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DamionStJames Webb

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Everything posted by DamionStJames Webb

  1. Guys can we leave that subject alone? People still don't make fun of Ted Kennedy 'cause he killed a woman while driving drunk.
  2. Also if you leave it sitting after you watch the vid it puts up someone's Email address - I hope that's not Aryte's
  3. What the hell?! That's awesome *sudden gasp and shifty eyes* Wait.....if this could happen to Aryte I wonder what could happen to me >.>
  4. Try putting the text above your picture; it may look tacky but it might work.
  5. 60-minutes segment
  6. (Over Vent) Maks Vendetta: Aryte's gonna yiff- I mean flip when he checks out my groups.. Maks Vendetta: I wish I could have Nanau's Avatar, it's frickin awesome.
  7. NOOOOO! I loved him! He was hilarious!
  8. Yeah I left out a Rick Roller on the table.
  9. Here are the pictures from the 6-man Raid against 2142 that I took.
  10. You deserve it, you did the job, and I saw you do the work. You were in top-notch form. keep up the great work.
  11. I think Tsume was referring to something that happened in coms
  12. Heh LOl Also remember to pick up your barricades too, I can't snipe from the volcano with barricades in the way
  13. Yes I'm not an officer, but this is a reminder for you all to please pick up your things. I was walking around and I noticed at least 3 random prims just laying around - one prim a rolling log like thing that kept running into me, others I have no clue what they are. Please help do your part and pick up your messes.
  14. Always a fun time to read these. I took law and Criminal Science in high school, it was great.
  15. Why do they have Marines on Navy Bases/Vessels... Cause Sheep would be Suspicious.
  16. I cried - Really I did... I can't much say anything more.
  17. [15:42] Ordo Walky Talky v4: (Betty Eros) I'm tired of fighting the sims instead of the men
  18. If you're really bored, type in lookat into your text bar. Nothing else, just Lookat, and your camera will flicker around to everyone else in the sim and randomly land on someone
  19. Halarious This is a picture of me before I joined the Ordo....oh I was so thin then...

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