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Scarlet Flaks

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Everything posted by Scarlet Flaks

  1. askjeeves how to make vanilla ice
  2. It needs to be UV Unwrapped to properly align and display a diffuse map. You can use multiple texture maps and materials for multiple faces of a single mesh object.
  3. So, you're saying you're full of shit?
  4. grandma naumova is that you darling?
  5. i dont want no dam brat you can keep em and sell em to gypsies for all i care
  6. gulag gulag gulag gulag gulag gulag gulag gulag gulag gulag
  7. Nation: United States Cellular Provider: None Cellphone: None Rate plan: $0/mo Features included in plan: • No annoying ringtones • No facebook apps • No expensive bills • Forever alone I don't think I'm doing this right.
  8. dude you're gonna get your corneas scraped with a laser. you're so hardcore. i wish i was like you. thug life.
  9. 3ds max student edition has watermarks in the exported files, as well as licensing limitations.
  10. what if ordo isn't real and they just want us to think it is
  11. It's clearly a Karabiner-98K, Nagantsdon'thavemetaldiscsonthestock, noraretheymadeofthatkindofwood, alsoit'smissingtherearsightsonthebolt, whichyoucaneasilyseeontheforenagant. Ffffyouguysi'moutofhere.
  12. In edit mode, tap A twice to select all the vertecies, then tap CTRL+N to flip all the normals outside. Should fix a handful of issues you're having. Secondly, tap ALT+J while you still have all the vertecies selected, this will force all of them, at least the nearest groups, to be Quads, which are easier to model with than triangles. Your topology is looking really highpoly and in other areas, very low poly. Use a decimate modifier on parts of it to fix that. Likewise, delete those loops of vertecies that are making seams in the model, on the stock and the trigger guard(?), and join the two objects, select the end loops of vertecies (Alt+ Right click) and connect them by tapping F -> skin edge loops.
  13. That looks like a RAH-66 Comanche. Shit is so cash.
  14. At first it was cool but then it Skrillex'd and I lost all interest. Also it's an EA title, meaning it'll probably be exclusive to Origin. I am definitely not buying this, when I could instead buy DX:HR and get the same thing in Orange instead of Blue.
  15. [03:55:28] [Ordo] Handheld Radio 1.0 (Stomach) 1: (Eduardo Sunflower) FLYING KKK [03:55:37] You: FLYING KKK [03:55:37] Ron Bleac: [03:55] Eduardo Sunflower shouts: FLYING KKK [03:55:39] You: LOL [03:55:41] You: AHAHHA [03:56:02] Ron Bleac: FLYING KU KLUX KLAN [03:57:00] (COM): Scarlet Flaks: avflying [03:57:06] Moderation: Banning Eduardo Sunflower from estate. [03:57:06] Moderation: Kicking Eduardo Sunflower from estate. [03:57:08] Eduardo Sunflower has left the region. [03:57:09] (COM): Mercury SecretSpy: Eduardo Sunflower has died approximately 10 times during his presence on this sim. [03:57:09] Mercury: Lost contact: Eduardo Sunflower [03:57:10] (COM): Scarlet Flaks: ban'd [03:57:14] (COM): Ron Bleac: Lmfao. [03:57:20] You: AV FLY THAT, FLYING KKK [03:57:28] Ron Bleac: Should unban him. [03:57:30] Ron Bleac: Use flak on him. [03:57:33] You: Dude. [03:57:34] You: Holy Ffff. [03:57:35] You: Yes.

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