Regiment leader.)
    8. Obersturmbannführer (Senior assault unit lead.)
    9. Sturmbannführer (Assault unit lead.)
    10. Hauptsturmführer (Chief assault leader.)
    11. Obersturmführer (Senior assault leader.)
    12. Untersturmführer (Junior assault leader.)
    13. Sturmscharführer (Assault squad leader.)
    14. Hauptscharführer (Chief squad leader.)
    15. Oberscharführer (Senior squad leader.)
    16. Scharführer (Squad leader.)
    17. Unterscharführer (Junior squad leader.)
    18. Rottenführer (Section leader.)
    19. Sturmmann (Storm trooper.)
    20. Obermann (Senior trooper.)
    21. Oberschütze (Senior rifleman.)
    22. Schütze (Rifleman.)
    23. Anwärter (Candidate.)
    24. Bewerber (Applicant.)

    But then came along this little thing called World War II.

    The SS quickly demonstrated their ability in battle, but also quickly demonstrated how reckless they could be out of it. During the invasion of Poland, the Leibstandardte Adolf Hitler had an odd habbit of passing through Polish villages and "accidentally" setting them ablaze and "accidentally" making all the occupants disappear. They also seemed to have "accidentally" lost a lot of ammunition during routine road marches. The Oberkommando Der Wehrmacht insisted that the SS units be disbanded, as their casualty rate was very high and their fanaticism caused problems in battle. Heinrich Himmler, currently the lead of the Waffen SS, disbanded the SS-VT but formed a larger group of sub-divisions to replace them, thus bringing them out of OBK control.

    The following year the SS spent preparing for the coming war in the west. Each SS commander knew that they had to adapt to a new form of warfare, a fast moving motorized form of warfare involving large amounts of automatic and easily displaced weaponry. Each regiment was retrained, retrained and drilled rigorously for the upcoming conflict and on the 10th of May, 1940, Leibstandardte Adolf Hitler troops overcame Dutch borderguards and began the assault into the Netherlands. Dutch borderguards, caught nearly off guard were forced to surrender and make way for the oncoming German divisions. After the Dutch surrender, the Leibstandardte Adolf Hitler moved to engage French troops. After a long bit of fighting and this famous thing called "the retreat to Dunkirk," the Leibstandardte had completed its mission. Becoming part of the XIX Panzer Corps under the command of General Heinz Guderian, they took up a position 15 miles south west of Dunkirk along the line of the Aa Canal, with a bridgehead at Saint Venant. That night the OKW ordered the advance to halt, with the British Expeditionary Force trapped. The Leibstandarte paused for the night, but the following day, in defiance of Hitler's orders, continued the advance. Dietrich ordered his III Battalion to cross the canal and take the height beyond, where British artillery observers were putting the regiment at risk. With a daring infantry charge towards British observers, troops of the Leibstandardte threw the observers off of the ridge and halted the artillery fire. Instead of being punished for his act of defiance, Sepp Dietrich, the man who created the SS and who was now in command of the Leibstandardte was awarded the Knights Cross, the highest military award that Germany held.


    Waffen SS troops practicing their rifle shooting somewhere in Europe, 1942. They're probably shooting at little babies or small animals, who knows, but they're definitely shooting at something and looking really mean. Note the nifty campaign ribbon on the gentleman in the foreground of the image. He has seen some tough action.


    An unidentified SS motorjager (read: motorbike soldier) sleeps in the passenger carriage of a scout bike while waiting for another roadmarch. The man is identifiable as SS due to his camouflage set, no other military organisation in World War II adopted this particular camouflage pattern and it was one of the first, if not the first produced solely for the use of the SS.


    Another experimental set of camouflage for the Waffen SS. This one was only produced in small numbers due to its inability to meld into urban and cityscape settings.

    I'm really tired so I'll write more tomorrow, but.

    I'm sure most of you know the rest: The Waffen SS went on to fight war in Europe and the Soviet Union. During their time, especially in the Soviet Union but elsewhere as well, they committed a number of crimes against humanity. The Waffen SS is solely responsible, or was at one point, for the organisation, construction and maintenance of concentration and death camps. SS troops committed a terrible amount of war crimes and the true number of dead left behind due to their atrocities will never be known. The world never saw another paramilitary political organisation on a large scale, for reasons exactly like this. At the Nürnberg trials, a large amount of SS commanders were found guilty of these crimes and sentenced to long jail terms or death by hanging, supported by strong proof. A lot of these warcrimes took place against "partisans" on the Eastern front. Now, while the Partisans generally weren't nice folk (they'd poke out the eyes of a German soldier and light him on fire, then watch him squirm in agony) towards those of the Prussian persuasion, a lot of these "partisans" were actually civilians that the SS accused of aiding the partisans, often with no proof. In other words, they slaughtered innocent populations. A lot of them, even. Those who committed these acts will do their time in hell for sure.

    Before I go, something interesting for you. The SS is actually a historically significant organisation in the sense that their combat tactics and troop control paved the way for a lot of modern military tactics. The term Stürmgewehr, standing for "assault weapon" created the term "assault rifle." The standard infantry squad layout of the SS was 6 rifles, 4 sub machine guns and 2 machine guns, leading to the creation of the modern equivalent of a combat squad in many countries. SS combat doctrine remains one of the finest examples of military action, globally.

    Post more SS stuff! Please try to prevent anyone getting offended, this is here for purely apolitical, historical discussion. Anyone here had any family who served in the Waffen SS? Or perhaps Waffen SS militaria?

  6. So, basically, I received a long list of complaints from people. Some of these were given directly (big thanks for that) and some of them I picked up after the 'rumors' got back to me, about what we supposedly did or did not do.

    Let's get a couple of things straight.

    • The Guard did place detpacks on points. There is no regulation anywhere preventing us from placing explosives on points. I am not going to punish my guys for something that they didn't do wrong at all in.
    • Thatguy was indeed dropped from a Thanatos. It was OK'd by Aryte.
    • The Guard does not, nor does the rest of Ordo intentionally shoot through prims, walls or anything else with explosives. It happens. It's a battle. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do to prevent that.
    • Some individuals in the Guard supposedly took extremely late teleports intentionally. No. Until I'm given names, I can't do anything about that except give general reminders.

    The argument can be made that detpacks on points is cheap. But detpacks are for exactly that, dropping them on critical points or chokepoints on the battlefield to push the battle in a certain direction; To buy time. Making detpacks destroyable would make things easier for both, but unfortunately the Ordo HUD does not support that. Mines? Mines can be destroyed. When it comes to destroying explosives on a point, it's either you find a way to disarm the explosive or suck it up and capture that point. That's the grim reality of warfare with remote detonated explosives. Same goes for AGMs. AGMs are called AGMs because they're air-to-ground missiles. It's what they're built for in the first place.

    If you have a problem with the Guard in combat, come to me directly and explain why you feel the way you do. I'll do my best to assist you.

    Sitting there and talking to your friends about it creates nothing but general discontent towards a combat unit within the Ordo. We're all Ordo here, if you put down your own people, we'll be in a ditch in no time.

    There's some sort of big rift going on right now, Praetorians being treated differently because they're Praetorians. People perceiving us as elitist because we receive a certain type of training, or more of that. People treating us differently because we're combat oriented, and administrative only after that. It's silly. Drop it. You have your jobs, we do ours. That's as far as it goes, really. I don't know why this kind of behaviour is taking place, maybe it's something we genuinely did wrong, maybe current Praetorians are being treated wrongly because of what their predecessors did, or maybe people are just jealous? It's juvenile to make that suggestion, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Somebody please pipe up and tell me exactly what's up? Because I'd like to hear it!

    There is no excuse for sitting there and griping about what supposedly happened at a training exercise. Get with the program, broski. Shit happens. Let's all fight again another day. I would hate to suspend Praetorian exercises on Titan because of something like accidental prim shooting.


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