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Primary Structural Changes: Praetorian Guard – At a Glimpse

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Well, it's that even when we had a full roster, we never had any clearly defined responsibilities, to the degree of other groups within the Ordo. I've always aimed to keep myself busy within the Ordo, but there was no definable hierarchy, beyond Imperator > Praefectus > Other Praetorians. We had a set of standards, for behavior, but not a whole lot to do with those standards in terms of activities that we were regularly expected to carry out, beyond our presence and support for things. At best, we were ceremonial advisers, unless we decided to take on projects for ourselves. This left us filling in a lot of gaps in the Administratio, at least for a while. With the current and considerable improvements in how the Administratio functions, those gaps are being filled by a group of active and competent personnel.

That alone can easily explain, even partially, why this revamp is necessary.

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Oh no, there is no doubt a revamp is necessary, but you could have said the same thing back in the NOI. It could have been done way back then, but you still run into the same problems of defining purpose. Whether here or there, no one seems to have clear ideas, other than the scant few occasions of filling in for officers in various functions. In fact you could call it a solution looking for a problem! :P

Im too murr purr to be a uptight example :p

Your bulging thong is proof of that XD

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Actually, I have some very clear cut ideas for what the Praetorians and Evocati can be doing. They are simply not for general observation at this time, but involved in the -ongoing- discussions the Praetorians are involved in. If the Imperator chooses to adopt them in part or whole, I'm guessing they'll be posted here. I'm only describing what has already been posted and the rationale for some of the changes, not all of the proposed changes.

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Oh no, there is no doubt a revamp is necessary, but you could have said the same thing back in the NOI. It could have been done way back then, but you still run into the same problems of defining purpose. Whether here or there, no one seems to have clear ideas, other than the scant few occasions of filling in for officers in various functions. In fact you could call it a solution looking for a problem! :P

One of the reasons I got bored of it all, right here. :B

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