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Agares Tretiak

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Posts posted by Agares Tretiak

  1. The only thing I've seen these fights do is create animosity. The last three have had the main channel become hell, so bad no one can communicate, and the OIC does nothing to rectify this. The only good thing these raids have done is expose weaknesses in our communication abilities on ventrilo. And nothing is being done about it. There's a laundry list of bad things.

    Then, with all due respect, I ask what you are personally going to do to rectify these issues, as an officer. And I mean that in general. I could point out various flaws in the defense and how it is usually run, but unless we do something about it, trying to blame it on the Guard is... kinda missing the whole point. This training is an opportunity to fix our communications problems against a difficult foe, without the problems of fighting an actual enemy. It's -training-. It's a chance to work out kinks in our system. It will be bumpy at first, because it's going to force leadership, of the defense in particular, to actually organize and operate in a constantly changing tactical situation. I'm somewhat surprised anyone would see it as anything other than a great opportunity to show their stuff as a leader.

    Tell you guys what. Next training, I'll personally lead the defense of Titan against the Guard or otherwise appoint an Evocati to do so.

    We'll see if it's as bad as you claim, Mr. Ames. If so, I'll eat crow (so to say) and personally put an end to this type of training for the Guard.

  2. These training sessions do not only benefit the Guard, but can be a potential benefit to the Ordo.

    Be under no illusions, the Guard will play hard. It's trained and designed to hit the enemy harder and faster, and use hard to counter tactics. But that doesn't mean the Guard is seeking to humiliate or "crush" the defenders in the rank and file. Our role is to toughen and improve the shield of defense while sharpening the sword of our attacks. The Guard benefits by fighting the absolutely best fighting force in SL, by which it can work out any problems. Those problems that occur, however unfortunate, -should- occur during a training session, so that on raids, they can be avoided.

    Likewise, the defense has an opportunity to improve it's coordination, test the mettle of the defending commander, allow for a scenario in which the Ordo might potentially "lose" without the ignominious cloud of an actual defeat from our foes. SL combat is not perfect: it has numerous flaws and issues that can only be mitigated via lots of training and practice, as well as a certain degree of understanding that no combat situation is ever going to go exactly how you'd want it. Lag will happen, bullets will penetrate walls, explosives detonate clusters of soldiers, and yes, sadly, TPs will be late sometimes.

    In the aftermath, I noticed an interesting difference in the views of the two parties involved in this particular training: The Guard were genuinely strained to keep up a difficult offense, and were overall pleased and glad to have such skilled soldiers as they faced as their comrades. However, the feeling was not entirely reciprocated. I do what I can to assist the Guard to improve its skills and reputation, but this can only be done in an environment of mutual respect and understanding. I know precisely how capable the Ordo is. Terra, Astra, both are remarkable groups with great soldiers and consummate professionals. The Guard is no different, despite it's "otherness": We all serve the Imperator and the Ordo with equal dedication to it's rules, it members, and its leadership.

    I am hoping that any after combat concerns are documented fully and presented in a clear and professional manner. The Guard will likewise do its best to provide adequate feedback for the defense as well, so that we both continue to improve.

  3. Err. Probably not Ordo genetic experiments. We wish to avoid mary-sues: Even the Guard are going to be clearly vulnerable, if extremely difficult in some cases to kill or overwhelm.

    This means if you want it to be Official Ordo Canon, try to avoid being a ten thousand year old dragon, demon, angel, etc. Avoid characters who were created solely as warriors (Not even Agares fits this concept), of peerless match.

    Please consider your own rank and position, though a bit of pushing the envelope is fine. If you feel too attached to your particular namesake character, you may wish to create one solely for the purpose of the story line. While clearly non-human characters are fine, massive giants outstripping the Guard in height, for instance, are a no go. Etc. Try to be reasonable, basically. As we flesh out more basic information about the "Ordo Universe", some of the limitations and boundaries you'll face will be clearer, and the expectations will help govern any hopefuls for the official canon.

    I think we should proooobably draw up an FAQ for this, and possibly make sub forum for "Official" Ordo related literature.

    THIS SHOULD NOT DISSUADE YOU FROM BEING CREATIVE OR WRITING COOL STORIES ABOUT YOURSELVES OR CHARACTERS YOU CREATE. Simply consider it a few things to consider, if you want it to fit into a more formal, official capacity of the Ordo.

  4. The three I listed will be described in the course of the story "Sentinels" but others are welcome to utilize them as they will. Currently, they represent a very tangible threat in the Contested Areas, especially in the "northern" portion that borders on the Paladian Expanse.

  5. post-129-0-40527600-1303589857_thumb.jpg

    Updated my map.

    The red and purpose areas are blank, for a number of reasons. The Ordo's enemies there are generally unknown, and bizarrely alien. The Ordo's primary objective is conquest and expansion of resources rather than absolute annihilation of it's enemies, though it has and will destroy anything hat is deemed too great a threat or is unwilling to bow to the Senate and Imperator. Numerous planets have been left unnamed precisely so other writers can fill in details as they write, and indicate where they might be in relation to other areas.

    For instance, Far Reach is fairly peaceful, and has numerous well established worlds, but the vast majority of the area is still not settled or thoroughly mapped and explored, leaving it a sort of mysterious and unexpected frontier, though it's well within Ordo space.

    The Paladian Expanse is the most densely populated and extensively explored area of Ordo space, with a dense collection of productive, thriving worlds that serve under the banner of the Senate.

    The Colonial expanse, in the south, is an area the Ordo recently drove out a large, but disorganized enemy species, and has began to colonize planets and integrate tyro states or smaller collectives of planets or systems into the fold of the Imperium. IT's wild, unpredictable, and dangerous, with only a moderate Ordo presence. The Contested Areas are the frontier of the Ordo's massive military expansion, where the Ordo engages various enemy factions and races. Many of the worlds there may have once been unified in the past, but currently hold no allegiance to the Ordo. Others are settled by aliens like the Exonari, Gaunts, and Teristi, and are part of their own "empire".

    Etc, etc.

  6. What? Oh, no. Nothing like that. We use the Ordo as a basis for a more complex and diverse universe, but it'd still be recognizable as the Ordo. We won't change the Ordo itself, to fit the backstory, mainly because we're being pretty careful about how we put out the backstory, carefully avoiding mention of -any- enemy factions, or for that case, allied ones (The current exception being Badnarik because I thought it was funny to put it on my map).

  7. I don't play DnD. I play Dark Heresy, bitches.

    This about the point my team goes "FOUL CHAOS APPROACHES" and start fucking shit up with lazers (lasers with a 'z' are cooler) and preparing to call in the Exterimantus request to their Inquistor who waits in the mighty fleet that lurks above the corrupted world.

    No mother fucking scarecrow is going to survive an orbital bombardment when the shells are nearly 200 meters in diameter.

    Fuckin' scarecrows. HA.

  8. More like Issac Asimov and Frank Herbert putting their heads together after having a go at studying Roman history.

    Essentially, that is exactly what Tiri and I are trying to set the stage for: A consistent, extended Ordo Imperialis universe. As to taking it too far, I'm curious what that means, Kastrenzo?

    Sentinels and Tiri's history are currently the two "official" background works as they actually will tie in together and help set the stage for technology, terminology, cultural concepts, historical context, Ordo's wider organization and scope of influence, and so and so forth down the line. We urge anyone who's writing material related to the Ordo to begin to refer to those two works to help them make a consistent presentation to the Ordo Universe. We may need to write an FAQ, too.

    Also adding an updated map soon here, with some markers and and planetary names, as well as some regions of space with clear names.

  9. I have a WIP map that's a bit more detailed and expansive. I'm working out details with Tiri

    Blue indicates Ordo Imperialis holdings. Orange indicates the zones of contention where constant open conflict exists. Yellow is the Galactic Core which is composed of dead planets and extremely high levels of radiation and other stellar hazards. Red indicates Generally known enemy held space. This includes all enemies, including some we might not even be aware of.

    Purple indicates parts of the galaxy completely unexplored and unknown to Imperial cartographers at the time of this map being made.

    (Click on it to get a larger version)

    I'm still working things in, but VG and most other groups will not be included on the map.

  10. After considerable debate and discussion and continuously narrowing down the list, the Praetorian Guard has decided to expand it's numbers considerably, and has reached consensus on who the new initiates will be. This was definitely one of the most difficult votes we've ever held, with a lot of discussion and in-depth examination of each candidate: All candidates should feel proud of their work in the Trials, you're a credit to the Ordo Imperialis and I know the Imperator can barely contain how giddy (nigh giggling) he was to see this mean qualified people try out for the Guard!

    Without further delay, the new Praetorian Initiates:

    Morh Giffen

    BurrWolf Qin

    Scarlet Flaks

    Kishoshima Dragonash

    Stirn Aurotharius

    Afevis Sodertelge

    Thatguy Andel

    Pr0wer Miles

    Please congratulate each of them for a job well done!

    But wait, that's not all. Given the number of Praetorian Candidates and their qualifications, we decided to create a dedication Auxiliary unit to help support the Guard in its duties. What is the Auxiliary you say? Well, I wrote this up to help explain how it'll work:

    Praetorian Guard Auxiliary

    Official Memo - Do Not Redistribute

    Author: Agares Tretiak, Lord Praefectus of the Praetorian Guard


    The main question that may come to mind for anyone regarding this memo would be

    'Why make an Auxiliary to the Praetorian Guard?'

    To answer shortly, the Praetorian Guard is a growing internal organization of the Ordo with a broad mandate and field of abilities. Because of that, a dedicated support group of qualified volunteers is now needed to help fulfill it's tasks, which may range from equipment projects to internal development projects, or individuals particularly qualified to operate alongside the Guard in combat.

    The longer answer is much like the one above: The Guard needs a support unit to assist it and maintain it's duties. While none of the Auxiliary are Praetorians in terms of authority, and not held to quite the same standards on fronts as a Praetorian, they will often and almost exclusively be drawn from the ranks of the Candidates who've shown particular promise as potential Guardsmen or who have opted to serve rather in the role of the Auxiliary, than take the full pledge of service a Guardsman must.

    To that end, the Auxiliary will be trained to the same standards of combat skill and tactical expertise as the rest of the Guard, helping ensure that there are replacements for blank spots on Praetorian raids and training sessions, as well as people who can help train the rest of the Ordo or educate them, on the Guards method of operating with fireteams. Furthermore, it means there are uniquely skilled, dedicated individuals that the Guard can turn to and rely upon to help augment and improve various projects the Guard may embark upon. It also means it will allow the Guard to help develop promising candidates further and improve possible weak areas of performance. Being in the Auxiliary does not assure one of a position in the Guard at any time, but it can certainly help.

    Finally, it permits the Guard to move retired members of the Guard into a role that is less intensive and demanding, while permitting them a useful position in close proximity to the Guard. Former Guardsmen could join the Auxiliary without the expectations of activity that a normal Praetorian would have, or work more directly as an officer in a given division, without having to split as much of their time and effort between the two roles.


    Organization and Recruitment

    How does one join the Praetorian Guard Auxiliary?

    Generally, joining the Auxiliary takes three things: Absolute, unshakeable dedication to the Ordo, a set of useful, unique skills that the Guard might make use of, and being asked to join by the Praetorian Guard.

    More specifically, most of the Auxiliary will likely be made up of Praetorian Trial Candidates, very skilled people in a specific area of expertise, and Ex-Praetorians who want to take on a less intensive role. No one is directly barred membership, based on this criteria, just as no one is guaranteed a position in the Auxiliary, either. A member of the Auxiliary is a volunteer who is also asked if they wish to join. They are free to join if asked, in other words.

    It is not really an obligation, but rather an opportunity.

    The Auxiliary will have three ranks in addition to overseeing, standing members of the Praetorian Guard: Acolytes, Auxilia, and Honored Veterans.

    Acolytes: Members of the Auxiliary who do not wish to participate in combat of any form, but would rather support the Guard in a non-combatant role. Acolytes might also include individuals who are dedicated to serving the Guard, but have no interest in ever joining it at any point.

    Auxilia: Members of the Auxiliary who can be relied upon to operate on par with the Guard in combat, and fulfill other assigned duties. Auxilia will also include anyone who wishes to pursue a future in the Guard after a Trials, and desires direct training and guidance from the Praetorian Guard.

    Honored Veterans: Only ex-members of the Guard may join this particular rank. Generally a few Honored Veterans will be asked to operate as liaisons, diplomats, or special adjutants working alongside the Praetorian Guard, which is at the sole discretion of the Praefectus and Imperator.

    Conduct and Expectations

    Acolytes are generally not held to very specific activity requirements, though all members will be held to a fairly high standard of public decorum. For instance, numerous CiRs will likely result in removal from the Auxiliary. Auxilia will be more closely monitored than the other two positions, as they will likely be seeking placement into the Guard at some point in the future, are trying to match Guard expectations in other ways.

    The Auxiliary will not have access to the Praetorian Uniform or its access to the full arsenal of the Ordo Imperialis. Honored Veterans are only permitted to wear their old uniform when at a designated honor guard duty or specific Praetorian ceremonies.

    Auxiliary members should never flaunt their privileges, but rather accept them with due humility and severity.

    Auxiliary members will be permitted to wear a special badge to denote their service as a member of the Auxiliary.

    Beyond that, the Auxiliary do not have any enumerated rights or privileges and unless denoted by the Praefectus or Imperator, are not representatives or spokespeople of the Praetorian Guard. Any Auxiliary member who attempts to do so without any basis will be immediately removed and barred from future participation with the Guard.

    Those candidates who feel a desire to serve in the Auxiliary will need to contact me so we can discuss the issue further. Non-Candidates will need to wait a bit longer, before we contact possible members. Thank you, everyone who participated and for your patience!

    The Praetorian Guard Candidacy Trials are now over for this year.

  11. I don't know about kindness, but respect, even for people you may personally disagree with or dislike, is an important part of being professional. I can honestly say that I have a great deal of respect and esteem for every single member of the Ordo, and will even go to say I like the vast majority of our members. I may be a hard ass with no sense of humor, but if there's ever anything wrong, you can rest assured I'll do my damned best to help you with the situation.

  12. That is an excellent point, Mr. Furlough.

    The Administratio and its staff are constantly wary of the symptoms of "burn out syndrome". It occurs, as you aptly stated, when anyone takes on too much work at one time. It was especially prevalent in the past when we were growing rapidly and our officer corps was trying to keep pace. Even now, we're seeking to fill positions in the Administratio. All officers can fall prey to it, if they forget or do not appropriately delegate tasks to their staff, dole out their time efficiently, and if they try to take on too many responsibilities at one time. New officers especially can fall prey if they aren't used to the pressures.

    That all in mind, though, we look very closely at each officer candidate to see if during their career as an NCO, they showed the ability to avoid these problems, since the mentality and skills that permit this can and generally do start to manifest as they become more responsible in the organization. Generally, the job of an NCO is to take an officer's orders (or objective) and take either an assigned piece and general instructions on how to carry it out, and make that a reality by organizing the enlisted they oversee, and encouraging the development of what ever the orders seek to achieve into a reality. Nearly all officer initiatives start from up top and roll down to the bottom, where our foundation lies, amongst the NCOs and enlisted.

    This is one of the underlying reasons why there is a chain of command: No single officer or NCO, not even myself or the Imperator, can tackle every problem singlehandedly: But working together through the organization of the Ordo, all things are possible for us. This is something all of you who wish to be an officer or Praetorian should keep at the forefront of your mind: Doing so will limit the dreaded onset of a burnout.


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