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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. tl;dr Nice picture of that place in Australia.
  3. Hats off to Xang, Soulbinder, Zenith, Nikolaidis, Schuman, and our build team!
  4. /me facepalms. English house bands are weird.
  5. Cygna

    o hai

    Welcome back COMMANDO OF DARKNESS.
  6. If Americans spent more time learning in class maybe we'd keep up with the world :P (Oh, and have more people go into Math/Science rather than Business/Economy)
  7. lol, it was just a matter of time before that happened.
  8. Thank you for taking the time to post, Amory. I wish you the best in Afghanistan (Durk-durkistan).
  9. It's supposed to be a funny heretic-purging scenario that Tiridates did :o
  10. Thanks for the concern Moy. I'm sure with the information you've provided, Firefox can tighten his security. About the rest of the server: Echelon on security:
  11. I'm pretty sure they knew it was German. And Cyphre is always mean.
  12. Let's see who can make the best nose-cookies.
  13. Everytime you IM/PM Aryte, God kills an ant. Save the ants :<
  14. I was an Auxilla back in the day xD
  15. Uhh, please make sure that you're typing your password in both fields when changing/editting your profile else it won't work. 1) Try renaming the filename to .jpg rather than .jpeg. 2) Move it to your desktop and rename it without a space. 3) If that doesn't work try recompiling the .jpg in Photoshop or the like. 4) ???? 5) PROFIT!
  16. I said technically, people. TECHNICALLY he did not fly. It is against human nature to technically fly.
  17. Michael Jordan wanted to fly. He never technically did.

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