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Ron Bleac

Statement in regards to combat and Ordo resolve; read.

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Originally in a notecard sent out by group notice, raw version here.


Soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Ordo Imperialis.

For the past few weeks our sim has been repeatedly ravaged by early morning attacks by a group known as the Erebus Initiative. I want to personally thank those who have participated in those late night defenses. I also want to make it very clear that we have suffered in these twilight hours. Whilst the legitimacy of these attacks can be questioned, as we are but a picket force during that time of day, we have failed to defend the sacred ground of our virtual home. Our objectives have been taken by the enemy on some occasions. In addition to which, our forces, despite tenacious and near fanatical resistance, have been beaten back or pinned.

One thing is clear: Erebus is a legitimate fighting force with military prowess rarely seen on the grid. They are a proper military with a strong yet small member base. We must not underestimate their abilities, nor should we fall into a false sense of security by allowing ourselves to believe that we are invulnerable.

The truth is we very much are not. We can be hit by bullet and torn by shrapnel and we will bleed the same as any man. And when we bleed enough, we die. What makes us strong is a quality every man is born with: The will to go on, even after being kicked in the teeth. We will rise up and reach for the jugular.

During the past few days I have heard a number of complaints. That the enemy would be cheating, "Fuck Erebus," or a variety of other issues. These issues do exist, if they didn't, we wouldn't perceive them and report them to our superiors. But we can not let ourselves slow down due to this. We can not afford to let our guard down and we most certainly can't afford to make excuses at a time like this. We can not exaggerate reality.

For every inch of Titan that Erebus troops take, we will make them pay dearly! We will make them realize that no matter how early in the morning they attack us, or how harsh or strong their force, we will make resistance until we are destroyed. As long as there is one Ordo Imperialis soldier alive on our home soil, we will make resistance until that man is dead. I have heard suggestions about creating rulesets to prevent them from attacking an undermanned force, some of us have given this brief consideration.

However, I want to underline.

We will never change our rules.

We will not take anyone's bullshit.

We will not let them spit on our face and then cower behind a textbook.

Erebus can not take us head on. They are a formidable enemy during the twilight hours, but not unlike the Taliban when the sun rises. We will hold out in our fort, 12 versus 3 until reinforcements arrive in the morning. And if we run out of ammunition, we will use bayonets. If our bayonets get stuck in their stomach, we will kick them. We will bite them. We will claw with tooth and nail like a Norwegian berserker hyped up on some sort of mushrooms.

We want to maintain our image as a 24/7, year round combat force. We can not let a group shame us, or make us kneel to them due to a simple thing such as timezones. We must maintain a strong image of estate administration at all times, around the clock. But most of all, a strong image of a massive empire with brave, skilled and fanatical troops. We must be harsh, but we must be fair in our judgement and most of all, we must only use our immense power for good. We must strive to maintain positive relations with this group, through thick and thin. We must be responsible, for we are larger and have maintained a powerful and influential presence in this community for much longer than any other group out there. We are here to assist the community; not hinder it.

You all know me, so I will spare you further speech. During late night defenses the situation is essentially "This is it." If it's our time to die on the battlefield, it's our time. This is the mindset I want you to assume, a grim determination to fight or die in your position. All I ask is; If we have to give these bastards our lives: We give them hell before we do! We will hold our positions and die in them, there will be no retreat. There will be no excuses, there will be no complaints. We will throw ourselves into the pit and emerge stronger than before.

Each time Erebus attacks, we WILL counter-attack regardless of manstrenght. Even if it means the defense can only spare three men with light weapons, we WILL attack. We WILL resist, we WILL fight, and we will defend our homes on Titan or abroad, again and again regardless of their manpower, firepower or willpower!

You are all excellent soldiers in this virtual reality and it's time for you to show the enemy what you are capable of. Summon up some hate, disgust and disdain, but kill your enemy all the same! We are here to fight and we will supply them with plenty. After all, that's what we're here for.

We are a fighting machine composed of man, blood and bone. Whilst the extension of our bodies might be virtual, without touch or real breath, our intentions will still be relayed. Currently, Erebus has shown their intentions clearly. They view us as a hated enemy in combat, whilst keeping casual relations and diplomacy on another level. Whilst this sort of approach has its advantages, it's easy to make a misconception on both sides. However, with their constant early morning attacks, one can only wonder.

So we will make ourselves clear, once and for all.

The Imperator has ordered to take the fight to them. Take it to their own turf and fight there. Even if we at that time of the day may be a mere skirmishing force, we will deny them sleep if they choose to do so to us. We will deny them influence and we will not let them affect our day to day operations. We will deny them the ability to affect our morale and we will show them that we are stronger than they are, that we will continue to strive regardless of their attempts. We will show them that we may be outgunned, we may be outnumbered, but we will NEVER be outclassed. An Ordo Imperialis soldier will march to his death with chin held high if need be and we will portray that image.

I declare Operation Balaklava, a weekend long smackfest of grand proportions open for business. Starting this Saturday, we will summon up all available strenght and attack them where it hurts. Two hours per each day of constant bombardment from everything available, be it infantry, armor or aircraft. Operation Balaklava is currently scheduled to last only that one weekend, but if Erebus wants more, we will be glad to help them. I look forward to fighting them, you should too. Because fighting is what soldiers do, and you're here to portray one. So you better make good and join the fight.

And we will all have fun.

Fight the good fight!

Evocati Bleac.

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Very well written and properly moving. You make very good points; it is our position not to give any concession, nor modify our standards to befit a situation. As such, we are really left with one option: hold the line, fight back anything thrown at us, and take the fight to them. It's a challenge, to say in the least, to maneuver against calculated attacks aimed at taking advantage of our late hour numbers. But it is doable-- it is being done. Ordo forces are repulsing much of the attacks. Simply, the odds are heavily against us at those instances. I have no doubt, however, that Ordo twilight teams can hold that line and take the battle to the enemy's gates. In the morning, when prime time slips around, we'll redouble that and ensure any assault is returned tenfold with the full brunt of our ability.

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