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Devastator Bluebird


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I have been playing Order with my longtime pvp guild Sturmgrenadier on the Volkmar server since Sunday at noon. I have to say the pvp in this game is more fun than any MMO i've played. (with the exception of Planetside(back when it was awesome, not now obviously))

We've been hammering the RvR scenarios constantly, we've got some seriously excellent guilds opposing us on the Destruction side here, so it's gonna be a challenging time to say the least. The only bitch I have right now is Volkmar is beyond full, thanks to all the guilds joining together, all the Destro guilds and Order, including SG and our allies. The queue in the daytime can be.. well.. considerable. D:

I'm playing as a Bright Wizard, uber firepower and zero protection, which is a new path for me. usually in this sort of game I go 'hunter' type or 'tank' type. I have to say, when your a fire shooting psycho and you can stay alive by some miracle (or have a healer riding your ass all the time) you can dish out some serious firepower and kill all sorts of shit (aka enemy players), but when they start to assign 4-5 tanks to annihilate you the moment you show your face things start to get painful quickly, and you become intimately familiar with the respawn timer as my fellow firemages and I have. :3

It's all rad though, because really getting into scenarios or open world RvR is a lot of fun, win or lose, do or die :D Not that you shouldn't try to win of course. ;D

Also PQ's (Public Quests) are pretty cool ways to gain XP out of pvp combat, but from what i've seen, if you want to gain XP like a crazy person, RvR is the way to go. I can't really explain what the regular questing and stuff is like, mainly because I have no freaking idea. RvR! o_o;

(this is from beta, I haven't been taking any pics recently. too busy BURNING PEOPLE D:<


Also my wizard has a Warrior Priest hand puppet, to which he points out the heretics. Need I say more?


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Trevor Russell wrote:

Looks like just another WoW clone...*sighs*

*in before people start saying "OMG NO IT'S NOT, SO I WILL GIVE A 4 PAGE ESSAY ON THE DIFFERENCES"*


I can tell by the pixels it looks exactly the same. My brothers, do not be fooled by the fact that it is Warhammer, because warhammer fantasy isnt that cool to begin with.

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Gunau Sodwind wrote:
Trevor Russell wrote:

Looks like just another WoW clone...*sighs*

*in before people start saying "OMG NO IT'S NOT, SO I WILL GIVE A 4 PAGE ESSAY ON THE DIFFERENCES"*


I can tell by the pixels it looks exactly the same. My brothers, do not be fooled by the fact that it is Warhammer, because warhammer fantasy isnt that cool to begin with.

Gunau speaks words of wisdom.

I'm not about to do another Age of Conan. If people end up playing this for more than six months, then I'll think about playing Warhammer. And, by that time, if the game is actually good, then the Ordo will be quite established ingame and I'll have a nifty lil spot for me (<3 Aryte).

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Intus Infinity wrote:
Gunau Sodwind wrote:
Trevor Russell wrote:

Looks like just another WoW clone...*sighs*

*in before people start saying "OMG NO IT'S NOT, SO I WILL GIVE A 4 PAGE ESSAY ON THE DIFFERENCES"*


I can tell by the pixels it looks exactly the same. My brothers, do not be fooled by the fact that it is Warhammer, because warhammer fantasy isnt that cool to begin with.

Gunau speaks words of wisdom.

I'm not about to do another Age of Conan. If people end up playing this for more than six months, then I'll think about playing Warhammer. And, by that time, if the game is actually good, then the Ordo will be quite established ingame and I'll have a nifty lil spot for me (<3 Aryte).

AND if they DO stick with it, (which they wont) they can hook us up with 1337 lewt.

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