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Agares Tretiak

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Posts posted by Agares Tretiak

  1. Technically, Pre-Imperator/Imperium. IF you really want to be technical, the concepts reach back to Old Terra (Earth). Also, Tiri drew up a Time-Line himself, which I believe is part of the official "fluff" now, for the background of the Ordo and its history.

  2. I'm letting the candidates have Friday off! They did incredibly well today, and I think their hard work has earned them a small reprieve from the grueling training schedule. Even so, I'd recommend you participate or host combat tomorrow!

    Zanndor, we'll figure out how to get you all set up later. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. This is the first part of the next chapter. Wrote it out this morning in a fit of creative exuberance. Second part should be pretty cool.


    Thracia, Dacian Prime

    Praetor Bellator checked the corner a second time and uttered an oath under his breath, before switching on his com. “We've got what appears to be two squads of enemies around the corner.” A chorus of commed swearing followed, quickly chased by a reprimand from the sergeant, chiding his men for breaking communications discipline. Everyone was on edge after roughly four hours of skulking through the tunnels. It was clear it was not a matter of if they'd run into enemies, but when, and with each passing hour they didn't meet any, the tension had grown considerably. The Praetorian actually felt a certain degree of relief, his mind kicking into a trained state of higher awareness and analytical ability, his body feeling lighter and responsive as he entered into the pre-combat state he was trained on. Though he'd not openly admit it, he was excited at the prospect of what lay ahead.

    He checked around the corner again, taking a second look at the enemy squads and their composition. They looked roughly humanoid, unlike the diminutive, imp like Exonari. However, on his second look, they were certainly not humans. They had drawn out narrow faces with overly pronounced cheekbones and limbs that were not quite right for human proportions. Their armor and weapons were roughly analogous to their own, but it was made of foreign substances and a different mindset regarding war. He spotted what appeared to be their officer, wearing a glossy green suit of armor with a red draped cloth over his shoulders and across his torso, ordering underlings in some task. They had rudimentary communications devices,no indications of advanced man to man comms. They made a racket as they chattered and carried out what looked like repairs or some sort of electrical work, but it was mostly obscured by the milling figures. They were being sloppy, he noted. No real sentries or men checking the corners of the tunnels. He took this all in a second glance of no more than a half second, letting his helmet take a short snapshot of the situation for his report, later. He quickly arrived at a tactical solution to their problem.

    The Praetorian grinned. Too easy.

    “Gaunts”, he murmured on the comm.

    The sergeant glowered at his men to keep them silent. “Sir, what are your recommendations in this situation?”

    Praetor Bellator pulled back a full two steps from the corner, then turned to face the sergeant and his men. “I'm not usually one to take all the glory or to show off, but in this case, I think I'll be able to handle them myself.”, He switched to a channel he and the sergeant had agreed to use for private communications and quickly explained his plan. The sergeant seemed to be both dubious and amused at the same time.

    “That's a bit risky don't you think, sir?”

    “I do not intend to flaunt it too much, but risky things are why I'm here. Plus, I'll have your fine men at my back should things suddenly go sour. Simply set them up ready to support me, if I give the call. Gaunts don't like the dark and they're sticking to the lighting. They have no posted sentries watching their back. Tunnel fights tend to be nasty and brutal, so I'm reducing the chances of something going wrong. Make sure your men are prone on either side of the tunnel, as these guys will almost surely open fire at some point. Also, have them cover their eyes until the first bangs clear.”

    The sergeant duly nodded and giving the Praetorian another bemused glance, turned to his men and gave his orders. As the Sergeant did this, the Praetoiran approached Junia.

    “And, how're you doing?”

    She looked up, and for a moment, he felt a pang of guilt for dragging her along, as he saw the fear and confusion etched in her features. She was only a civilian who was caught between two groups of dangerous, gun wielding people, and one of them was dragging her around into who knows what sort of terrible situation. His sympathy swiftly shifted to annoyance as she took on a haughty, somewhat defensive mien.

    “Oh, I'm fine. Fine. Only about to probably be shot, stabbed, and then eaten alive by some dread alien demon. How're you?”

    He bit back the urge to respond sardonically, an instinct that somehow rose from the depths of his mind unbidden. It was rare he respond on any sort of emotional level like this, except with close friends in the Guard while taking leave of the rigors of his duties. He had, of course dealt with women in the past, but they were all professional soldiers or members of the various semi-militarized support functionaries of the Imperator's grand crusade. He could barely remember his family, or childhood, so he felt there was little to rely on in that regard. This however, was very different. She wasn't a poised, experienced soldier, or a cool, disinterested bureaucrat.

    He tried to take that into account, as he said, “I'm well. Look, I realize this must be difficult for you. I've lived like this for years, but for you, you must be terrified. That's okay, as long as you listen to me and the sergeant's orders. We'll get you out alive.”

    She made a small shrug and cocked her head to the side, a petulant look forming that he'd come to dread in the last few hours of knowing her.

    “Oh yes. I'm sure. Look at me, delicate flower that I am, about to be overwhelmed by all this, and I'm so lucky to have a big strong Praetorian here to rescue me from this predicament! I'd swoon, if the ground wasn't so mucky, from the chivalry of it all.” and fixed him with that grating, squinting expression.

    There was a snicker from behind him. As one, Junia and the Praetorian rounded on the audience they'd gained.

    A few of them had the courtesy to look slightly embarrassed under the withering gaze of the Praetorian's deathlike mask and the smoldering glare of the woman.

    “Uh. Don't mind us. Only some chaps around the corner looking to kill us, sir.”, deadpanned the sergeant. Like all good NCOs, the sergeant was able to take almost anything with a stony, unreadable expression. It was a survival trait. The communications operator's face contorted as he tried not to laugh or smile, obviously not a natural-born NCO himself.

    There was a click in his ear as the Sergeant murmured an apology, “Sorry sir, the men are tense, this helped them relax a bit. Good for morale.”

    Praetor Bellator understood this, but also could see that the sergeant was only telling half the truth. He also realized that their awe, and to some degree, fear of the Praetorian only vanished when he was dealing with their guest. He cleared his throat over the coms, softly.

    “Right, let's get this done. You there, see to our lady friend, if you would.”, pointing to the unlucky comm operator. His face went slack as a small degree of panicked dread entered his expression. Junia looked at her new prey with a mirthless smile, and the rest of the men snickered into their comms, teasing the hapless soldier.

  4. Due to continued issues with my connection, I will be effecting a "restart" of the Second Phase training on Monday, so that all candidates may start with a clean slate. I've been working on the lessons and drills to be used and taught in my absence to ensure a uniform and consistence set of information is provided in the possibility of my absence. I would ask for the candidates to remain patient, as we ensure you all will have the same opportunities in the trials. Rest assured, things will proceed according to schedule and planning once this "reset" happens.

    Also, if you intend to leave the trials, please notate it in this thread. I know it might seem like there's a stigma of failure, if you enter and then choose to leave, but please believe me when I say that there's no dishonor in leaving the trials of your own volition. We cannot and will not ask you sacrifice what you find most personally important, for the Guard trials, so if there are real life concerns that interfere with your participation, school, job, or general situation, I ask you focus on those. Your wellbeing is far more important.

    Edit: This means there are no more sessions this week. Please use the opportunity, though, to continue to practice,train, and otherwise participate in combat activities!

  5. Also, regarding Interviews!

    AiR and Curia will begin interviewing On Monday. Please contact Trinity Heckroth or Heather McKay to schedule and appointment. Please remember that if AiR or Curia (either one) do not approve of you for your security clearance as a Praetorian, you will not be permitted to continue in the Trials.

    Also, henceforth, please note all possible absences here, for sake of record keeping! If you contacted me in the last few days about a possible absence, note it here again! This makes all our lives easier. I will then confirm an exception and make up date for the absence in a private communication with you.


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