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Arokh Takakura

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Everything posted by Arokh Takakura

  1. Furs? Warhammer? Heresy. Spacemarines would forget orks if furs existed. They'd devote their everything to removing such deviancy.
  2. Anti piracy and cheating are one thing, as they are basic code sewn into the primary exe file which is relatively easily removed if you know your stuff, not adding features that every single other pc game has had on the Market since 1997 is a crime against pc gamers.
  3. For 7 years in the making, this is a horribly unfinished game which the community could have made better with a source mod or someshit, I've been playing it with my friends and it likes to randomly disconnect us from one another constantly and then refuse to let us join again due to awful network coding. There is no vsync so it hammers my graphics while looking like ass, my weapons break constantly no matter how good they are, and already people have brought out mods to add vysnc and mic mute options, and bugfixes, essentially completing the game development. Why couldnt the dev team do this if it took one modder a day and some file tinkering? Astounding frankly. It really feels like I'm playing a really early alpha or beta of the game, and this is the release after 7 years? Shocking.
  4. First, you'll need an extroadinarly long desk set into a wall, then you'll need these: 47" Samsung Plasma HDTV 22" Flat-panel TFT display Zalman Z9 cased gaming rig setup of your choice Cyborg Gaming keyboard 3DConnexion mutli-axis interface USB 'Panic Button' Logitech G51 5.1 Surround M-Audio Producer USB Studio Microphone Small glass-domed crystal pendulum clock, wound. 2 wax carved functional candles laser engraved Mag-Lite Large dragon figurine 'letter opener' holder XL dragon sculpture wall-mirror Officium Curia vinyl canvas printed banner You should be pretty set after that. :V
  5. I love the stunned silence of pretty much everyone there. They all just stand there like o_o.
  6. Dear Nikki, this keeps turning up in the corner of my room, please fix it. This is my personal phone-box in my room, was in the main hallway but we moved house now and don't have a central hall to put it in. So it sits in my room, and flashes blue and rings whenever we get phoned. Though like the Tardis, it is a piece of crap, and if I tug the wire too hard when I pick up the receiver, it throws a hissy fit and goes all crackly.
  7. Reorganised my desk. This is where I live. :D Edit: Yes, I do keep the Mag-Lite that handy, that's how I roll.
  8. Me? Not by Heather's bedside when she was hurt? Heresy.
  9. That's about the time I'd start laying into people with the nearest blunt object.
  10. [00:49:00] Kristian Kit: I vote for Heather ,seeing as i have skype for a grand total of 3 minutes and i am still trying to find the buttons i shouldn't press if i don't want to accidently nuke Noth Korea
  11. Would it be better if it was red and sideways like a roman centurion? :P
  12. My Crash helmet I wear out on the bike. :D
  13. Arokh Takakura


    'A guy was' + British accent = ah gah wes = ahgahres
  14. Thats why I'd never own a bike in the us, all I ever hear about from owners is them getting rear-ended. They even have products over there aimed at preventing it.
  15. Yeah I wont crash into bridges or road-signs.
  16. Arokh Joins Astra I'm the pilot of the helicopter :3

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