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Posts posted by Huttser

  1. Besides that, I have no leadership goals whatsoever. I prefer the "squad member" role :P In my "other" guild, before we went thru a re-structuring, I was a Herald-in-training, which means I was one of the guys responsible for producing RP-type stuff. Be it promotional posters for events, creating signatures for our members, creating "funny" photoshops (often of our enemies), recording and producing videos of our PvP and events, etc...

    If you have any questions, let me know.

    Oooooooo, this is useful, very useful. Again, nice to meet you.

  2. It's a work in progress, simple as. Last night was a cluster Ffff because of multiple reasons, mistakes are made, lessons learned.

    We're looking into getting to work with other outfits, but that's another clusterFfff in itself which will hopefully sort itself out soon.

    It's a whole new world for us to work in, so there's going to be a ton of teething problems. Platoons/Channel Commander/Actual tactics will be perfected with practice. Speaking in particular about channel commander, this isn't something we've whipped out of our arses, it's something in use by a good majority of large gaming communities from Planetside 2 to Battlefield to Call of Duty. It may seem like a chore now, but that's because it's /new/ and something we're not used to. The Ordo is used to having medium sized teams in a 512 x 512 square, not 1000s of kilometers. Sticking sixty people in a channel like we do in Second Life will only work for so long.

    Give it time, let people get used to it. Mobilization times will decrease with practice.

    I agree we need to use other methods aside from Galaxies. The prime reason we use them is that they are a mobile spawn point on top of a re-arm point. Once the Sunderer's are mobile spawns too, they'll be more viable.

  3. Having this kind of stuff written up for people to read may come in handy, in the event, that the Ordo outfit expands. Sitting at fifty at the moment, in closed beta, that could easily double or triple on release.

    Let the man write his tactics. Our platoon structure works fine (more or less) and it'll improve with practice. As long as you have strong leadership at platoon / squad leader level and people actually stay quiet for the five minutes it takes us to organize, we'll be fine.

  4. You must be missing us Inoue, we had a multi squad platoon up last night, working in tandem with other TR outfits. I was contacted earlier today one outfits rep inquiring about an alliance and combined operations.

    On another note, if those who have expressed interest in joining the outfit to me on the forums actually come through, roughly 1/3rd of the Ordo outfits strength (I believe it will be 15 odd people) will come from outside of SL. I've also heard from several sources (some not that reliable, others more so) that our name is starting to seep out into the other outfits, some of which were impressed by our actions yesterday.

  5. We've managed to get four out of SL/Ordo recruits so far, some of which are trying to get their friends to join and I have PS2 forum PMs with a good few others trying to convince them to join. I'd say it's going pretty darn well :]

  6. Your right Dis, it's 12 per Squad. 4 squads per platoon and an unlimited amount of members to an outfit. Using the various levels of organization, including unlockable command channels, selectable way point and objective mechanics (once those certs are implemented) the size of your combat force is merely limited by the numbers of personnel you have.

    As for transports, both the Sunderer and the Galaxy have the ability to load a default of ten personnel, two of which can be MAX suits. This capacity can be increased to twelve on both transports via certifications (unlocked by default in the beta).

  7. Consider it a mix between ARMA and Battlefield level tactics and strategy. It is entirely dependent on the force at your disposal. Currently we operate in a squad sized group that leans more towards an "organized battlefield" style but it is possible to have multiple platoons in operation under one unified command (that's close on 100 people for two full platoons), they are a sight to see.

  8. Ordo Outfit recruitment thread. Simple with abit of embellishment, waiting on a logo from Xoza, Havoc, Siaetto, one of them. Feel free to post on there saying how awesome we are etc.



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