The short answer here is "It's doable at the normal rate, but we'll talk shop." Here's the problem with uploading new logos: It can be labor intensive. When you convert an image, it's not a quick job of just scan n upload then finish. What happens is the image gets broken down and changed into something the machine will understand. What point to jump from what XY Axis stitch X number of stitches in what pattern and then jump to new point XY axis. And sadly, Machines are pretty dumb. For example, it might default to wanting to start the "O" in Ordo, then instead of finishing "Ordo" it jumps across the hoop for the lower half of the cross. Not effective. Now you have to manaually change the code tell it 'No, keep going here..Then go here!" This process of fixing up the code can take anywhere from 1 to 12 hours. Then theirs the prototyping to make sure everything comes out right, and that the machine doesn't want to start to slit it's own throat with the needles. In the case of the Ordo logo, we got really lucky. The logo uploaded and with some minor tweeks it was running like a boss. We only did one prototype, which Zrazor is the proud owner of. Thus, that said said, it's more than possible to do a new logo. Though (and this is for those that want a unique A-squad or Astra logo) I don't like the idea of bringing up new squad based logos b/c, lets face it, it's Unnecessary. Your *in* Ordo, Why muck it up with squad elitism? What happens when a year from now, you change squads? (While I totally dig the Guardsman logo myself..Maybe we can do something there.) The Ordo logo is your best bet for buying something that a) Isn't cheep and b) is going to last a hell of a long time. And these do last a long time: In order to survive the embroidery process, you *have* to use thick materials. Good heavy stuff, even the thread itself has to be a special strong type to survive the speed this things goes. This means that this shirts gonna look exactly the same 5, 10, hell 20 years from now.