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Agares Tretiak

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Posts posted by Agares Tretiak

  1. As a Praetorian, I'd like to make a few positive points about regularly attending training.

    - It's a great way to get to know and make friends within the group.

    - It helps keep you sharp and ready for combat.

    - It develops coordination and teamwork with your comrades.

    - It will help you develop new skills in combat, as well as a chance to test techniques you have heard of or a new weapon you just unlocked.

    And not just for these reasons, should you attend! There's many more.

    Also, remember that for many, though the training is not mandatory, it is highly recommended. For the Praetorians, they -must- attend a certain number of specific training sessions or risk various demerits. Those of you hoping for a commission or special commission in the Ordo should take your training very seriously, because the command staff and of course the Imperator will take notice of participation.

    I remember being told that "90% of success is being there".

    Keep that in mind, especially in the Ordo! An excellent officer, skill wise is useless, if he's not able to make the needed commitment of being present and ready. The same goes for anyone who dreams of being a Praetorian or joining one of the other special branches.

  2. Keno is declared excommunicatus hereticus and subject to summary confession and execution procedures. This edict carries the full weight of the Ordo Hereticus and the Ecclesiarchy. Please, be aware, he has a tendency to do random, inexplicable, and generally silly things when cornered. Like attaching 12 binachis to his body at one time.

  3. I will have to say I have scrubbed my profile quite clean of anything that would prove potentially embarrassing to the Ordo or the Imperator, though not a requirement. I feel such a policy would benefit the Ordo, but only if its members see the logic and reason behind it. I doubt such measures are any sort of purposeful effort to repress anyone's personal choices, desires, or preferences, but rather an attempt to radiate a sense of professionalism and concern for the way the Ordo may be percieved. However, it is readily apparent there are those who feel that is precisely what such a measure would do, and as such, it may not be ideal to try to create or enforce it at this time.

  4. I tend to prefer expensive liquor...

    VSOP brandy, tawny or ruby ports (Noval, omg.) B&B, imported Venezuelan Casique Rum, Polish Vodka like Ketel One, Gentleman Jack, Presidente Tequila, Blue label Maker's Mark, Knob Creek, some bloody good scotch that's name I can't pronounce, but costs 60$ a pop, Hendricks or Tanqueray gin... list goes on.

    I can't list all the wine I enjoy or would like to enjoy if I could afford it.

    I also like PBR, though I prefer micro brewed beer for the most part.

    I drink tea, herbal, black, oolong, and green. I like a well brewed cup of fresh ground coffee, I enjoy water and various juices...

  5. I may also vouch, the Frumentarii are a vicious rumor, started by the apostates and heretics that seek to destroy the Ordo. We know all this by uh...telepathy. Yes telepaths ARE real. They are currently used to fuel The Golden Cup of the Imperator and divine the future.


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