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Trinity Heckroth

Trinity whatnow?

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Hi there! I read a few of these and figured I would throw mine out there too.

I joined Second Life in late February of 2007, after reading a Yahoo! news story about "nuclear attacks in a video game." I signed up, skipped most of Help Island, and began teleporting around random islands until I landed on someone's private property, and they got mad and banned me. I bounced in the corner of the sim for a while, until I got bored. Teleporting around elsewhere, I found a telehub where there was a nice helpful lady who's name escapes me, with "really pretty wings." She took me to my first freebie store, and my first encounter with guns.

I searched (on the map lol) "combat" and ended up in the combat sandboxes. Suddenly I am teleported to somewhere else. Being unfamiliar with SL combat, I didn't know I'd just died, nor that I was on my home location.

Luckily for me there was a nice helpful guy there. Yami Forti. He told me that I was at the Mahulu Infohub. Tought me some about building. (HOLYCRAP FLEXI PRIMS?!) And then we decided to go kick some butt on the sandbox. We both died fairly quickly. He later took me to GT HQ, where I met Jadz0r Connover, the guy who made Exousia.

I ended up hanging around GT for several months, talking, laughing, building. One day I decided to return home, and met a few friends there. I began hanging out at my home instead of GT. All was well until someone I judged to be an idiot named Dusty Hultcrantz teleported into the hub and started begging and harrassing people to "join my awesome army GDI." I decided then and there I wanted to join this army if only to destroy it from the inside out.

I get TP'd to Mercenary Forces, get a uniform, get a gun, and meet several people. Revan Bleac, Jesse Marrama, Vladimus Nikolaidis, Raideur Ng. I quickly give up caring about Revan, Dusty, and the GDI, because they hurt themselves enough without my participation. Instead, I began hanging out with Vlad, because he was learning scripting, and things exploded near him, which was cool. Eventually, Vlad left F.E.A.R. and joined the Alliance Navy. He then convinced me to do the same, saying, "You REALLY wanna piss off revan? Join the AN." So I did.

I joined the AN AD the very same day Judge Hocho was made admiral, and played around in the ranks for a while, rising steadily until I was head trainer, with my eyes on a spot for w-1. During that time I was responsible for having Syxx Craig removed from command and barred from officership. He eventually left. I seemed to reach a plateau in AD, and my interest faded. Eventually I stopped showing up much, instead hanging out with Vlad on the now permanently access only Mercenary Forces sim, developing weapons and blowing up our friend Programmer Wieffel. (Pwnage weapons hud. I still have that thing.) This went on until one day Drew Dwi IM's me and tells me "grats, youre the new AD CO."

I led ANAD to being the largest active division in the AN. Eventually Harlequin retired, and I was made A-3, second in command of the entire group, where I did my best to open relations with the IS, and actually started combat again between the Ordo and the Alliance Navy. (I was the first AN member allowed in Ordo ventrilo, and I was also the first AN member to be cleared to visit Titan whenever I wanted.) We moved sims from Dorien to Elshout, built the base, tore down the base, rebuilt the base, tore that down, rebuilt again, hated it and tore it down, and finally held a contest to pick a design.

Eventually, through some drama and a poorly timed but unavoidable absence on my part, I was removed from Admirality. I decided, instead of fighting to stay in a group that didnt want me, I would leave quietly. Hanging out in Titan one day, Vladimus (now a praetorian) dropped a grenade and blew everone up. Then he told me I should join. I slept on it.

The next day I asked Aryte "Do I -really- have to fill out the entire application or can I just go lolinviteplox?" I was treated to what ruin called "schola lite!" and was promoted to e-3 upon graduation into astra. I served a solid year in astra, rising to the rank of Optio. I am now serving the Imperator as Head of Internal Security, and haven't looked back since.

I love this group, and the people in it.


Edited by Trinity Heckroth
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