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Typhon Perun


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I've been talking with some of the others, and been noticing that some defense CRs where never written. I know of at least 2 times I've been through myself and a few others have noticed other times as well. I would have corrected the times for the ones missing in my case if I took those notes at the time, but I never did. :(

It got me a idea to have someone assigned to make sure these get done, like a NCOIC or OIC, and SOG, only this one would just handle CR reports while on base. This way we at least have someone that can do it, and is supposed to do it on base. I'm not sure what the title for it would be though, but right now this is just a idea.

If it comes down to wondering about volunteers for this role should be implemented, I know I would be the first to step up to it.

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