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My Little Pony / Liking or a Disliking Thereof

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I don't care if you like or dislike MLP. Stop hazing members if they do or don't like it. For fuck sake. We're all adults, so it really shouldn't matter who watches what television show or if they opt to demonstrate their like for that show. If I hear one more person whine about it, I'm going to eject him or her. Seriously. :blank:

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What is this.. tele.. vision thing you speak of? I don't even know when the show is on, or what channel.. But if anything, let's hope its more in good fun, we all make jokes and pokes. We all have our own ways of enjoyment, lets not ruin it for everyone else, lest they turn and do the same to you.

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But here's question.. why does the show need to be mentioned at all? if we cant voice our dislike of the show, why does someones like of the show need to be voiced? Isnt this a 2 way street where what is good for one perspective, is good for all perspectives?

Now that said.. I've never seen the show. I dont watch tv. And its not on any of the stations my son watches. So no opinion either way on it.

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Well actualy, he said to stop harassing peopel who do or don't like it. So he DID say its a two way street, just people dont seem to be reading what he said, that way. It was others who made it seem like the only point that cannot be voiced, is a viewpoint against the show.

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Well, as I translate it, you can still have your opinion about wether you like the show or not, just not personally harass them for it or try to drive your opinion onto them. Kinda like how I think its apeshit that its all over the internet where ever I go, but picking out your comrades for it defeats the team orientation you had previously if your personally jihading them (goes for the people who like mlp going after folks that arent into it too) over their opinions or preferences. Which in the end is even more mental and disruptive.

...and thats coming from me.

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I don't care if you do or don't like the show. My concern is any time someone mentions MLP, there's always someone who has to quickly shout "OMG FUCK MLP LOL~" Someone mentioning they like MLP doesn't hurt anyone, ergo there's no issue with that. Eroding someone self esteem because /you/ don't like MLP, is an issue.

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The unfortunate truth here is so named bronies are no different than any of the rest of us. From the eight foot humanoids with greased hair and shades, to the various furs and scalies of every color in the rainbow like my neon purple and orange persona. We've found a community we enjoy and are expressing ourselves through it, anybody that steps up and tries to criticize another is doing little more than pointing a finger at themselves. Live and let live people, we're all in this together.

(The preceding descriptions were about nobody but me, myself, and I.)

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