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Tsume Xiao

Thoughts On The Past Four Years

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I have to stop and actually check every time I think of this day. Holy fuck. Four years. Really?

Its hard to believe but it is in fact true. It was four years ago today I was inducted into the Ordo Imperialis, or as it was then known, the Novus Ordo Imperialis (New Imperial Order).

Four years in a nutshell. Ignore spelling and grammar and.. yeah.

Here goes.

I first met Aryte when he was the "PR Dude" for the AN2. It was at the still-unfinished Carnage Island.

I was talking to Kyran Nyak as he was building and watching the AN2 Members train when this white wolf, Luskwood avatar I believe, came running through the spawn area. I stopped him to ask what was going on, he told me, I asked about joining in the coming months when I had gotten more used to SL (I had been in for less than 2 months) he said sure. That's where I left it with him, and I didn't see Him again, or rather, the account "Aryte Vesperia" until he was the Imperator of the Novus Ordo Imperialis, sitting at a desk on the tallest tower in Macaroth, flanked by Space Marine armor, and a door, so people could knock.

A few weeks later a then friend of mine, Miller Rust, begged me to join MDF so he wouldn't be alone there. I joined. Training was a joke. And was in gear and on base for a few hours when I got a notecard.

It started with "Did you know..." and went on to describe the money theft, and all sorts of bad shit the MDF had done, and ended with "You are about to be sniped from 2 sims away". I closed the notecard, looked up, and was killed. I didn't know it at the time, but the person who had given me the notecard was an alt of the person I had talked to back in Carnage island. I remembered Aryte's name, and found he had a new military, and I went to enlist.

Training back then was, well, back then it was adequate, nowadays it would be a joke. Phase 1 was description and rules training, Phase 2 was weapons training, and Phase 3 was a 3 on three battle in an arena the size of the Range. The gun was massive. Taller than my avatar and a pain in the ass to figure out how to work. It fired large cubes with a blank texture and yellow color. It still does, if I can get it into a firing mode. My trainer back then was MyouKitsune. He was a bit odd to say the least, but I didn't think much of it when Aryte came down and invited us into the group.

I joined Terra. Main rifle was actually pretty good for the time, despite being full shiny. Back then you joined Terra under one of three squads. Acies. Levitas. And the third one for Europeans or something. I joined Levitas. The heavy Infantry devision. My comander was Xang Xaio. Best officer I think I have ever served directly under. My other squad mates who are still around included one of the guys in a wolf avatar, Jayce, and Cyphre. I remember meeting Cyphre too. I walked up to her to see her doing this almost heil-esue movements. My first words "Your AO..." Her response" I know! Its delightfully fascist!"

Then there was The one incredible bitch who led Acies. She was not happy when Aryte suggested Xang's crew get the Aceis Sniper Training. That training was literally Aryte running back and forth at about 128m away and you had to zoom in and shoot him as he ran and jumped. Dont' laugh. back then bullets were slow. I apparently wasn't doing well enough, and Joann began spewing obscenities at me, claiming I had the accuracy of a 3-year-old pissing in a teacup. None of us passed and got the KVR... the Keno.. something... Rifle. Xang was not amused and took us to a store and bought us this $L1000 M82/M107. Told me if I ever left Ordo he would kill me and get that money back. I still have the rifle to this day. You couldn't shoot it without kneeling and being move-locked when you aimed. Also. The Legendary NOI FA-6. 5 slaves. And prim casings you couldn't turn off.

Eventually Aryte grew tired of the super-bullshit with the then super-hostile Alliance Navy. Yes, This is back when that Nanou guy was an admiral. You know. The one Ethan is always making pedo-jokes about. That and the shemale trap jokes. And basically every other type of joke you can thing of that will make Heather >:/ at you. Anyways. Aryte closed the NOI and Macaroth. I was pretty fucking bummed.

I joined the AN. For a month. Met Patteh-Bitch Katsu. Went undercover. Organzied a large strike with several smaller militaries. Made a detailed floor plan of the base. Got Jayce and some other NOI people in on it two. Made one large mad rush on the AN Tethys outpost. Talk about an unfair base build. They had a TOS violating bridge that had a push rod to force you into damage land so they could kill you, and the valley was pretty much un-passable without that bridge, which they could of course control. It was still fun. AN people were pissed at me. :D

Followed some NOI people to Corsair. Met Haner, who built for Corsair. Began to learn to script. Made a turret. It shoot bullets. 1920's Military. Lol. Air raids in the "Rustbucket" against AN as they attacked Badnarik. Saw the "Gwunt Crusher" and giant statue in 'Narik. Was still a nice sim build for what it was at the time. Corsair Died. Saw that coming. Got an IM from Xang. Told me NOI was on its way back, but to keep that on the down low and pass out Titan promo Tavor's in the mean time.

Black Novemeber. Back to Terra. Back Under Xang.City build. Updated VAR-2 Assault Rifle. Then the AXE came. Spam cannon. New Armor. MP5K. Yes, it originally ahd Aim Assist. G3SG/1 With self correcting bullets. Praeda replaced the Mamba/Razr. Slybucks Coffee. The armory was a tent on a building. We had parachutes and were expected to use them. I scripted a target for training. VAR-2 Became new training rifle.

We went through training guns and sims like candy. Port Malleus. Ordo university (The Campus Build). Crazy Grey's destroyed ww2era looking town/city. Another imperial city thingy. THe Vae Fucking Victus. God she was beautiful. The Volcano SIm. Those are all out of Order and I am missing a few I'm sure. Alpha Squads. Acies, Levitas, The infamous Cohors. Gunau. Cheeso. Praetorian caught with one of those Sex-Gen horses while in Armor. Crazy silliness. More scripting. Got help Texturing from Seb. Met Agares and Tiri. Tiri was even fucking creepier then. Agares just stood there and glared at people. And killed thing. Aryte was supposed to get a custom av from Mephitis. Met FireFluff somewhere in there.

Rose to be one of the first Warrant Officers. Became an O-1. Gunau went on leave. I was made leader of Invictus. Aryte didn't think i would last. "Tsume You are some gender changing Furry thing that is going to be in charge of the most Anti-Furry group of Humans in Ordo. Good luck with that." Cheeso was, and still is, Nuts. Our first jetpack, the Ordo PLAP-C25 MK. V "Hellion" v1.3.1. Schola weapon was now an M-11, made by one of Keystones account. Pissed out bullets and killed the user. was replaced at the Volcano Build with the M16.

Navis was falling apart. The O-3's ,Ethan, Keno, were no where to be found. Trevor was my other officer. I learned to fly, bomb, and train on the ships. The Eternity, the flying Fridge. Drop ship capable, and Massive bombs. Oh God Emma Roy, the nukes, and Artemis. Wow.

More Importantly, in that time I met Niiya. I learned to script some pretty nice guns. Ironsight Armaments formed in the build area of the Vae Victus over the Volcano. Met Daffee Vita. He needed a scripter. I needed a builder. December 2008 We released two guns and started Ironsight Armaments. That lead to me meeting Mark Karlfeldt. Caine Constantine. New Jessie. Keystone. Scarlet Flaks, Having to be around/being trolled by Grey Nolder. Excessively Trolled.

The Dagger Exonar Period. If you ever want to meet someone fucked up in the head, this guy could rival Black Talon peoples. I was able to look back on that and quietly say "I told you he was no good for Ordo :/"

Got to know Agares very very well during the period of the Campus and Volcano builds. Went on leave for what can now be best described as mental health reasons. While on leave I was working under the radar for Ordo through Agares. Worked on the new mech, the Venerator, worked on the first Ordo tank, the Behemoth. It was 300 some prims, needed 3 people, and was unstable as piss. But it sounded cool.

MFF 2008. Holy fuck. I felt like some giddy kid about to meet his super hero. My first thoughts as I saw this guy walk past with all these badges "Could that be him?". "Wow He does Look like Tony Stark". "I though he would be taller." I felt like an idiot. I was in a naval issue long-coat modified to look like the old Officer Class A's. My merits were all there in order. I turned to say hello he had walked past and held a finger up His first words "I see you There Tsume. I Thought those merits looked like ours". Spent half the con being an Aryte fan-boy. Watched Aryte sprint across the dealers den to get a Dark Natasha commission. Watched an Artist fan-boy over Aryte and draw him all sorts of things for the sake of.. well. Him being Aryte. Got my first commission. Watched Aryte have someone else answer his phone because he thought it was Fox Killian. Found Creepy notes on message board trying to find Aryte. It was fox Killian. We think.

Came Back after leave. Went to Astra. Learned to Fly. Learned to Bomb in the Thanatos. Chronus and sim boarders are not fun. Gulliver saw I was back and Antesig was falling apart. I wasn't asked to join. I was Volun-told by my old officer, who had Aryte's permission. He shared my passion for IWI weapons. Enter the Negev, Galil, New Sim Build. Niiya's outpost on a hill. With lights. :D

Onager. Ballistae. More tank Development. That Temp build lasted forever it seemed. Chronus went away, then came back. Best 2-sim build ever. Chronus was just hills and trenches. Enter the Tanks. Caelum. Veritas. Aequitas. Infensus.

Sim Change. Imperial City. Kastreanzo makes new tanks. I do more scripting for Ordo than I could keep track of. Some people get thoughts int ehir head I am trying to out gun them. Hostilities. Flare ups. Die Downs. Crazy shit. :/

AC-2009! Drove Melna. Met Vincent. Saw unspeakable things in FireFox's room. Need Brain bleach. Never worn a tail since. Met Karl. Met Sera. Watched Karl get hit it in nuts and thrown to the floor by Sera. Listened to Sera gloat about it. Met Keystone. his hair is fluffy. So amazingly fluffy. Met Tandem/Zerowinged/Whatever name he was at that time. Met Zrazor. He isa total beatnick. Met Trevor. He is a beach bum. Watched Zrazor beat Trevor with FireFox's... unmentionables. Met Kytec. Met Lestat. Met other people I cant remember. Met Aelus. Aelus is so fucking epic. Met.. Liana? Oh shit was that really Liana? Got Art commissions.

Got Back. More scripting. Antesig stuff.

MFF 2009: Met Anly. Met Mike. Anly is just as mig as a jerk IRL as he is online. :<

Got Back. More Scripting. More Antesig Stuff.

AC-2010: Met more new people. Vinnie Looks strangely like his avatar

Everything kinda blends together!

Holy fuck its been 4 years.

Long story short.

Four years of my life have been drastically changed by the friends and social interactions of Ordo. The late nights, the drama, the guns, the raids. It all started four years back after meeting a certain white wolf and getting shot in the head.

[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: <3..

[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Sniping you was the best choice I ever made. ♥♥

For those of you I have known for the duration, thanks for contributing.

It has ment a lot. More than you can imagine.

I hope to be here for a long while. Who knows, maybe another four years.

~Tsume Xiao

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Yus! The bestest Offensio Levitas Centurion, Xang! :D And I made him get everyone Pru's M82 since it like, worked, and was accurate. As opposed to the KVR which was not! I brought about the sniper group within Levitas, and thus the joke was born that Acies sure did like to talk about sniping! XD Hilarity ensued as we did a sim-length sniping test against a target behind a target and Xang horrifically failed because the KVR didn't shoot what you were pointing at! XD

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That lead to me meeting...Scarlet Flaks, Having to be around/being trolled by Grey Nolder. Excessively Trolled.


seriously I don't recall ever trolling you, you've always been a bro, or, like a bro/brother, in the past few years that I've known you. BUT, KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT 'N THAT STUFF, COMRADE! --also, stop using 5.56 :love:

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seriously I don't recall ever trolling you, you've always been a bro, or, like a bro/brother, in the past few years that I've known you. BUT, KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT 'N THAT STUFF, COMRADE! --also, stop using 5.56 :love:

No No Comrade Catface.

I met you. And you were cool so I wanted to hang out with you. But hanging out with you ment being around and getting trolled by Grey.

Yus! The bestest Offensio Levitas Centurion, Xang! :D And I made him get everyone Pru's M82 since it like, worked, and was accurate. As opposed to the KVR which was not! I brought about the sniper group within Levitas, and thus the joke was born that Acies sure did like to talk about sniping! XD Hilarity ensued as we did a sim-length sniping test against a target behind a target and Xang horrifically failed because the KVR didn't shoot what you were pointing at! XD

It doesnt shoot period now. c.c

Edited by Tsume Xiao
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