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Officium Curia: Looking for Lictors

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Officium Curia is looking for four to five new Lictors, with the soon to be implemented changes to the division. What is a lictor, you might ask? What is it that they do within the scope of Curia and the Ordo as a whole? Well, allow me to answer those questions.

"Members of the Lictor staff are the backbone of Curia operations, functioning as investigators and information gatherers. Lictors are responsible for most of the day to day work within Curia, providing the Consuls with the time to focus on making judgment rulings. Lictor positions do not carry an enumerated military rank, as such any individual not dual enlisted will be classified as [E-0] unranked. Numerically, Lictor staff may be increased or decreased per the will of the Primus Consul. Appointment to the Lictor staff is done per the approval of the Primus Consul."

Lictors perform the following:

~Investigations: Primarily of incoming applications directed to Curia, and the applicants. (For this aspect of the role it is essential to form relationships with individuals who have had impact on the applicant's past experiences.)

~information gathering (Again, need to be able to form relationships with various individuals who have encountered the applicant or subject of the information gathering)

~Investigate incidents and applicants to find facts, gather testimony, collect evidence, and compile a comprehensive report in a short period of time (Encouraged strongly to complete assignment within 72 hours of receiving and acknowledgment of the assignment)

~Advising Ordo Imperialis members of proper procedure in filling out a Curia Incident Report (CIR), weapons or uniform modification requests, etc.

~The lictor *may* request that a member comply with the standards of the group, but the role itself does not grant further authority to one's rank. In other words, an E-5 lictor, is simply an E-5.

~In the rare circumstance of a trial, a lictor may be asked to serve as a representative for prosecution or defense during a triumvirate.

This list notes a majority of areas that a lictor may be involved in, yet may not be fully developed. The investigative process of applications and incidents tends to present its own challenges at times, so please keep this in mind when considering the role.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact myself, Kristian, or to speak to a lictor to gather an idea of their role, you may talk to Kishoshima Dragonash. If you wish to apply, please note your interest below, so I can keep up with everyone who expresses interest. Asking that the applicants have been a member in good standing, with at least E-3 status. The ideal candidate would be someone who is professional and able to form relationships with parties that may be hostile towards the Ordo Imperialis.

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