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Ventrilo - Combat Pertinence

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Just about every day, we make use of Ventrilo, not just as a social outlet but as an important part of communications during operations, defense and offense.

One thing that has been brought up over and over, especially of late, is 'Combat pertinence'. This is something some might have only heard of, in the form of a stern sentence from an officer or an NCO.

What is combat pertinent?

In short, keeping conversation related solely to the task at hand, which is (durr) combat. However, there are some aspects of combat which are NOT pertinent, and only add to the endless clutter. In the end, it typically ends up confusing everyone and making Ventrilo more of a distraction, if not a full-on liability to most who try to use it to communicate with others about the task at hand.

Most are perhaps unclear on what 'combat pertinent' means, exactly. The simplest definition is that 'combat pertinent' chatter is blunt, to the point, specific chatter related solely to the task at hand. It is calm, collected, and dramafree.

A few examples, to make a point. From a defensive standpoint, first.

"OHGODOHGOD I'M GETTING SHOT AT" is not combat pertinent. It relates to the task at hand, naturally. But it is not specific. People do not know who, where, what is getting shot at. They just know someone is dying, and freaking out about it. It's not calm, or collected. People will not know how to react, and if anything, only get a headache out of it.

A combat pertinent version, made simple: "<name> down. There's a hostile(s) over near <insert landmark>, heading your way." It's simple. People know that someone just got killed, and his attacker is still alive and near a certain point. Instead of everyone standing there going 'wat', they know where the next shot might come from while they TP in the wounded.

Second. "I GOT HIM I GOT HIM YEEEAAAHH" is not. Sure, people know the hostile is down. But it is annoying. It's ego-stroking. It's distracting, and also a tad ridiculous to take credit for a kill when there can be upwards of 15 people shooting at the same target during a defensive operation. And on top of that, it might be completely misleading because another hostile may still be alive and about one shot from sending you - or someone else - to your homepoint.

More appropriate? "One of them's down. There's still one up in the north." You tell everyone that one of the hostiles is out of action. You let them know which one is still alive and not TPing out. People are aware there is still a threat, and no one's going to get butthurt over someone stating that the fifteen people firing at one guy managed to kill him.

There is a multitude of other bad examples. You could easily fill up an entire Curia reference book with them.

Think you died due to a cheat or a fluke, or you just can't kill someone? Don't comment on it. Just say "Keller Teichmann needs a TP." or "Got hit, heading back to the south." If you really, absolutely must comment on it, don't clog up the entire ventrilo with 'zomg he must be using an offset/phantom/flak/wireframe'. Inform your OIC or someone higher ranking via IM of your suspicion if you truly think there are grounds for it.

It may be hard to break the habit. But ventrilo, and combat operations become much more enjoyable without the constant deluge of chatter.

Aside from chatter related to combat, however, there's also often chatter about other, completely unrelated topics being brought up, especially during defensive operations. To be blunt, there is an off-topic channel for a reason. If you really must, absolutely have to talk about this freaky avatar you saw, or - to quote some - 'murry purry stuff', use that channel, especially if you aren't on sim or taking part in the combat. It makes things much easier for those who are defending against a raid team (and you shouldn't be in an offensive op channel if you aren't taking part of it!).

And yes, sometimes defense ops are pretty dull and boring, and forcing combat pertinent chatter only would be kind of emphasizing it. "DeadDJ going south again..." would be a perfect example. Occasionally, slack is alright. But the moment an officer, or the OIC speaks up about 'keep it pertinent', or 'combat pertinent only.', don't carry on and continue. Don't drown them out. Listen. They will be thankful for it, and in turn, we won't all act like we have a stick up our butts when we finally -do- get a chance to talk or explain things.

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I am reminded of my current line of employment. We use radios for communication regularly, and they are quite useful. HOWEVER, as they are used for reporting emergencies, we have to keep them clear. It is better for the channel to be silent then filled with chatter. Just because someone isn't saying something at that instant, we keep it clear in case someone has to go on a rescue, or requires aid. Not all communication is emergency, in fact much of it involves scheduling, asking for a ride, watching the weather, pulling cars out of the sand, et cetera.

The easiest rule of thumb:

If there is any hostile activity on sim, ask yourself first "Is what I am about to say relevant to the situation, and does it NEED to be said, or can it truly benefit the other defenders?" If the answer is no in there, don't say it, or go to a non-combat channel. HOWEVER, should you be slacking on defensive duties, you will be raged at.

Also, to add, officers aren't the only ones who can call for "combat pertinent". Any NCO can as well. I frequently do, and it is something that NCOs should be doing, so that officers can focus on coordinating defense, not keeping people in line with the rules.

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back in my old vent this was one of the things i kept in order, but this is one important fact we need to be more aware of... i will also add that this shouldnt be just ordo defense / assault, but for people who are going to play a game other than SL, or going somewhere like new jessie... there are channels for these sort of things, please use them and not the main channel... i have been guilty of doing this myself, and im sure many others have, but lets make a bit more effort...

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Kytec: hostile south bridge

Random e1: where do i get jetpack?

Faril: so this new porn i found

Firefox: oh murr

sera: Combat pertinent

Inoue: Keep it related people

Kytec: He got me, watch center

Random e1: this one time at band camp

Another murry purry furry: This one time at band camp

Aryte: Guys, stop

2-3 members: he's going north

10 members: Don't cluster cluuusstterring omg omg clustering

Kytec: Calm down he's going south, they can go south, theres still 5 people north

Tiridates: these heretics shall feel the might of the imperator! release the hounds i say!


Kytec: he's coming up over the ridge center

4-5 people: he's cheating because his bullets are hitting me

2-3 people: thye are going too fast and thru ground

3 people: No, they arent, he's a good figther, just move around

3-4 people: He left


Kytec: Hostile south

random e1: Down

Kytec: Hostile center

Sera: using explosives should I counter?

OIC: No need, light arms

2-3 people: going north

Kytec: got em

Kytec: he left

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This type of procedure and conduct goes as much for the coms as it does for Ventrilo during combat. If we're in Titan defending, the random comments should be light at best, and should go away when a reminder is given to stay pertinent. I have been ignored before. e.e

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I don't mind the chat at all during combat. Honestly, it's more fun to fight with an actual conversation going. This isn't exactly a clan match when we're in combat. I know others would prefer it to be completely on topic, but I see no harm in talking about other subjects. There isn't much to lose focus of either in combat, the goals are pretty straightforward.

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I don't mind the chat at all during combat. Honestly, it's more fun to fight with an actual conversation going. This isn't exactly a clan match when we're in combat. I know others would prefer it to be completely on topic, but I see no harm in talking about other subjects. There isn't much to lose focus of either in combat, the goals are pretty straightforward.

That would be true if it were casual conversations happening, but they tend to get carried away during fighting. People trying to call directions getting cut off by people getting carried away, We should just use channels correctly. If we want to have a casual conversation about what we had for dinner, use off topic.

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