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[TOR] Guide: Terror From Beyond

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Alright so I thought i would give this a shot. It is my first shot at writing a guide of any kind so there will be some trial and error. Bare with me and we will see about getting this slimmed down to perfection.


So the first thing I would like to point out is that the adds that you have to go through to get to the first boss are not difficult but they are not easy either. In the first room with the droids you want to CC what you can. The droid in the back right ( The Malfunctioning Control Droid ) will be your first target. From there if you look in the video below you want to move in a counter clockwise direction until the last haywire droid is down. You should repeat this with the second group. When it comes to the larva in the next area what you would like to do here is have one of your tanks area taunt and then the second tank single taunt the big guy away from the little ones. If the big one explodes by the little ones then they will grow up and become a little more difficult.




You will then run up the ramp and meet a bunch more adds. Just run by them. You do not have to kill them and they will evade when it comes down to it. However, it is now time for the first boss. The Writhing Horror.


The Horror has 957k hit points in 8 man story mode and 1.76k in 8 man hard mode. Each jealous male that spawns will have about 85k in 8 man hard mode. I will be talking about the hard mode mechanics here so bare with me as I go over some very important details.


So the horror will burrow during the fight and be moving to places that will be outlined in an image in the spoiler below. Tanks will need to use a gap closer ( force leap, force speed, ect. ) to get to the boss as soon as possible when she reappears. If this does not happen the boss will spit goo at the raid and it will cause raid wide damage.




The next mechanic that will happen will be the Jealous Male and the Foul Offspring will spawn. During the fight red text will appear across the screen letting you know that the Jealous Male has spawned. This is when your assigned DPS/Healer will run to a red circle ( will be covered in a bit ) to attract the foul offspring while the tank that was on the boss ( the one that has the debuff ) moves to the Jealous Male. This is where the tank swap will occur. Every time the Jealous Male appears the tanks will swap from the boss to the Jealous Male. It has been noted that the first Jealous Male & adds spawn about 45 seconds into the fight. Second will spawn 2:15 into the fight ( 1:30 from the first add round ). Third at 3:45 ( 1:30 from second wave ). Fourth at 5:15. The image below will be what you see across your screen.




There will be three different debuffs that you will be on the lookout for. They will be explained in the spoiler below.



This is the debuff that you get if you move out of the red pool that will prevent you from reentering it again. If you do this before the offspring are killed then they will run wild on the raid and the red circle will disappear.

Flowers the Red Circles will spawn around:

Red Circles:


This is the debuff that the tanks want to watch. It is called incubation. It does not always land and may be dodged so you might get different stacks of it. It will only go to 10 stacks and will determine how many foul offspring will spawn. The debuff will fall off if the tank that has it moves to the Jealous Male. This is why there is a tank swap. If the tank has 10 stacks he may explode.


This debuff is the corrosive slime DoT that is applied to a random member of the raid. You should always be checking your debuffs in hard mode for this debuff so that way you do not place the yellow circle under the raid or the boss. In story mode there is no yellow circle when the DoT is cleansed because that is a hard mode mechanic. This DoT does about 3.6k damage every 3 seconds and can be cleansed.

Yellow Circle:



There will come a point in the fight ( usually at 10% but it has been known to happen anywhere between 5-15% ) that you will notice twisted spawn will appear. At this point tanks can try to tank them but the attention should be on burning the boss as soon as possible. The enrage timer for the Horror is 5:45. What should be your last ( 4th ) red pool would be dropped at 5:15 into the fight. Please remember that too many twisted spawns will wipe the raid.




This is a video of the Writhing Horror fight in SM and under it I will link Dulfy's Hard Mode video so that you can see it done.


Story Mode:


Hard Mode:






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So I said that this will be continued and so it shall be. After you finish the Horror fight you will go down the shaft provided and have a champion and two golds to deal with. these guys are an easy fight. You can CC the golds and handle the champion first or just hit it head on. Either way it's just a tank and spank fight.



Now what is coming up I like to call Hypergate Ally. Now it is very easy to wipe on this section of the operation if one does not pay attention to what they are doing. There will be a spawn of three Hypergates. With the hypergates you will get the following.



First: Golds

Second: Lumbering Savage & Beastmaster

Third: Golds, Lumbering Savage, & Beastmaster



Alright we will start to cover the first hypergate. A simple mechanic that can be applied to all of them is that DPS will want to focus on the hypergate first and foremost. You will need to burn this down in order to stop the adds from spawning. Once the hypergate is down you can move to the adds. DPS will want to gather close together ( yes ranged as well ) for AOE heals. This will make healing the raid easier and more efficient. With the next two hypergates I like to hit the hypergate then the lumbering savage then the beast master. Once those are down you want to fire away on the golds on the last one. Easy and simple and the raid stays in tact.







Okay now on to the tunnel of lobels. This one can also spell certain disaster if healers do not watch health and in hard mode both groups of lobels are pulled. In story mode it can be done if health is carefully watched however I would still not want to do this too often. In the video below ( way below ) you can see that our tank wanted to pull both groups. We pulled them and it went well. A lot of AOE attacks can be used here and are encouraged.



After the tunnel you emerge and find the giant lobel of doom blocking your path. You can walk around this monster however he is a money boss and can drop mats and a crystal. The thing with this boss is that he causes raid wide damage and you have to jump when he jumps. Tanks want to keep him turned away from the raid as his cleave will annihilate them. DPs want to stand together for AOE heals and make things easy on your healers. He is not that hard if you are prepared for him.



After him you have the dread guard stairs of hate. This is a difficult fight again if you are not paying attention to what you are doing. In the video I have marked the dread guards so that they can be CC'd. The Enforcer was marked with a target because he needs to be the first that needs to become one with the force. Follow this up with fire who is the Reaver and then gun and bolt can be done in the order that they have their CC's broken. It is an easy fight if you can just take out the enforcer then the reaver.



Once that fight has been completed you move up the stairs to your next section of dread guards. Same with the last group. Target ( Enforcer ) and then fire ( Reaver ) followed up by gun and bolt to complete the set. It is not a hard fight and can be done just as easily as the first.



Now with the fight at the bottom of the stairs you want to do this one differently than the others. You have five CC's that you want to set if you can and then to take out target ( Dread Guard Annihilator ) first. This taking out target first is really important because he drops purple circles that are NOT healing circles. You will take damage if you do not get out of them. With the annihilator you want to line of sight ( LOS ) him around the corner to keep him away from the CC'd targets. If you have enough people to CC the five other people then this will come in handy however you need to take down target as soon as possible. The cc's break quickly and you will have a massive amount of people on the stairs that you need to have become one with the force. Do not forget that after you fight to get your lore object if you have not gotten it before.







The last stairs fight before the three important dread masters in this operation. Again I have marked the dread guards with respective markers of kill order. Target ( Enforcer ) and then fire ( Annihilator ). Once they are down just move to the two others here which have been marked as gear and then gun ( both are Executioners ). again the purple circles will appear in this fight just remember they are not circles of love and get out of them as soon as possible.







( To Be Cont ........ )

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Alright this fight is very mechanics heavy in story mode and in hard mode. I will make this very easy and first explain what each Dread Master has and can do. This will be very important in the upcoming fight. I will break this up just because it will be easier on me and give me time to do other things as well. I hope this helps.







Boss Immunity:  This is something that we face with all big time bosses so there is nothing special here. We face this in every operation so nothing new here.


Unshakable: This is another common buff that we face and is no surprise but is something I will mention.


Taunt Immunity: Heirad cannot be taunted so do not even try to tank him. Just leave him alone tanks he is not for you.


Dark Relief: this one is unique to this boss. Dealing damage to Heirad will heal Kel'sara. It is the reason that you kill Heirad first in this fight.


Death Covenant: All three bosses have this, it is simply a buff that makes it so there is no chance at burning the bosses at the same time. Any damage that is done to the other two is pointless while he is alive because when he dies they go back to full health when he dies.



What He Does:


Force Lightning: His main ability. It hits three people in the raid and seems to be random. It doesn't seem to hit the ones that have aggro on the other two so the tanks should be fine with this one. It is what is called a filler attack.


Surging Chain: During the fight Heirad will cast something called surging chain. It will be announced across the screen in red text so you should not be able to miss it. When this happens Ciphas leaps near him and channels a shield to make him invincible. The shield is called Empowered Barrier. Surging chain does damage to the target and the chains go to other targets as well.


Lightning Field: This is a hard mode mechanic but you should be prepared to know it. Ciphas and Kel'sara will jump to their original spots and start casting what looks like to be force lightning on Heirad while he channels what looks like to be force storm but called Lightning Field in the fight. Again it will be announced in red text during the fight across your screen. Lightning starts spiking down from the sky on all the players in the raid and does minimal damage. When the channel ends each player will explode taking damage and doing damage to those close to them. This is why you want to be at least 10 meters away from the others in the raid.


The Buffs that Heirad Has:








His Lightning Field Ability:

Cast Bar:


A good spaced layout for the raid:


What it looks like:


Lighting Field across the screen:


 Surging chain on his cast bar:


What it looks like hitting a player:


Ciphas casting Empowered Barrier:


What it looks like on Heirad:





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In this post I will be covering Ciphas. This will be the second boss that you will be taking down in this fight. I will cover his buffs first and then what he does. Some of the buffs will be the same as Heirad but I will still mention them.






Boss Immunity: Again this is the obvious one and I'm placing this here anyways. You will run into this one with any big boss fight that you will encounter in Star Wars: The Old Republic. You will not be able to CC them or knock them out.


Dark Pact: Ciphas' unique buff that makes Heirad do more damage as Ciphas takes damage. This is the second reason that you kill Heirad first.


Death Covenant: This is again something that they all have. Any damage that you do to Kel'sara when killing Ciphas is pointless as Kel'sara will be healed to full when Ciphas dies.




What he does:


Gored: This is a debuff that he places on the tank that he is targeting. It does stack and this makes it a damage over time effect. Bleeding does more damage per stack however. This is another reason that you tank swap. Anything over 5 stacks and the bleeding is going to be too much to heal.


Bleeding: This is the DoT mentioned above. It does more damage depending on how many stacks of Gored you have. This cannot be cleansed.


Cleave: There is not really a name for this action that he does but it is something he does often. Make sure the raid stays away from his front and be careful is he has to be drug through the raid when tank swapping or after Empowered Barrier.



What he does in Phase 1 Only:


Empowered Barrier: During certain points in phase 1 Ciphas will leap to one of the original positions and start channeling Empowered Barrier on Heirad. This will make Heirad immune to all attacks. Now while this channeled power is active Ciphas gains a buff called Dread Barrier which absorbs damage and makes him immune to interrupts. This shield is kind of like the Sorc/Sage bubble, once you do enough damage, it goes away and he can be interrupted. As soon as you can do this, interrupt him and continue the fight as normal.


Lightning Field: As mentioned in the Heirad post, Ciphas and Kel'sara leap over to the starting position and start channeling something that looks similar to force lightning on Heirad. This mechanic will run its course and then you can tank Ciphas once more because the fight will return to normal. Note however that if you are tanking him on the left he will leap to the right and the opposite will happen if it is done on the other side.



What he does in Phase 2 Only:


Strangle: This is just a force choke. Ciphas will randomly leap to a raid member and channel Strangle on them. This will be announced in red text across the screen so you will know who it is on and who to find to interrupt him. You need to do this as soon as possible because it does serious damage. When interrupted he will turn back to the tank.


Doom: Ciphas will randomly put Doom on a single member of the raid party. This is also announced via red text across the screen so you will know who will need to run through the green circles that will be dropping from random raid members. This debuff has 4 stacks and you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. During this phase you will be able to know if you are going to drop the green circle ( called Expiatory Motes ) because it will have an animation of two white orbs that appear around the person and the circle will spawn under them. You will receive a debuff that begins ticking down and when it is down the circle spawns. Walking into one of these circles without having Doom will put a DoT on you that ticks for roughly 2-3k on non tanks. The target will turn green and it consumes the circle. Please note that you will have enough time to move away from the boss as to not drop the circle around him and the melee DPS as you will then DoT you raid members. If you have Doom you will need to run through two of these circles on story mode and three of them on hard mode. It will not give you the extra DoT when you do this. If you do not expel Doom by walking into the Expiatory Motes you will explode doing roughly 14 million damage to the target. The possible reason for doing that much damage is so that Marauders/Sentinels can't use the 99% damage reduction CD to avoid dying.




Boss Immunity Buff:



Dark Pact Buff:



Death Covenant Buff:



The Gored Debuff:



Bleeding Debuff:



The Empowered Barrier Buff:



Ciphas Channeling Empowered Barrier:



Dread Barrier Buff:



Red Text Of Ciphas Channeling Strangle:



Dooms Red Text Across The Screen:



The Expiatory Motes:



If You Run Through The Expiatory Motes Without Doom:



The Doom Debuff On The Bar When You Are To Drop A Circle:



Debuff When You Have Walked Through Without doom:



Debuff If You Have Been Doomed:







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For the third section of the Dread Masters in the Terror From Beyond run I will be covering Kel'sara. She is the most interesting in my opinion especially in hard mode. The mechanics for the fight with here are some of the most interesting as it is a test of everyone in the raid.





What She Is Buffed With:


Boss Immunity: Again it is obvious and the other two as well as all bosses high in rank have this buff. Every single operation that you are in you will face this immunity on important bosses. You will not be able to CC or knock them out.


Unshakeable: Another common buff but will be mentioned. This boss cannot be interrupted.


Death Covenant: This time it's kind of pointless because the other two Dread Masters will be dead when you go to kill this one. However, it's here and you know what it is by now. It's presence prevents you from doing anything you shouldn't with the kill order.


Dark Bond: Kel'sara's unique buff, damaging her makes Ciphas do more damage. This is here to prevent you from killing her before Ciphas. Tanks want to do as little damage to Kel'sara as possible to hold threat so that Ciphas gains little from this benefit.



What She Does In General:


Pulverized: This is a stacking debuff that is placed on the tank that is tanking Kel'sara. It is another reason for a tank swap. This increases the damage over time as Kel'sara applies the effect. Anything over 5 stacks is going to be too much to handle.


Crushed: the DoT that Kel'sara applies to the tank that she has aggro on. This works with Pulverized just like Bleeding and Gored. It cannot be cleansed.



What she does in Phase 1 Only:


Lightning Field: This is the same as the other two explanations. Just placing it here to keep it in mind as you go along. She leaps to the side that Ciphas is not on. It can be the same of different than where she starts it all depends on Ciphas and where he goes.



What she does in Phase 2 Only:


She does nothing different here. She doesn't do Lightning Field once Heirad dies anymore and will do nothing but apply the tank debuff and DoT until Phase  3. All she does is make the tanks have to pay attention and tank swap correctly. Other than that she does nothing differently.



What she does in Phase 3 Only:


Withering Terror: A DoT that Kel'sara places on members of the raid. There is speculation that if ranged DPs and Healers are far enough away they can avoid this debuff but I don't think it is proven just yet. This cannot be cleansed so don't bother trying.


Death Mark: This appears in red text across your screen. She chooses a member of the raid at random and puts a slow effect  on them following them slowly as well. This is indicated by a green tether that is attached to Kel'sara and her victim. If Kel'sara reaches you she will one shot you. If she does not reach her target in 20 seconds the slow dissipates and the fight continues on as normal.


Force Leech: This is in the hard mode version of the fight so please be aware of this. Kel'sara will cast Force Leech on the tank that currently has aggro. It will be announced to the raid in red text across the screen. It will last for 20 seconds and will reduce all healing received by 99% and 'leeches' health off the target to heal Kel'sara if the target is healed. The second tank should pull aggro from the tank that has Force Leech and NO healer should heal the tank that has this debuff. The tank should also NOT heal them self. Kel'sara will be healed if this happens.


Dread Guard Legionnaires: This is also a hard mode mechanic. Periodically Kel'sara will spawn adds called Dread Guard Legionnaires. This will be shown in red text on the screen as well. 6 guards will spawn at a time and they have very low health. They will usually attack healers due to the aggro generated from the healing they do to the raid.



Boss Immunity:




Death Covenant:


Dark Bond:


Pulverized Debuff:

Crushed Debuff:


Withering Terror:


Mark of Death:

Green Tether From Kel'sara:

Force Leech:


Force Leech Red Text:

Dread Guard Red Text:






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Operator IX


Mechanics Strategy


Color coordination Match every DPS with a tank or healer. Then each DPS +tank/healer pair pick a color.


1x DPS and 1x Tank Blue

1x DPS and 1x Tank Orange

1x DPS and 1x Heal Purple

1x DPS and 1x Heal Yellow


Phase 1: 


Central circle color The pair with the same color as the central circle undernearth Master Control will need to split up. The tank/healer stands inside the central circle while DPS channel at a console to unlock two datacores that can be attacked.


Recognizer adds/Regulator Recognizer adds will come running to attack the pair standing in the central circle or channeling at the console, a tank should remain to tank them. One regulator add will come instead of the Recognizer add when you destroy the last 2 datacores.


Phase 2: 


Black Obtuse Players will need to find their colored circle within 10 seconds while Operator IX casts Black Obtuse.





Color Change:


Blue: Melee DPS channeling with a healer in the center

Orange: Tank channeling with a ranged DPS in the center

Purple: Melee DPS channeling with a healer in the center

Yellow: Tank channeling with a ranged DPS in the center


A mechanic is a timer to destroy the datacores of each color phase. If you target the Master Control in the center and hit your Focus Target hotkey (Default: Alt-F) you will be able to monitor the time left on each color. They are as follows:


Blue: 70 seconds

Orange: 60 seconds

Purple: 55 seconds

Yellow: 50 seconds


Failure to destroy both datacores in the prescribed time results in the color having to repeat which includes all adds. It will also spawn an additional add called a Rectifier which will have to be dealt with.




Recognizer – Spawn on Blue (1st) and Purple (3rd) phase in 2 waves of 2. 15k HP and die quickly.


Regulator – Spawn on Orange (2nd) and Yellow (4th) phase in 2 waves of 1. Interrupt End of Line knockback if possible. ~70k HP


Rectifier – Spawn when datacores are not destroyed on time. Face away from the operation to avoid cleave. ~80k HP





During each color phase 2 spheres will spawn that will circle the room with the color of that particular phase. Those who are channelers or standing in the center of that phase will need to each kill one of those spheres. They only have about 5k HP and die fast. If you do not match the color of the sphere and you hit it with an AoE, not only do you run the risk of destroying it, but it will also stun you constantly until destroyed. If it is destroyed by someone not of the proper color then you will run the risk of being without a color to deal with the Deletion Protocol mechanic in phase two which will one shot the targeted operation member.



Phase 1:


Blue Phase: Everyone run in and kill the two patrolling mobs. They die quickly and don’t really need to be tanked. The blue dps will need to find the blue sphere and destroy it before going to channel. The blue healer will go to the center and begin to heal. Between heals the blue healer can destroy their blue orb. Tanks will run to the back of the room and pick up the Recognizers that spawn. The DPS will destroy the data cores and toss some dps onto the Recognizers as they pass by.


Orange Phase: The orange tank will break off and begin to channel once the ranged dps is in the center. The remaining tank will need to pull the Regulators within range of the center dps so that they can help kill it but don’t forget to kill the orange sphere somewhere in between. Interrupt any End of Line knockbacks. Healers will heal as necessary but it couldn’t hurt to possibly toss some dps onto the Regulator. Having two up at the same time can be a bit troublesome due to knockbacks. DPS will destroy datacores. Once that phase is over the channeling tank will need to seek out and destroy their sphere.


Purple Phase: DPS can take a moment to help burn down any remaining Regulator(s) that are up as this is a good phase to ‘fail’ on purpose. This is due to the fact that the adds that spawn during this phase are easy to kill. The purple healer will stand in the center and kill their sphere when they can. The purple dps can kill their sphere now or during the repeat of this phase. Either way, channel as soon as you can to at least destroy one datacore before failing. When the phase does fail it will spawn a Rectifier add which will need to be tanked facing away from the ops group to avoid 8k cleaves. DPS kill this add as well the respawns of the Recognizers before finishing off the datacore.


Yellow Phase: As soon as the last purple phase datacore is destroyed the yellow tank and the yellow ranged dps will need to get in position and start channeling. Since this is the shortest phase you can’t waste any time. The yellow dps in the middle can destroy their orb at anytime but the tank will need to destroy theirs after the last datacore is destroyed. The DPS will burn down both datacores as quickly as possible, but when they do there will likely be an add (maybe 2) up. When this happens, the yellow tank will need to taunt the Operator IX boss THEN go after their yellow sphere. This will keep the boss off the healers for a few moments while the dps focus on killing the remaining Regulator droids. The DPS should not touch the boss until the Regulator droids are down. Once the droids are destroyed the orange tank that was on the Regulators can taunt the boss, giving the yellow tank time to finish killing their sphere. This transition is a little tricky but we’ve found that it reduces the risk of a tank getting one shot.



Phase 2 and Spheres:


Finally we get to see what the spheres do! Now if you did this right then everyone should have a buff as seen above. This is to handle the Deletion Protocol that Operator IX will cast on a random ops member. The boss will pick someone at random and cast a color on them in the form of a big circle. The best way to handle this is for the affected member to run to the center while someone who has the color of the circle stands next to them which will save them from being ‘deleted’. We rotate the tank/healers in first then, if a second of the same color occurs then the dps goes in. If two people of the same color runs in then both member’s buffs will be cleared and you will be left without one and hoping that the color doesn’t come up again. As long as everyone remembers what color they are and what colors have been used this mechanic isn’t too terrible, but due to the amount of activity going on it can be hard to remember. Just pay attention and remember where you need to be. Aside from this new mechanic, you now have 8 seconds on the Black Obtuse countdown (opposed to 10 seconds in story mode). There are also two adds that spawn about every other Black Obtuse but they die quickly. Good luck and have fun!




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Mechanics Strategy


Phase 1: 


Tank swap The tank tanking Kephess will get two debuffs on him/her and glow. When this happens, the other tank will need to taunt Kephess so that the glowy tank can run to the big glowy circle on the ground to remove the two debuffs.


Focused Laser Blast Move Kephess to the pillar his laser beams are attached to. The person being blasted can either run behind the pillar or in front of it (but face Kephess). This will cause Kephess to get knocked down temporarily and take increased damage.


P1 – P2 transition Avoid the walls that radiate from Kephess when he lands on the ground (middle of the room)


Phase 2: 


Red & blue circles Kephess will leap from ground, creating a pulsating and expanding blue circle to jump down on a random player marked by a red circle. Avoid both circles.


Corrupted Nanites Run to one of the pilars and start the channel to get it removed. Destroying the pillar (finishing the channel) when Kephess is near will cause him to get knocked down for increased damage.







The new mechanics that you have to deal with are tricky to master but the more you do the fight the easier it gets. The fight begins the same way as story mode with tank swaps happening whenever one gets the electrical debuff. From there you will have to deal with some new tricks.These come in the form of white circles that appear on the ground in two random spots on the fighting area. These will appear when Kephess is linked by an electrical bolt to a pillar. DPS need to seek these out and stand next to them. After a few seconds they will link themselves to a player standing nearest to them and they need to be burned down by those individuals. Only those linked can do damage to them so you want to avoid healers getting linked. Healers, if these appear near you then run away. Tanks should do their best to avoid them but if they happen to get linked then it isn’t as big of a deal because when they get the electrical debuff from Kephess the distortion will be destroyed.


This is the only new mechanic in phase one so it starts out fairly easy. However, if you haven’t been using the pillars in story mode effectively then you will need to in hard mode. Whenever Kephess is linked to a tower, the tank needs to kite him over to that tower and stand between the boss and the tower. Not too far but not too close either. Kephess will then randomly target someone with laser blast. That player needs to run over to where the tank was standing and absorb the laser blast. Shields, health packs and heavy healing is required during this channeled cast. Once the cast is over he will be knocked over and you will start to do extra damage to him while he is on the ground. You will have only six towers to use during this phase to get him to 50% so make it count.


Corrupted Nanites


Once Kephess reaches 50% health he will jump up in the air and land in the center of the room causing some blocks to rise and fall out of the ground in a wave. Just avoid them and carry on. Tanks still need to continue to swap but he no longer has the Energy Distortion mechanic. Instead he now has Corrupted Nanites which he will cast on random players. In story mode, the nanites do a DoT but eventually fade away. In hard mode, the only way to clear the nanites is to channel on the glowing towers that spawn. If you don’t clear them in time the DoT begins to stack and you will not be able to be healed through it. Channeling the towers also serves as a way to knock down Kephess in phase 2 as well. Kite him to the first tower where first two players with nanites will start channeling. As soon as you break the channel it will destroy the tower and knock Kephess down allowing you extra damage on him. The second and third tower you will need to wait until three players are affected by nanites before breaking them. In addition to the nanites, Kephess will randomly target a player with Radioactive Barrage. It is essentially a trail of molten earth that will follow the targeted player. Just kite it away from the operation group. He also will jump into the air and target a player with a red circle. This is unavoidable so just keep away from that player and keep heals at the ready.


Burn Phase


For the last, tower (total of 4) the best strategy is to wait until he reaches 11% before breaking the tower. It doesn’t matter how many people have nanites on them at the time. This will put Kephess on the ground for a few seconds, giving the ops group some extra time to damage him before he goes into his soft enrage. The soft enrage is at 10% so be sure you break the last tower before this mark. If you are successful you should be able to get him down to about 8% before he gets back up and starts his soft enrage.


Kephess’ soft enrage will cause him to grow and start spitting out a ground cover blast very similiar to ‘Storm Protocol’ of our old friend Annihilation Droid XRR-3 in Eternity Vault. Keep moving and keep up the damage and healing as best as you can. This is the time to use your cooldowns and med packs if you need to. Spread out as much as you can to avoid running into eachothers circles and burn burn burn!



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The Terror
Phase 1:
Mechanics Strategy
Tunneling Tentacles They have a frontal attack and should be tanked away from the raid. We generally divide into two self sufficient groups and kill both tentacles at the same time as that deals more damage to the boss.
Volatile Larva One spawn at each side and head straight for the tank to explode unless DPS kill it first.
Birthing Occurs between Tunneling Tentacles, avoid the Birthed Larva.
Slam Deals ~8k damage and push you back, can be avoided by positioning smartly.
Acid Spit Spit seems to cover the area furthest from the boss. The combination of getting knocked back by Slam into the Spit can be deadly.
Phase 2:
Mechanics Strategy
Range is not an issue Don’t trust your operation window here! Even if someone is out of range in the ops window, they can be healed! Ranged DPS can also damage the boss from any platform. Range doesn’t apply here!
Platform Positioning. Tanks will need their own platforms at the top as the boss spit acid at them (occupies an entire platform). This frees up the lower platforms for DPS to travel to hit the Tentacles (you do need to be in range to hit them).
Tank swap The boss will need to be tanked here while the DPS kill the tentacles. He will spit at a tank, forcing him/her to switch platforms and then follow it with a Scream (channeled cast). At end of the channel, the other tank will need to immediately taunt and grab aggro as the tank that got screamed at will now take increased damage from the boss.
Grasping Tentacle These spawn in the lower platforms around the boss and will need to be killed. When these tentacles channel Slam, everyone need to get out of that platform and get back in right after.
Hypergate Irregularity These spawn in a bunch of platforms after you have killed two Grasping Tentacles. They do an AoE pulsating damage so kill them ASAP (spread out after killing the tentacles).
Furious Tantrum Occurs at 16%~, you will see a red text emote and the boss will aggro players randomly, damaging them for 11k using an attack called Phasic Spittle. Tanks will need to keep taunting the boss back to them.
Phase 1:
This phase is, for the most part, the same as story mode. The differences are that the tentacles have more hit points, there are more acid puddles and the damage from the various mechanics such as tentacle slams hit harder. The biggest difference is the addition of the Hypergate Beacons which will spawn and start pulling one of the two ops members who are standing away from the tentacles. If the Beacon successfully pulls them in the player will die instantly. The Beacons are destroyed pretty quickly, but you have to be ready to switch targets when you see them.
Tip: An easy way to predict the Beacon arrival is with a swirling circular graphic that will appear. The graphic won’t have a name but if you see it spawn, you will know that the Beacon is not far behind. Keep in mind that the Beacon won’t appear where the graphic anomaly is, it is just an indicator that one is about to spawn.
If your group’s rhythm is good, you should see the Beacon spawn at about 65% then, shortly after, a set of Unstable Larva adds will appear. Kill the Beacon, kill the adds, then get back on the tentacle. At about 20% a second set of Unstable Larva will appear. Kill them quickly, then finish off the tentacles before retreating to the water to avoid the Birthed Larva. On occasion, you will see a random Hypergate Beacon appear just before the Birthing. If so, just kill it quickly and retreat back to the water’s edge. Remember to give the Birthers a wide berth as they do quite a bit more damage in Hard Mode if they burrow and explode on someone.
This is a rinse and repeat phase for about 4 cycles. After the final tentacle is destroyed the group will be teleported into the hypergate where you will begin phase two. Tanks should change their guard over to the healers for phase two. The best time to do this is before the last tentacle dies. By that time the tanks will have enough aggro and won’t need to have their guard on a dps.
Phase 2
This phase is probably the hardest for the dps as it is up to them to kill tentacles, anomalies and irregularities while jumping from platform to platform. At the same time it is probably one of the most fun fights as dps because of this fact as well. Tanks aren't too stressed during this phase as all they need to do is swap when they get the scream debuff then run up to the starting platform to cleanse the debuff before getting back to position to tank. Healers have it easiest as all they have to do is stand on the starting platform and heal. The only time they should have to move is during the soft enrage towards the end of the fight. That being said, there is quite a bit of damage that is going out, but there are no mechanics in place that will force them to move during most of this phase.



The graphic above is going to be useful when describing positioning. If you split the map down the middle, the dps and tank that was on the left tentacle in phase one will head off to the left while the right goes right. Healers will remain on the starting platform (1) for most of this fight. From platform 1 the healers can see everyone on the field and heal them without line-of-sight issues with the exception of platform 17.
Tanks: Start on platforms 11 and 15 and switch between 10 and 16 respectively during the first sets of tentacles for the acid spits. When one tank is hit with a scream the other must taunt off and begin tanking. The tank with the scream debuff must make their way to platform 1 where the healers are and stand in a darkened area on that platform to cleanse off the debuff before making their way back to their tanking platform. During the second set of tentacles, the dps will need platform 10/11 and 15/16 so tanks will need to shift over to 12 and 14 while sharing platform 13 to avoid acid.
DPS: For the first set of tentacles, all dps will go to platform 13 until the tentacles slam down. The left side dps group will go to 12 while the right goes to 14. DPS will have to kill three sets of tentacles during this phase before you get to the soft enrage. While killing the tentacles they will cast Hypergate Anomalies when they reach about 75% and again at 50%. Take a quick glance around at the upper levels. Left group will look at 2 through 5 and right side will look from 6 to 9. If any Anomalies appear the dps for that side will have to jump over and destroy it. Once down, return to your spots and kill the tentacles. Remember that the cast will not always spawn Anomalies so look before you leap.
Hypergate Anomaly
Once the first set of tentacles are killed the Terror From Beyond will begin to channel Hypergate Irregularity. This will spawn Irregularities on the platforms where you see the green dot on the map above. DPS will need to split and kill them all, preferably before the channel finishes. If any are still up, they will begin to do AoE damage to the ops group until it is killed.
Hypergate Irregularity
Soft Enrage:
The dps cycle will continue for two more rounds. When the last set of tentacles reach about 10%, one of the dps should announce this, break off and find another platform to stand on while leaving the last dps there to finish off the tentacle. When the announcement is made, one of the healers should leave platform 1 and continue healing. Tanks will need to be ready to take turns taunting, knowing who will pick up the boss first. Once the phase begins the boss will randomly drop aggro and go after another member of the operation. The other tank should be ready to pick up the boss when this happens and the tanks will take turns taunting. The random aggro drop is timed just long enough so that both tanks have to coordinate their taunts. Save your AoE taunt as an emergency. Healers heal your hearts out. DPS will burn down the boss. You only have to reach 3% before the Terror From Beyond is forced back into the depths of whence it came.





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