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School Semester Ahoy!

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For those of you who're off to another school semester: good luck to you! Don't be strangers. :]

For the rest of us: expect dips of activity during the week days-- it is very normal, and happens every year during the school semester. We've grown to a size where it shouldn't be hindering at all. However, other groups don't have that luxury and it may put a cramp on our raid times. We'll make due!

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Ah, the sunny glories of bright summer give way to the grim truths of Fall. I look forward to your despair.

In other news, I hate the enrollment process, and having limited selection of classes.

I should be able to design my own courses and major :(.

Majoring in Evil Bastard (aiming for a Doctorate) and minoring in Xanatos Gambit Studies:

"Inventive Interrogation with Common Objects 101"

"Shadowing Suspects 1: Lab"

"Unnerving Stare Workshop"

"Improvised Self-Defense III"

"Creative Household Chemistry"


"The History of Counter-Surveillance"

"Politics of Manipulation: Consiparcy Theories"

"Study of Ceasar Borgia: Doing it Right"

"Improvised Dramatic Lighting" *

You get the idea.

*(This would constitute the study of the reflective qualities of common surfaces and how best to achive things like underlighting your face using the surface of a table, or to find the deepest shadow to step out from, or calculating how best to achieve a well timed evil glint in your eye that can be seen by your antagonist in an alleyway at 4 in the afternoon, with minimal fire-escapes, but lots of cross-alley wiring and medial hanging laundry, while he stands 8 feet away facing you, while the sun is to your back.)

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