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X Marks the Spot: Prisoner of War.

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He woke up again to the same hammering noises inside of his head, the sounds of metal clashing upon metal haunting his memory. Tightly he grabbed at his own gray ears and let out a shill scream of agony, and tossed his body against the side of the cell. His poorly treated shoulder smashing against the cold concrete sending both pain and a sudden chill down his arm. Xayvier had no idea where he was or who the people that captured him were, but his mind focused in on the sudden silence.

Every night he was drugged and tossed against the ground of this cell, his eyes constantly blindfolded and his armour still worn. The captives weren't too smart from what he could tell but they followed a strict schedule. Each morning they woke him up with the sounds of machinery being activated in the room beside him. It became obvious that it was some sort of secondary doorway that was beside the holding chamber for prisoners. Quite possibly the engine from a hanger doorway given the immense sound it conceived.

Once the sound was over the doorway usually opened and one of the guards would drag him outside. The blindfold was practically nailed onto the sides of his head, but he couldn't remove it from the sheer pain. They would ask him questions about the Ordo over again but of course he never answered. Anything they could do to him at this point would pointless considering he'd possibly been trapped for a week already. He couldn't tell to be completely honest, since time was irrelevant when kept a prisoner under enemy's hand.

He couldn't remember exactly how he got captured so easily. It was during an assault to a location that wasn't supposed to have been specified, so whoever owned the base he didn't know. They fought in what seemed like a large mountainside surrounded by sand and waste. The enemy soldiers were barely visible through a crashing storm that caused waves of sand to shred armour from other soldiers. It wasn't the easiest fight in the world and it wouldn't be one he forgets, either. During the final stretch of the assault Navis ships were beginning to land, but before he could reach one Xayvien was taken down.

The shot was directly against his shoulder and he remembers his body spinning sideways. It had to have been some sort of energy weapon because of the strength, and the wound was burned shut the moment it opened. Once he woke up the blindfold blocked everything else around him except the flashing moments of his battle. The slicing of his enemy's throats as the shards of metal and stone in the sandstorm tore them apart. Ordo themselves fell victim to the natural conditions, but most of them survived the disaster because of their preparation for different environments. Heavy armour was used to survive this sort of problem, but even the suit Xayvien was wearing took a massive beating. Scratched up, rough, and smelling of dried blood that was long since beginning to flake away.

He wondered why the door had not opened since the machine was activated and slowly stood up. Usually the guard was on time and didn't spare the chance to come attack a blindfolded man, but this was different. Xayvien approached the doorway from memory and placed both his hands upon the smooth surface, pressing his ear against it. There was a weak sound of an alarm in the distance and it sounded like the one from the attack. The door opened beneath his hands and he slipped forward, hitting the ground while the guard jumped to the side. Xayvien rolled and spun around, looking back and forth frantically with the blindfold on.

"Jesus Christ!" Shouted the guard when he saw Xayvien strike the ground. He juggled his own rifle in his arms and aimed it towards the prisoner, before spotting the blindfold and laughing. "Was about to shoot you, but you're not one of the hostile Ordo. You can't even see!" The man laughed and kicked Xayvien in the torso against the spot his body wasn't covered, he grunted and pretended to hit the ground. There was a loud explosion and the guard was heard running towards it, a screeching noise from his communicator being heard over the retreat.

"Other Ordo?" Xayvien thought to himself before standing up. He couldn't do anything without being able to see, but this would probably be his one chance to escape. Both his hands were shaking slightly at what it was he had to do, and he reached up to the blindfold. His hands gripped the metal on the sides and began pulling it powerfully, hearing a slight crack and ripping noise. He screamed loudly as the metal contraption was ripped from his face. Two bolts bounced against the ground and their holes sputtered blood down the side of Xayvien's face.

Breathing heavily he tossed it to the side and his eyes were wide open. Streaks of violet blood running down the length of his gray fur while he regained some of his composure. He looked at the device which remained on the ground splattered with blood, but his eyes took a few moments to adapt. There was flashing while the lights in the hallway seemed to drive him completely mad. Holding his hand over them to somewhat shield the brightness he began stepping forward, the doorway the guard had left through was still unlocked. Behind him the slight sizzling sound of his chemical imbued blood burning the concrete and blindfold could be heard. Of course his body was immune to this.

Stumbling forward like a drunken idiot Xayvien grabbed onto the terminal and looked at the controls. The door was highlighted green for being unlocked and he pushed it open without hesitation. There was a guard on the other side with his back turned to him, but he was crouched at a barricade with shots coming their direction. Xayvien crouched down low enough so the shots would go above him and the other man; he got a good sight of the armour and realized it was Guerrilla Rebels. Stepping up behind him quickly was quite easy now that he was fully distracted from incoming Ordo fire. Placing both hands upon the rebels neck Xayvien lightly smirked to him.

"Surprise..." He whispered with a sadistic tone as the snapped the man's neck clean in half. Xayvien heard the loud cracking noise as everything this person had to offer was removed in one swoop. Friends, family, and whatever else this rebel had meant completely nothing to the escaping Ordo soldier. He reached down for the man's rifle and realized it was down to only a few shots of ammunition. Instead of bothering to check for more Xayvien took a knife from the dead rebel's satchel.

"This should do for now..." Xayvien thought to himself before lightly raising to stare over the barricade as best he could. There was still Hell and gunfire coming to this side of the battlefield and he was right about one thing; it was indeed a hanger he heard opening every morning beside the prison section, and it was currently under massive attack. Instead of wasting his time trying to alert the Ordo of where he was Xayvien decided to make it over to their side of the battlefield. After another brief check of the man he took an ID pass and was ready to escape.

He was crouched low to avoid the gunfire and remained behind the barricades and crates on this side of the hanger. He spotted several other Guerrilla Rebels hidden behind the boxes preparing a mortar and aiming it towards an Ordo Mech on the opposite side of the zone. From this spot of the hanger he could see a lot of the outside and the desert that eventually seemed to break into a forested mountainside. "How come Guerrilla Rebel's built their base on this Hellish mountaintop?" He asked himself several times in a repeated order, but he eventually came back to the task at hand.

Xayvien stopped behind one of the boxes just beside where the mortar shells were stored, and he noticed one of the rebels getting up. He pressed his back against the box and waited for the rebel to approach close enough to get a shell. After a second he saw the soldier's foot beside the crate and stood up from behind it. Swinging his knife straight upwards and slashing the rebel beneath the jaw. Cutting it clean in half and splashing blood over his own face. The other two rebels jumped and one reached for his rifle.

Since they were only a few feet away Xayvien charged towards the one reaching for his rifle. He swung the knife down and stabbed him clean through the top of his head and ripped it out, taking a chunk of his skull and brain in the process. "Won't be needing this!" He shouted with a demented laugh before spinning to face the third rebel. At this time the third man was reaching for a communicator and Xayvien stepped up behind him, grabbed the man behind the head, and slashing his neck before picking up the communicator. "Hello?" A fizzy voice came from the transmission device. "Sorry, wrong number..." Xayvien replied. "Who is this?!" Was all that Xayvien heard before flicking the switch, and stuffing the communicator into the bleeding rebel's mouth. "It's for you I think."

The knife was drawn increasingly further through his neck until it reached the chunk of spine at the back. A gurgling scream coming from the man while he choked on blood and a communicator before having his head sliced clean from both shoulders. Xayvien laughed and picked up the head from his hair, stuffing it into the mortar before hitting the switch, and sending the rebels skull spinning into the battlefield. At this point there was an Earth shattering shake of the entire base.

The hanger doors began closing and a force field was generated to separated the Ordo from the Guerrilla Rebels on the opposite end of the massive mountain hanger. Xayvien laughed and began moving quickly through the few remaining boxes in his pathway. The entire hanger was ablaze with wreckages of aircraft that never even had a chance to lift into the air. The roof which was once a beautiful glass dome had come crashing down onto the small-scale war, raining with shards that pierced soldiers below.

There was a door at the other side of the boxes which had a dead rebel smeared over the surface and his hand jammed into the computer. The door was opening and closing in a repeat against the rebels head as he hanged halfway through the malfunctioning passage. Xayvien approached the door and pulled the rebels hand from the computer, catching the door with one hand and pushing it open slowly. On the opposite side was the interior of the rebels base, and it was completely black from loss of power.

Xayvien held the knife close and began stalking down the narrow hallway. Gunshots rained through the vents above and sounded almost as if they were in the same room. The lights were on their emergency setting and began flashing, which indicated that there would be few people in this section. Little trouble was encountered as Xayvien walked down this hall and into the next room. Computers lined the walls and each one read 'Error' across the screen in bold red lettering. The smell of blood was stronger as Xayvien walked and he heard a squish beneath his foot.

Looking down he spotted a dead rebel he'd just stepped into and examined the corpse. There was a weapon clutched in his hand with the indicator stating it had full charges, but the soldier was dead to a single shot in the skull. Xayvien grabbed the rifle and tucked his knife into his tactical belt, searching through the body and finding a machete on the man's belt. He grabbed that before leaving and began walking down the hall again.

The entire building was shaking and the alarms grew louder was Xayvien approached a large blast door. It looked almost like it had recently been closed and he wouldn't be able to get through. This wasn't a problem for Xayvien as he kneeled down to a vent beside the doorway and popped open the grate, climbing through and shifting into the duct. The sound of the machete grinding against the metal sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

It seemed like a dumb choice for a moment before he began sliding forward. His arms in front of him while he went straight down into another grate, slamming through it and landing on the floor of what looked to be another computer room. He laughed again for the third time and someone shouted in return. "Who the fuck is there?" A voice boomed from behind a computer, a Guerrilla Rebel raising his head and going pale in the face. "It's you!" The man shouted before standing up. Xayvien remembered that voice, it was the man that kicked him in the prison who had been torturing him the past week.

"It's not me you should be scared of, it's my friend..." Xayvien replied while holding out his machete. "I'm going to rip you apart, one bloody chunk at a time." The man stood up and took out his rifle before unloading an entire clip of shells towards Xayvien. The bullets bounced over the computers and some struck Xayvien's already sore arm, making him grit his teeth in pain. The rebel was obviously in a state of panic from the sudden Ordo dropping through the ventilation shaft. Not just only an Ordo member but the one he'd thought would still be on the ground from his blindfold.

"Get away from me!" The man screamed while reloading his gun, and then cocking the switch while scanning around. Every light in the computer area turned black and everything went quiet except for the explosions in the distance. "Are you...Are you dead?" It was almost like every word was whimpered out of the man in his state of complete fear. Emergency power came back on and the lights were flashing black and white, but there was no sight of Xayvien. There was a trail of blood on the ground that the man followed, but it sizzled against the concrete. "Y-You freak and your mutated blood!"

Xayvien chuckled darkly and tapped the man on the shoulder, with a wide smile spread across his maw. Each tooth glistening in the flashing lights of the room and completely exposed. His jaw was narrow and long compared to how it looked from the outside, and every tooth curved over itself to lock them together. "Be more polite, didn't your mother ever wash your mouth with soap? Well, perhaps I could after I cut out your tongue!" Xayvien punched the man in the jaw and sent him down against the ground.

Bullets fired from the rebel's rifle up against Xayvien's hand and caused him to scream, grabbing his own hand tightly and clinging it to his chest. "Die you fucking freak!" The rebel shouted before running towards the door of the chamber. Xayvien snapped himself back into place and reached for the knife, tossing it towards the man and hitting him in the back of the ankle. Because of his boots the rebel only stumbled a little before escaping through the door.

"I like it when they run..." Xayvien gurgled through his own rage while breaking into a chase. His hand still being held from the gunshots and dripping blood that burned the concrete onto the ground. He saw the rebel once he turned out the door behind a few boxes and a couple Numerii bodies. "I'll kill you like I did your friends!" The rebel shouted before unloading a second clip into Xayvien's direction.

He was caught completely by surprise and turned around to expose his back to a majority of the shots. His armour not doing much as the shots riddled his back and parts of his tail, alongside several grazing against his legs and arms. Once the clip was empty the rebel broke into nervous laughter, realizing that he was out of bullets. The alarm behind them both began to ring and the blast door at the end of the hall slowly started shutting.

Xayvien sprung around to see the rebel charging towards the door while laughing. If that door sealed he would have completely escaped and right after wounding a proud Ordo soldier. The chase continued and the rifle Xayvien had stolen was still full of charges and slung over his shoulder. He took it out and began shooting towards the rebel, hearing a shriek of terror as the man covered his head with both hands. Xayvien laughed and smirked to himself while licking his maw with the slender snake-like tongue of his mutated form. "It's not the gun you should be afraid of..." Xayvien thought to himself before listening to the machete chink against his belt.

The rebel made it through the door before Xayvien and turned around while catching his breath, seeing the Ordo soldier a good distance away with little door left. He bent down and put both hands on his knees while laughing, the image of Xayvien getting smaller in the blast door as it continued to close. Those laughs were cut short when it appeared the chase wasn't just ending yet, and Xayvien slammed the empty rifle between the closing door and used it for leverage to swing through. Kicking the rebel in the chest and sending him flying on his back down the hall several feet.

Xayvien regained his posture and stood in front of the blast door as it slammed closed, breaking the rifle in half and sending shards everywhere. He laughed down at the rebel and kept approaching him, the Guerrilla scooting back on his butt attempting to get away. There were tears welling up in both his eyes as the rebel held his hand in front of his face and the hallway flashed. "Please...!" The rebel shouted towards Xayvien in a desperate plea for his own life.

The machete was drawn into Xayvien's palm and held into the air above the rebel and stabbed downwards through his chest. It pierced his armour, skin, and through the back into the ground. Xayvien snapped the grip from the machete just leaving the blade pinning the rebel against the ground. The sound of him screaming in pain brought Xayvien a great deal of delight as he looked at his bleeding hand. Using the blade of the machete he slit a small portion of his own wrist to draw out some violet blood. He began dripping the blood over the rebels face into an X that burned and scarred deep into his flesh. "I won't kill you...But every morning you wake up you'll remember me, and take it as just one reason not to harm the Ordo again..." Xayvien commented softly as he began walking down the hall. Screams of pain echoing behind him while the base shook again from another explosion on the outside.

At the end of the hallway there was one doorway and it required an ID card. Xayvien took the one from his belt that he'd stolen and put it into the computer, opening it once the indicator turned green. He stepped outside into the bright sunlight of the mountaintop and gazed around. There was a group of Navis ships being loaded in the near distance so he approached them slowly. He didn't bother greeting or speaking to any of the other Ordo and stepped onto the back of a shuttle, taking a seat and leaning back in his chair. Beside him was another Ordo and he looked over Xayvien's wounds.

"Some battle that was." The Numerii commented. "Gets easier with time..." Xayvien replied.

Edited by Xayvien Rau
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