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Agares Tretiak

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Posts posted by Agares Tretiak

  1. Maks, I do have a problem with it. And calling Aryte "nigga" in public communication seems entirely inappropriate. While I can respect and understand your wanting to demonstrate respect in your own specific manner, I think your efforts would be better put to use to just follow general decorum.

  2. Vegna Fouroux wrote:

    "Milites Ordem est stulti" means The soldiers of the ordo are idiots ;_; exactly how did you concoct sparta failing out of that? You need some Latin lessons I shall happily educate you (:

    and good sir above i think you'll find it was the Achean league who had the Sparta state at that point INDEED not the Aetolians (although in their natural territory). And Rome wasn't a united force, the romans didn't have a proper army until the reforms of marius which was much much much after Rome's founding (Marius incidentally led rome into a civil war(s) ) there was constant bickering until the Imperium days, where tyrants (be they benovolent or otherwise) reigned. and Greece influenced the Romans immeasurably! don't downplay it

    "Conquered Greece,in turn conquered its rustic conqueror."

    but for my final point on this lovely historical matter Rome suffered some horrible defeats in her time and with exception of the actual fall of rome to the barbarians the largest defeat a Roman army ever received was at the hands of a Spartan Mercinary working for the carthaginians. He sprung a surprise on two Pro-consular Roman armies marching to take out Hamilcar Barca (the great Hannibals father) during the 1st Punic war. Name of Xanthippus. He was later to win great reknown in the 2nd punic war.

    ==actual final point===

    But yeah rome was indeed a mighty power no denying that. But also very dishonorable. Jugurtha a numidian prince who fought with and later against the Romans once said "Rome is a city for sale" (right after he bribed three roman generals and bribed a roman court). Also when the Romans were putting down insurrections in Spain minorus they had particular trouble dealing with a guerilla general (his name escapes me I shall edit later) so they bribed his allies (other spaniards) to ask him to a sort of "council of war" whereupon he was captured and starved to death in a Roman jail.

    Can't we all just agree that Sparta and Rome were epic in their respective ways ? ^__^

    Translation: "I cannot spell or assemble a coherent argument without first butchering the grammar thoroughly."


    Furthermore, I realize Rome lost a number of battles. However, its general military dominance is hard to ignore, in comparison to Greece's, which fell to pieces. Who can forget that Hannibal led troops into the very heart of Italy and waged war until Rome could muster the forces to come and defeat his men? But defeat them, Rome did. If you want to be an epic enemy of Rome, look at Carthage.

    Naturally, this is academic, but the fact of the matter remains that some of your history seems more than a bit spotty.

    As to Aryte not being the Imperator: all I can say is "Are you dense? Are you stupid or something? He's the goddamn Batman." He is very much a general, from what I've seen... being one of his personal guards and all.

  3. Thank you Mith, I don't think I could have stated that last part better, myself.

    I agree entirely. Which is why I brought it to the forefront of discussion, because many, if not all the Officers, Praetorians, and NCOs read the boards, and I hoped it'd spark the desire to make sure this is handed onto everyone who doesn't read the forum.

  4. Bruno Ziskey wrote:

    Yeah and that server of yours is called Athena...lets face it, Romans stole their religion from're like our bastardized children...and as your father I am very off to your room, and NO COMPUTER!

    Well, using the Greek Goddess of Wisdom (and also to some degree, war) is better than how you'd treat the old dame.

    Also, the Roman state religion was more pomp, circumstance, and ornamental. Admittedly, certain parts were given credence as fact (oracles, seers, festivals, and the gods of hearth and home) but they assembled their pantheon of deities from a variety of sources. Ishtar, for instance, or Janus, both of whom where not indigenous to the Romans. Thing is, Bruno... the Romans took even the gods of their conquered subjects. Their very -gods-.

    Furthermore, Rome traditionally got it's origins from people who survived Troy, the ancestors of Aeneas, who settled with the Latians of the Italian peninsula.

    More accurately, there may be some credence to this, which would explain a number of the Hellenistic influences. Also, of course, Greece was at one point the controller of the Med ( for the most part). But that was under Athens, rather than Sparta, Bruno. The Aetolian League. After the fall of Athens, Greece found itself with gradually more and more insular colonies. And in the end, Rome controlled more of the world, longer, than Greece ever did, because it united, where as Greece was comprised of warring city-states that generally didn't get along too well. It took a Macedonian, hardly someone who was Greek, to unite and control the city-states, and that fell to pieces after he died. At least Rome had the grace to impregnate more of the world with it's thoughts, and then recede quietly into oblivion, only to rise over and over again in newer empires.

    So yeah. Don't lecture us on history.

  5. >:(

    Comissars go through rigourous training, and though a psychotic ex-Adeptus Astartes Marine is capable of doing the job in theory, it's just not the same when it's an axe to the skull, rather than a pistol shot to the back of the head of fleeing IG infantry.

  6. Yes, informal chatter is necessary to familiarize yourself with everyone in the organization, which I know and acknowledge. What I'm saying is that when someone goes up to Aryte, in uniform, and says, "Wassup my niggas." Or just arbitrarily approach him for an order they could have gotten from an NCO or Officer or heck, checking the COM channel, I see a problem. If they did this in IMs or in some other private matter, or something not directly related to official Ordo business, I see no problem at all.

  7. That's the thing, he made three different orders, and only on the last one did any of them follow it. And yes, the channel was silent. But every moment up to that point, it was jostling and people talking over one another. But even then, the vent protocols weren't being followed, even though it was just a training exercise. While I know all of us can tell the difference, to make the training most effective, is to treat it as though it was a real combat situation.

    Furthermore, I've seen it's far easier to attempt to give a verbal command on vent, than in chat, a fact not overlooked by others in the Ordo. I was using that situation as a recent example of a lapse in basic decorum, which I feel it is important for me to point out. I did try to make use of the vent to make some simple observations on enemies and possible opportunities for us to gain the upper hand, but I'll be the first to admit I was relatively silent as well, and I share the same failure.

    I do not lay blame on others and think I'm blameless, but rather stated that I saw something in myself that I also saw in others that was approaching disrespect, which is the entire reason of this thread. That I failed to make that clear earlier is also my failure, but doesn't change the underlying statement here, one that some have noticed.

    And...I guess it raises a secondary issue of how you refer to some of the ranks these days, since some of the new ones are a mouthful to say, and a handful to type.

  8. Even on Ventrilo, I'd think some semblance of order should be maintained, especially during any sort of combat duty, in order to make things flow more smoothly. Protocols for referring to various ranks within the military have been established throughout history to ensure the quick and easy following of orders on the battlefield, and also the acknowledgment of station within the military. During the combat exercise yesterday, I saw a general disregard for listening to the captain of the blue team that I was part of. At my very suggestion on Ventrilo that we listen to what he had to say, I was essentially told to be quiet by my teammates. I find that a rather disturbing failure.

  9. Wouldn't the name of the planet be "New Laconia" and the city be "New Sparta"?

    I mean, historically, that'd be correct...since Sparta was located in the region of Lacon or Laconia. It's where we get the term Laconic from. Sparta was the city state in that region.


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