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Hunter Abrams

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Everything posted by Hunter Abrams

  1. ytec Switchblade: xD 'Diablos Korobase' has joined the chat. Keystone Gray: Fuck. Yeah. ShadowFang Blessed: omgomgomgomg 'Tsume' has joined the chat. Dagger Exonar: It's been a pleasure to work with you all. 'Xovit Svarog' has joined the chat. ShadowFang Blessed: <3 Dralkanen Hextall: Hoooollllyyy shhhiiiitttttt Sosarin Demar: I'm already naked and everything. Kytec Switchblade: its like waiting for a movie to start Intus Infinity: Been a pleasure 'Lestat Umarov' has joined the chat. Keystone Gray: TODAY, WE TRAVEL TO THE MOON. Dagger Exonar: Please hide your tails and perk your ears, this is going to hurt. Intus Infinity: I'M NAKED TOO Dralkanen Hextall: *pops champene* Aryte: Get ready. Aryte: Get the fuck ready. Kytec Switchblade: comign soon, christoph's letter to richard simmons, fall 09 Dagger Exonar: It involves snowmew, and mounting. Last chance to leave. Aelus Janus: LOL. Lestat Umarov: This is choppah dave Dralkanen Hextall: fuckin 35 MINUTES?! Aelus Janus: Owe mah gawd. Lestat Umarov: UH_oHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ShadowFang Blessed: GLORY TO THE IMPARATOR Dagger Exonar: 36 Keystone Gray: SNOWMEW MOUNTMOUNT. Dagger Exonar: My comment is the download Dagger Exonar: The more people who have it, the better Tsume: I think I will be making many many gestures Rei Kuhr: Everyone turn off microphone bind Hunter Abrams: oh lord Dralkanen Hextall: Omg Intus Infinity: HERE WE GO Vladimus Nikolaidis: Which one is which Tsume: what the FUCK Dralkanen Hextall: i feel dirty Dagger Exonar: Be aware I hate both these people. Xayvien Rau: OH MY GOD. Aelus Janus: Omg. Keystone Gray: Uildiar is the fennecy. Dagger Exonar: Rawr. Aelus Janus: Rawr~ Intus Infinity: rawr = uildiar Kastrenzo Benelli: Uildiar is the one who is clear, Dralkanen Hextall: ARGH Tsume: who the fuck is that? Rei Kuhr: Pants: off Aryte: This is nothing. Aryte: THIS IS NOTHINg. Xayvien Rau: OH MY SUGARBLOSSOMS. Kastrenzo Benelli: chris is on the other end, Hunter Abrams: aw god my ears they bleed Dagger Exonar: Hunter Dagger Exonar: Just wait Xayvien Rau: CHRISTOPH SOUNDS LIKE HE WORKS AT A DRIVE THROUGH. Intus Infinity: rawrrrr Tsume: I'm going to vomit Diablos Korobase: rawr 'Tenaki' has joined the chat. Aelus Janus: RAWR~ Kanaki Hornet: rawr Aelus Janus: NARF. Intus Infinity: narvv Dagger Exonar: The middle will make you cry Dralkanen Hextall: rawr Hunter Abrams: rawr Tsume: who is speaking Keystone Gray: RAWWWWWWWR. Diablos Korobase: LMAO Intus Infinity: rawrrrr Dagger Exonar: the beginning is tame Aelus Janus: *SIGH* Lestat Umarov: rawr :o Intus Infinity: *SIGHHH* Vladimus Nikolaidis: ...... what the FUCK..... WHAT THE FLYING FUCKING BALLS Xayvien Rau: RAWR. Diablos Korobase: RAWR Dagger Exonar: I'm a stressed snowkitty Aelus Janus: I'M A STRESSED SNOW KITTY. Keystone Gray: SNOWMEW. Dralkanen Hextall: rawr *happy christoph sigh* Im a threshed snow kitteh Xayvien Rau: STRESSED SNOW-KITTY. Diablos Korobase: Snowkitty Tsume: I need this file..... Rei Kuhr: I am now mentally scarred. Keystone Gray: STRETCHED KITTY? Dagger Exonar: Rei Aelus Janus: NAM NAM Tsume: MUST MAKE GESTURES! Aelus Janus: NAM NAM NAM Dagger Exonar: This is nothing Hunter Abrams: WE SHOULD MAKE GESTURES OF THIS! Aelus Janus: Rawr~ Dralkanen Hextall: GNOM RAWR Lestat Umarov: GESTURES!!! Lestat Umarov: XD Aelus Janus: Naarf? Dagger Exonar: You're all patheticly weak if you think this is bad. Sosarin Demar: I dont know if I can make it through 2 hours of this josey Bingyi: oh god thats going to ruin me Kytec Switchblade: wtf xD Aelus Janus: Dagger wait. Tenaki: Nomnom? Lestat Umarov: Hunter, largest group Dagger Exonar: It gets better. Aelus Janus: This is nothing. Lestat Umarov: you must Aryte: Get. Rei Kuhr: OM NOM NOM Aryte: Ready. Keystone Gray: Christoph is fucking pathetic. Oh my god. xD Aryte: For. Dralkanen Hextall: HOLY FUCK Xayvien Rau: They sound like fucking 10 year--- THAT DOOR WAS TOTALLY CHRISTOPH'S MOTHER LEAVING THE ROOM. Aryte: It. 'Kitsy' has left the chat. Kytec Switchblade: oh oh oh Hunter Abrams: I think its bad because I know them from over a year ago Intus Infinity: HOLY FUCKING BANANAS Dagger Exonar: mawrrr Dagger Exonar: RAWRRR Dralkanen Hextall: RAWR Tsume: who is the other person? Aelus Janus: -------------------------------------------------------------AGE/SEX CHECK------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaki: o3o Dagger Exonar: KEEP SAYING RAWR AS THE FLAMES GO HIGHER Kastrenzo Benelli: was that a crow? Kytec Switchblade: mar? rawr? rawr? Kytec Switchblade: xD Aelus Janus: 21/m/tx Vladimus Nikolaidis: Uildiar and Christoph.... Keystone Gray: 17/m, gtfo Intus Infinity: 14/f/tx Hunter Abrams: lol a crow Xayvien Rau: COMING 2012, CHRISTOPH HITS PUBERTY. THE END IS NIGH. Dagger Exonar: the child online protection act was appealed, it no longer matters Aelus Lestat Umarov: is cristoph the one saying rawr?XD Aryte: 12/f/dateline nbc Dralkanen Hextall: 21/H/uranus Rei Kuhr: Whiskey/Tango/Foxtrot Aelus Janus: rawr~ Intus Infinity: Lestat, the hgher pitched rawr is Uildiar Keystone Gray: Christoph is the one that sounds like he works at a drivethrough. Dagger Exonar: Please take a seat over here, Uildiar. Vladimus Nikolaidis: Uildiar is the one you can hear clearly...... Intus Infinity: YOU BEIN A CUTIE Aelus Janus: HUH?? Aelus Janus: I'M A CUTIE Aelus Janus: OH I AM Intus Infinity: YOU'RE BEIN A CUTIE Sosarin Demar: We need to count how many times they say rawr. Dagger Exonar: I'M A STRESSED SNOWMEW Xayvien Rau: OH RLY? Keystone Gray: HEY CUTIE, WANNA YIFFYIFF? Dralkanen Hextall: quick, take a shot everytime they go rawr Dagger Exonar: I WRAP MY PAWS AROUND YOU AND Tsume: omg... Dagger Exonar: mawr Xayvien Rau: HAY A GIRL, LET'S CYBER. Keystone Gray: PULL YOU CLOSE TO MY CHEST? Tsume: all do respect to all homosexuals in ordo.... ShadowFang Blessed: <3 Lestat Umarov: how do i download form the link? it just automatically plays for me Dagger Exonar: Not many people will be furries after tonight Aryte: Get. Xayvien Rau: As the Soldier would say in TF2. Aryte: Ready. Aryte: Omg. Rei Kuhr: apigopagpagfd Keystone Gray: Save Page As. Kytec Switchblade: the hell Xayvien Rau: FFF-AGGOTS. Tsume: but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I HAVE NEVER HEARD SUCH FAGGOTRY Aelus Janus: Rawr Aelus Janus: Rawr Rei Kuhr: Rawr Aelus Janus: Rawr Dralkanen Hextall: rawr Keystone Gray: RAWRAWRAWRAWRARAWRAWRAWRARWRARWARARAWRAWRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Ethan Schuman: Rawr Dagger Exonar: Just sit back and enjoy this... Rawr Tenaki: Should we close titan? ShadowFang Blessed: Rawr~ Tenaki: If it's not allready? Rei Kuhr: My boner is going away. Intus Infinity: rawr~~ Dagger Exonar: Close titan, Dear god close titan Intus Infinity: mar mar mar mar Kastrenzo Benelli: I've lost count of how many times they've said Rawr and Murr, Dralkanen Hextall: my penis just went internal Intus Infinity: NOM NOM NOM Rei Kuhr: wtf, did he call him Mom? Aelus Janus: Lol Rei, so gay. Xayvien Rau: Kytec Switchblade: i nibble at your lip mar mar mar Dagger Exonar: THIS IS THE VOICE OF THE TWO GREATEST EVILS IN SECOND LIFE Kytec Switchblade: Dx Vladimus Nikolaidis: The scared turtle is in FULL effect right now...... Rei Kuhr: omg Gulliver is going to freak Dagger Exonar: here comes his three fetishes Aelus Janus: CREATIVE LITTLE MIND Xayvien Rau: LOL. Xayvien Rau: LOL. Dralkanen Hextall: OH GOD Xayvien Rau: CREATIVE LITTLE MIND. Dagger Exonar: yeeeeeah Lestat Umarov: DX Xayvien Rau: TOTALLY A GESTURE. Tsume: OH GOD NO Kytec Switchblade: o godddd Dagger Exonar: Christoph is a badass nazi Xayvien Rau: TOTALLY A FUCKING GESTURE. Tsume: OH GOD Dagger Exonar: and hates furry Tsume: KILL ME Dagger Exonar: HATES FURRIES Tsume: FUICKING SHOOT ME! Keystone Gray: SEDUCTIVE NAZIS!?????????????????????? Aelus Janus: I KISS YOUR CHAIR Xayvien Rau: FUCKING FURRIES. Lestat Umarov: *vomits* Xayvien Rau: AHHH. Xayvien Rau: IT'S TOO GAY. Intus Infinity: I'M YIFFY TODAY TOO Dagger Exonar: Everytime he denies the snowmew pictures, Link this. Keystone Gray: GAY NAZI ZOOPHILES ZOMG. Intus Infinity: :D Kytec Switchblade: my head is going to explode Xayvien Rau: IT MAKES THE FAGGOT TREE LOOK STRAIGHT, AND EVEN WITH J-ROCK PEOPLE. Kytec Switchblade: o god Vladimus Nikolaidis: jmaekltjwet Kytec Switchblade: cant breath Kytec Switchblade: xkadakln Tsume: oh god... Tsume: I need more ammo. Aryte: [20:14] Christoph Naumova: [20:01] Aryte Vesperia: You know. I hate to rain on your recording--your moment of shine--but I have one of my own . . Heh heh. :) This line will mean a lot more to yourself and Christoph in a few moments: at least it wasn't Tsume: oh god no... Vladimus Nikolaidis: please no. Vladimus Nikolaidis: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Xayvien Rau: THEY'RE SO DAMN GAY IT'S GIVING ME DIABTEETUS. Dralkanen Hextall: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Tsume: OH GOD Dagger Exonar: First time I heard this, I was too terrified and in awe to react, the second time I nearly cried, but this time, this time I laugh Tsume: WHO FUCKING RP's that way Kytec Switchblade: sfviadbadhba Dralkanen Hextall: THIS IS EVEN TOO GAY FOR THE FUCKING ONE EYED ORDO SNAKE Vladimus Nikolaidis: i'm seriously Vladimus Nikolaidis: laughing so fucking hard Diablos Korobase: I could do better by Myself using a voice changer Dagger Exonar: atleast they're not going SLASH ME Vladimus Nikolaidis: i cant breath Rei Kuhr: This is why you dont do drugs. Kytec Switchblade: this is just terrible Xayvien Rau: COCK BLOCK TEAM IS POWERLESS. Ethan Schuman: HAHAHAH Keystone Gray: Lol. 'BLUSHY FENNEC' for the fucking win. Dagger Exonar: Uildiar and Christoph both have practice Xayvien Rau: WE NEED A FUCKING COCK BLOCK SWAT TEAM. Rei Kuhr: WTF Kastrenzo Benelli: I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight after this.. Xayvien Rau: LOL. Aryte: ROFL Lestat Umarov: o.o Aelus Janus: LMFAO Dralkanen Hextall: my biggest BURP Intus Infinity: LOL! Aelus Janus: BURP Aelus Janus: LOL Aryte: HAHAHAH Vladimus Nikolaidis: i love how he fucking burps in the middle of it Intus Infinity: HE FUCKING BURPED Vladimus Nikolaidis: rofl Xayvien Rau: 'Biggest Kink' 'BURP' Dagger Exonar: U TURN ME ONNNNNN Kytec Switchblade: o m g Keystone Gray: COCK BLOCK FLASHBANG, I CHOOSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vladimus Nikolaidis: OH BABY Rei Kuhr: ogm Vladimus Nikolaidis: BURP ON MY BOTTOM Xayvien Rau: OMG, BURP MORE. AHH, YEAH. Tsume: Gesture Rei Kuhr: PAWS Dagger Exonar: "I like tails" will be important Lestat Umarov: We need a cock block nuke... Ethan Schuman: What are YOU thinking about the snowmew doing to you? Xayvien Rau: DRINK MY KOOL-AID. Tsume: I like tails, thats why i'm a furry Dagger Exonar: You all have aids, btw Dralkanen Hextall: omg this is so murry purry Xayvien Rau: LOL, CHRISTOPH IS A SLUT. Keystone Gray: MEW MEW Dralkanen Hextall: lets all rub against each other Kytec Switchblade: i Xayvien Rau: OH MURR. Kytec Switchblade: just got a nosebleed Dralkanen Hextall: MURR Keystone Gray: *Starts buttyiffing some random person in this Vent.* Aryte: Nnm. . mmm.. Aryte: mmmmm.. Aryte: LOL Dralkanen Hextall: I LIKE BURP Keystone Gray: I AM SO. Keystone Gray: AROUSED. Dagger Exonar: I've already got tail... and paws... tails and paws! Xayvien Rau: *Puts a shotgun beneath his chin.* NOT QUICK ENOUGH. Aryte: I GRIN 'Gulliver Carpool' has joined the chat. Vladimus Nikolaidis: oh no Aryte: AND I NIBBLE YOUR CHIN Xayvien Rau: I TAKE OFF MY ROBES AND WIZARD HAT. Ethan Schuman: And we still have 25 minutes lest Dralkanen Hextall: JUST GIVE HIM YOUR PENIS ALREADY Keystone Gray: TAIL BONDAGE. Intus Infinity: DO NAUGHTY STUFF TOME Dagger Exonar: it's quite fluffy Keystone Gray: FUCK. Rei Kuhr: We're going to hell. Vladimus Nikolaidis: this is like the furry version of nanao Rei Kuhr: :D Dagger Exonar: it's a nazi fluffy tail Tsume: Vlad Lestat Umarov: I wonder if cristhoph is gonna be an hero after this? XD Vladimus Nikolaidis: Fucking narrated Kytec Switchblade: this sirs is hell Keystone Gray: NO, NOT TAIL BONDAGE! ANYTHING BUT THAT! Tsume: You insulted Nanou Aelus Janus: ... Uildiar beating it. Dralkanen Hextall: OH GO TAIL FUCKING Aryte: OMG.. Aelus Janus: Omg. Dagger Exonar: PRESS ITSELF INTO YOUR RUMP FOR A PROMOTION Kytec Switchblade: when you die Aryte: LOL......... Dralkanen Hextall: GOD* Kytec Switchblade: this will play Kytec Switchblade: 24/7 Dagger Exonar: I DUNNO Keystone Gray: ... Muzzle... in his lap... Intus Infinity: ... Intus Infinity: holy Intus Infinity: fuck Dralkanen Hextall: he needs to burp again Aryte: BLUSHY Vladimus Nikolaidis: There's so many people downloading the actual MP3 my download stopped Xayvien Rau: WHERE IS GARION WITH A FUCKING HAND GRENADE WHEN YOU NEED HIM? Keystone Gray: Blushy, more like laughing his ass off at how much he's owning him in the fucking nuts. Aryte: MEANWHILE ARYTE, LURDAN, ETHAN, AND ANTHONY ARE GOING: OMFG.. Lestat Umarov: mine did too, holy shit Kytec Switchblade: hes like laughing his ass off at christoph Dagger Exonar: Totally Dralkanen Hextall: XDXDXDXDXDXDXD Dagger Exonar: Just, so, totally Kytec Switchblade: wow Aelus Janus: Sweet mother of pearl. Lestat Umarov: who has a the source? 'Sukasa Rydell' has joined the chat. Dagger Exonar: Christoph is too good at this Intus Infinity: BLISHY Lestat Umarov: I can stream it off my site Intus Infinity: R U BLUSHY Rei Kuhr: HALP Aelus Janus: HEHEHEHEHEHE sorry Keystone Gray: Christoph probably has phone sex with every one of his grunts daily. Aelus Janus: i-i-i-i think Vladimus Nikolaidis: R U BLUSHY?! ..... "NO IM LAUGHING AT HOW HARD IM FUCKING OWNING YOU RIGHT NOW"..... Dagger Exonar: I'm so fucking glad you guys did this at night, if his parents where awake they'd fuck him up Ethan Schuman: Someone update Sukasa Kastrenzo Benelli: how long has this been going now? Kastrenzo Benelli: I lost track, Intus Infinity: WHER U WANNA KISS Intus Infinity: HUH? Dagger Exonar: NO SL FOR A WEEK Intus Infinity: IONO Ethan Schuman: 10 minutes Sukasa Rydell: WHAT Sukasa Rydell: THE Intus Infinity: PENIS Sukasa Rydell: FUCK Lestat Umarov: Christoph sucks at rping lolol Dagger Exonar: Yes, he does sound like a 16 y/o guy Dagger Exonar: SCRITCH Dralkanen Hextall: NOO Dagger Exonar: it started with a scritch Dralkanen Hextall: NO SCRITCHING Kastrenzo Benelli: Suskasa, it's phonesex between Uildiar and Naumova, FYI Kytec Switchblade: jeejo;andangohafg Xayvien Rau: OH GOD. Aelus Janus: I LOWLY LICK MY TONGUE AGAINST YOUR CHEECK Dagger Exonar: New ordo rule: No scritching Xayvien Rau: HOLY WATER. Xayvien Rau: BRAIN. Dagger Exonar: MAWRRR Sukasa Rydell: WHAT THE FUCKING HELL josey Bingyi: it sounds like the family guy epsoide were peter calls meg Dralkanen Hextall: I agree with the no scritching rule Keystone Gray: NO YIFFING IN HERE, SNOWMEW. Kytec Switchblade: FUUUU~ Kastrenzo Benelli: No scritching? Faril's fucked then.. Rei Kuhr: My boner is going away so fast I'm going to turn into Sarah Palin >.< Diablos Korobase: How can anyone find this arousing Dralkanen Hextall: and the firs tperson to lick my cheek gets a shot gun up the tail hole Xayvien Rau: 'CYANIDE, STOP LISTENING. JEEZE.' Dagger Exonar: SHOVE YOUR FACE AGAINST MY CROTCH Vladimus Nikolaidis: ........ Kytec Switchblade: excuse me gentlemen, im going to put on a human avatar for the first time ever. Rei Kuhr: Same >.< Vladimus Nikolaidis: IT DEPENDS ON HOW MUCH STAMINA YOU HAVE Aelus Janus: Omg Aryte: IT IS AN RPG Aelus Janus: Kytec. Dralkanen Hextall: This is why im robotic Dagger Exonar: Kytec, of all people, man Aelus Janus: Lol\ Intus Infinity: .. Aryte: 70% STAMINA Keystone Gray: It's like the two most nefarious people in Second Life having some raunchy mounting one another and enjoying vicious mating together. Lestat Umarov: wtf Aryte: IT'S ABOUT TO GO Aelus Janus: ... Omg Dralkanen Hextall: I ROLLED A NAT TWENTY ON MY STAMINA CHECK Aelus Janus: It's going Lestat Umarov: no D: Aryte: FUCKING Dagger Exonar: This makes me proud to be a furry, I will never be as patheticly human as these people! Lestat Umarov: DX Aelus Janus: OH MY FUCKING Vladimus Nikolaidis: Badass Fuhrer gives +25 Stamina but -150 Int Aelus Janus: HOLY SHIT Kytec Switchblade: i think i just popped an entire lobe of my brain Lestat Umarov: x.x Intus Infinity: .... Oh my god Lestat Umarov: D: Gulliver Carpool: Uh... is this what you guys do when us Ordo humans are off at the virtual titty bar? Aryte: ROFL.. Sukasa Rydell: I can't breathe Rei Kuhr: BAHAHAHA Aryte: Uildiar. Lestat Umarov: WAAAAGHHHHHHHHH! Aryte: ROFL.. Aryte: ROFL... ShadowFang Blessed: HE STARTED WISTLEIGN DIXE Aryte: Uildiar. LOL. Sukasa Rydell: LMAO ShadowFang Blessed: LOL Dagger Exonar: yep Aelus Janus: THINK ABOut tHE LIGHTER Hunter Abrams: wtf some one kill me now Dralkanen Hextall: THINK ABOUT THE LIGHTER Aelus Janus: THINK AbOUT THE LIGHTER Vladimus Nikolaidis: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Vladimus Nikolaidis: OMFG Tenaki: What are those noises? D: Intus Infinity: think about the ligher Tsume: What is he doing O.o Keystone Gray: I don't get it, what's he doing? XD Intus Infinity: lol Dagger Exonar: you know what's sad? he usually just shakes a thing of salt next to his monitor josey Bingyi: weed? Vladimus Nikolaidis: You cant hear what he's doing?! Dralkanen Hextall: trying not to burst laughing Aelus Janus: Dick strokin' Tenaki. Kastrenzo Benelli: .. think about the lighter, I was in the channel when he was doing that part... omfg Aryte: "I AM GOING TO DO IT" josey Bingyi: is he getting high? Ethan Schuman: He's trying to keep from laughing Tenaki: Think about the lighter Dagger Exonar: (he's drunk) Aryte: Is in reply to me IMing him. Tenaki: Think about the lighter Aryte: "STOP. BAIL UILDIAR." Hunter Abrams: This is Abram's brother: WTF...faggot furries?....OMFG Aryte: OK GUYS. SERIOUSLY. Aryte: GET READY Aryte: IT IS Aryte: GOING Xayvien Rau: I slipped out of reality for a second. Aryte: TO GET REALLY BAD Aryte: REALLLY BAD. Aryte: GET. READY. Dralkanen Hextall: IVE SEEN BETTER AT THE FUCKING GYC Dagger Exonar: *taking notes of those who gag* Tsume: Hunter's brother.. This is what stereo types us all Dralkanen Hextall: SERIOUSLY Xayvien Rau: I dreamed I was in a volcano. Tenaki: Murmur~ Xayvien Rau: Being set on fire. Dagger Exonar: mawr Aelus Janus: Wow this is like. /b/ shit. Aelus Janus: O_O Dagger Exonar: think about the lighter Xayvien Rau: AND IT WASN'T AT ALL THE PAIN I FEEL NOW. ShadowFang Blessed: POST IT ON BE Lestat Umarov: If I puke, do I get a merit for sitting through this shit? Rei Kuhr: This is why we cant have nice things ShadowFang Blessed: /B/ Dagger Exonar: TAILHOLE Dagger Exonar: DEAR GOD Xayvien Rau: Oh God, this has to go through Dramatica. Dagger Exonar: Kytec cover your ears Xayvien Rau: Under 'Faggot Tree' Lestat Umarov: This is going on b Vladimus Nikolaidis: I heard the word pump Sukasa Rydell: LMAO Dagger Exonar: KYTEC COVER YOUR EARS Sukasa Rydell: VLAD Sukasa Rydell: LISTEN Keystone Gray: GYC needs a fucking bouncer out front to keep Christoph from molesting and raping all the Fennecs. Rei Kuhr: I HAD TO GO THROUGH THIS CRAP TO BE AN OFFICER! <---new slogan. Keystone Gray: LOL!!! Keystone Gray: Someone, make a T-shirt. Xayvien Rau: 'I LISTENED TO CHRISTOPH HAVE PHONE SEX, AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS T-SHIRT.' Rei Kuhr: no no 'Niiya Narayan' has joined the chat. Dagger Exonar: Claw up the tailhole OR kill Aryte at his home point : The only two ways to get promoted in the VG Keystone Gray: This... is fucking... amazing... Rei Kuhr: "I LISTENED TO CHRISTOPH PHONE SEX AND ALL I GOT WAS BRAIN CANCER" Aelus Janus: omg Rei Kuhr: oh dear god Intus Infinity: OH FUCK ME HARD CHRISTOPH Aelus Janus: FUCK ME HARD CHRISTOPH Xayvien Rau: LOL. Dagger Exonar: Fireworks, Fireworks, Glorious fireworks Dralkanen Hextall: OH GOD Intus Infinity: Aryte: LOL. Tenaki: I don't want to be the person to come in at the middle of this, not knowing what's going on. XD Intus Infinity: .lol Tsume: OH GOD VOMIT Vladimus Nikolaidis: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA Xayvien Rau: SOMEONE MAKE THAT A GESTURE. Xayvien Rau: GESTURE RIGHT THERE. Dralkanen Hextall: XD Rei Kuhr: wtf Vladimus Nikolaidis: OH HELL FUCKING YES Dagger Exonar: I love how christoph gets into this Intus Infinity: I AM GOING TO MAKE A GESTURE OF THAT Aryte: Dagger Exonar: he sounds so seductively gay Lestat Umarov: stop talking for a sec Dralkanen Hextall: I love how he COMPLETELY loses Rei Kuhr: uildiar HAS to be on drugs right now. Dralkanen Hextall: it Lestat Umarov: STOp Hunter Abrams: Ethan gestures make please Lestat Umarov: i need to copy and paste the t shirt line Keystone Gray: 1812 Overture, ACTIVATE! CHRISTOPH IS ENGAGING HIS BOMBING RUN! Xayvien Rau: OH SHIT. Lestat Umarov: STOP Xayvien Rau: I GOT A TUMOR NOW. Xayvien Rau: DX Aryte: 2 or 4! Kytec Switchblade: 2 2or 4 timezs Aryte: GO FOR 3. Kytec Switchblade: adlknthosjfyhcgjh ShadowFang Blessed: 2-4 Aryte: WINNER. Dagger Exonar: Christoph Naumova: How many times do you think you can get off tonight? Lestat Umarov: I'm MAKING A T SHIRT Sukasa Rydell: LMFAO Sosarin Demar: Amateur Dagger Exonar: Christoph Naumova: How many times do you think you can get off tonight? Rei Kuhr: DEAL OR NO DEAL Tsume: please bitch I can get off more than that... Tsume: WIMP Dagger Exonar: tsume... Rei Kuhr: oh god Dagger Exonar: ....... Lestat Umarov: STOP TALKING FOR TWO SECONDS SO I CAN SCROLL UP AND COPY XAYVIENS LINE Tsume: EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW Intus Infinity: ... Intus Infinity: jesus christmas Keystone Gray: MURRY FUCKING PURRY. Dagger Exonar: tsume are you wishing you where involved in this or what Xayvien Rau: Wait, I'm safe, it was just my soul trying to escape this video. Not a tumor, it's all good now. I'm back to normal. Dx Tsume: I WISH I HAD A FUCKING BARF BAG Rei Kuhr: Good thing VG is falling apart. There's no fucking way I can look at them the same ever again Dralkanen Hextall: THIS IS TOO FURRY Keystone Gray: Lestat, I have it, one sec. Dralkanen Hextall: TOO FUCKING Dralkanen Hextall: FURRY Lestat Umarov: fuck josey Bingyi: i wounder of eye korbase would get off to this? josey Bingyi: if Dagger Exonar: No VG has the attention span to listen to this, it's 36 minutes, but it'll keep people from ever joining them Hunter Abrams: he would Ethan Schuman: HALFWAY! Dralkanen Hextall: THIS IS FROM ONE OF THE BIGGEST FUCKING FAGS IN ORDO: THIS IS TOO GAY Aelus Janus: Holy shit Kytec Switchblade: i need... to take a shower... Kytec Switchblade: or something Keystone Gray: Xayvien Rau: 'I LISTENED TO CHRISTOPH HAVE PHONE SEX, AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS T-SHIRT.' Keystone Gray: Xayvien Rau: 'I LISTENED TO CHRISTOPH HAVE PHONE SEX, AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS T-SHIRT.' Kytec Switchblade: more whiskey Dagger Exonar: sheek Kytec Switchblade: yes thats it Dagger Exonar: wid my wet nose awr Keystone Gray: Murr... wet fennec nose.. Dralkanen Hextall: Christ: Fap fap fap fap Dagger Exonar: I love how he whispers the dirty stuff, DON'T WAKE UP YOUR PARENTS Xayvien Rau: It's so Gay it's giving us all tumors, Aid's DIABEETUS, and is killing our souls. Rei Kuhr: THIS MAKE BABY JESUS CRY Keystone Gray: SALT!ouwhsaeryjaeryu Rei Kuhr: ROFL Keystone Gray: UILDIAR GOING FOR THE SALTRING. Rei Kuhr: JOSEPH! Tsume: oh god.. Dagger Exonar: mawr, MAWR, MAWR!!!! Tsume: i am going to vomitl.. Niiya Narayan: ok so Hunter Abrams: I have to go to sleep soon and now im not going to be able to... 'Joseph' has joined the chat. Rei Kuhr: HI JOSEPH Dralkanen Hextall: Crhsit: Mmmpph... Keystone Gray: UILDIARS GETTING SOME FUCKING TEABAGGING DONE ON HIS FACE. Xayvien Rau: Aid's DIABEETUS is a new disease. Lestat Umarov: what color shirt? Niiya Narayan: i come from the BDSM scene Dagger Exonar: OH REALLY Keystone Gray: SALTRING, OH YEAH. Xayvien Rau: Only given from this video. Niiya Narayan: and this is FUCKED UP Dagger Exonar: niiya Dagger Exonar: wow Dagger Exonar: um Kytec Switchblade: im like shaking, my funny meter has broken Dralkanen Hextall: Im fucking twisted, and even I FEEL HORRID Rei Kuhr: I'm going to need therapy :< Lestat Umarov: So what COLOR? Kytec Switchblade: more whiskey Dralkanen Hextall: No, dont purr.. Joseph: LOLOLOL Dralkanen Hextall: No Dont.. Dagger Exonar: Kytec, I told you what happens the first time you listen to it.... Lestat Umarov: for the t shirt Sukasa Rydell: SEE?! Dralkanen Hextall: No no more pumping.. Dralkanen Hextall: No.. NOT THE TAIL Xayvien Rau: THERE IS NO EMOTICON FOR WHAT I AM FEELING. Aelus Janus: I SLOWLY BRING MY TAIL AROUND Dagger Exonar: The middle is fucking terrifying, I WARNED YOU ALL Aelus Janus: VERY SLOWLY Aelus Janus: RAWR Keystone Gray: UILDIAR! UILDIAR, NO! DON'T DO IT! Rei Kuhr: Aelus, this will be you and me in five minutes :D 'Nivanglus Aya' has joined the chat. Kytec Switchblade: oahotohanm Dagger Exonar: AND ENJOY THIS Dagger Exonar: oh Kytec Switchblade: jthmazfgz,gjhjhdzghmv Dagger Exonar: we will Aelus Janus: ... *Hides behind Niiya. <_<* Joseph: omfg Nivanglus Aya: LOL WTF? Joseph: this... this oh lord Rei Kuhr: Joseph, this is what you get FOR BEING BALD Dralkanen Hextall: Dagger, hold me, i think im becomeing straight v..v Nivanglus Aya: WHAT IS THIS SHIT?! Keystone Gray: Mawr... mrowwl? Intus Infinity: WOW Intus Infinity: RAWR Kytec Switchblade: christoph has no idea uildiar is just fucking with him, its so obvious Xayvien Rau: He ruined Nazi's, Space, Chainguns, Black-Armor, Gasmasks, and now he ruined sex. Dagger Exonar: Aryte, when you where listening to this happen, I can only imagine what went through your head Keystone Gray: Nivanglus, this is Christoph being recorded by Uildiar, having phone sex, replaying it for all of Mercz Vent to hear. Nivanglus Aya: So like...When did this happen? Dagger Exonar: I was told you laughed alot, but damn Rei Kuhr: dog ran away scared after too many mrawrs Gulliver Carpool: This is all making me rethink growing a beard in RL. Ethan Schuman: This happened last night Nivanglus Aya: F-fucking furries. Kastrenzo Benelli: I think I've got my fill of phonesex for one night, I'll listen to the rest of this later, Night all, Keystone Gray: I may never. Yiff. Again. Rei Kuhr: I'm going to be a fucking monk now Dagger Exonar: nite kastrenzo Nivanglus Aya: Which one is Christoph? Vladimus Nikolaidis: ANGLING ITSELF AT YOUR ENTRANCE Rei Kuhr: the one on the phone Nivanglus Aya: The one With the pedo voice/ Joseph: I'm gonna puke... oh god Kastrenzo Benelli: OH MURR <3 'Kastrenzo Benelli' has left the chat. Nivanglus Aya: Oh god. OH GOD. Ethan Schuman: The serious one' Keystone Gray: INCH BY F*CKIN INCH, BABY. Keystone Gray: MRAWR. Intus Infinity: HI Dralkanen Hextall: Hiiiii Gulliver Carpool: hi! Aelus Janus: ... Intus Infinity: Hii Xayvien Rau: ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU GO VANGUARD. Aelus Janus: Hello. Hunter Abrams: incoming enemy from the rear! Drop altitude! Rei Kuhr: guys know how drunk I got a few days ago? Xayvien Rau: Inch by inch, so, two inches? Rei Kuhr: Even that much vodka wont help this c.c Kytec Switchblade: hi Joseph: UGH Kytec Switchblade: hi Kytec Switchblade: hi Rei Kuhr: mrawr Kytec Switchblade: mar Keystone Gray: ENEMY ANALYZED. Dralkanen Hextall: SUCKLE Xayvien Rau: He's like Line Marksman, using all these words to describe two inches. Tenaki: Wawr <3 Xayvien Rau: Lone.* Aelus Janus: Lifting you up a bit. Aelus Janus: <_< Dralkanen Hextall: LIFTING HIM UP WITH HIS TAIL!?! WHAT THE FUCK HIS HIS TAIL 'Knightblade' has joined the chat. Rei Kuhr: CAPTAIN, INCOMING TORPEDO! WE HAVE PENETRATION IN AFT TORPEDO TUBE! THE SEAMEN ARE INVADING. Sukasa Rydell: I'm Loling so hard. Keystone Gray: Fuck, here comes the phonevore. Xayvien Rau: THIS IS A NEW SCHOLA COURSE. Xayvien Rau: GETTING TO KNOW YOUR ENEMIES. Vladimus Nikolaidis: me to Kytec Switchblade: hes playing with his lighter Kytec Switchblade: xD Knightblade: Hey hey hey, who wants to play? Joseph: ..... am I hearing fapping sounds? Tenaki: XD!!!! Dralkanen Hextall: oh god Keystone Gray: No, he's playing with his lighter to control his laughter. Nivanglus Aya: xD Dralkanen Hextall: durp durp Aryte: DURP Aryte: LOL Rei Kuhr: ....mrawr... Nivanglus Aya: fapfapfapfapfapfapafafpafpapfppafapafpfapappfa Knightblade: Btw, I'm in lairyths house lol Nivanglus Aya: This is fucking hillarious. Kytec Switchblade: this Kytec Switchblade: is Ethan Schuman: Thats a lighter. Uildiar is trying to hold it in Knightblade: Fladara says hi Kytec Switchblade: the end Kytec Switchblade: of society Rei Kuhr: this is so bad that Kytec is HUMAN Kytec Switchblade: as we know it Nivanglus Aya: I think I kinda PARTIALLY like Uildar now. Xayvien Rau: Now we wait for the part that goes 'CHRISTOPH, GRANDMA IS ON THE PHONE. WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY.' Nivanglus Aya: Thats fucking epic. Keystone Gray: No, just Vanguard, Kytec. Kytec Switchblade: hahaha Niiya Narayan: so forceful! "you just be quiet!" Rei Kuhr: oh god no Dagger Exonar: ARE YOU PAWING Rei Kuhr: SWEET GOD NO Keystone Gray: Yes. *MRRFLOL.* Rei Kuhr: NO Knightblade: Ok, gtg fun time Nivanglus Aya: LOOOL 'Knightblade' has left the chat. Dagger Exonar: this is how a nazi paws Xayvien Rau: ARE YOU PAWING YET? Rei Kuhr: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO Dagger Exonar: nom nom? Dagger Exonar: nom nom nom. Nivanglus Aya: O NOM NOM NOM Keystone Gray: TAIL-IN-BUTT. Dagger Exonar: rawr. Intus Infinity: NON NOM NOM Aryte: You can feel how awkward Uildiar feels. Aryte: He's . . Aryte: Like breaking. Dagger Exonar: Aryte Dagger Exonar: He's done worse Nivanglus Aya: Like Dagger Exonar: with fox Dagger Exonar: trust me josey Bingyi: suprise light ops raid Hunter Abrams: oh god 'Joseph' has left the chat. Dagger Exonar: this doesn't involve his watersport fetish Dagger Exonar: (thank god) Keystone Gray: SNOWMEW ON THE WATER. Dagger Exonar: not really, keystone... Xayvien Rau: We should all go to Vanguard and attack them with gestures of this. Razi Soyinka: mar=marklar? Rei Kuhr: Uildiar needs a fucking Emmy for this. Dagger Exonar: NO Dralkanen Hextall: He sounds liek hes trying to swallow the fucking Bottle Hunter Abrams: oh lord he told me about his watersports escapades Dagger Exonar: Uildiar walked away with 200k? Dagger Exonar: c.c Dagger Exonar: and yeah hunter Xayvien Rau: Is it possible to go blind from sound? Aryte: 200k. Intus Infinity: HOLY FUCK Dagger Exonar: did he give you the logs? Keystone Gray: 200k for what? XD Dagger Exonar: 200k for building a sim he never did Dagger Exonar: tee hee Aelus Janus: -_- Keystone Gray: R. Keystone Gray: O. Keystone Gray: F. Keystone Gray: L. Keystone Gray: If ever was a con artist, it was Uildiar. Dagger Exonar: We got their generals, their money, and Christoph will not have a pulse in the morning. Niiya Narayan: ruhhhhrrrr Dagger Exonar: Zrazor is now the second in command of an empty sim. Keystone Gray: Snowmew, hung with his own tail. Aelus Janus: ... Almost there. Aelus Janus: Neuron's are firing. Rei Kuhr: He's catching on! Ethan Schuman: Ten more minutes. Rei Kuhr: OH FUCK NO Nivanglus Aya: Does Christoph know this is out? Rei Kuhr: FUCK NO Keystone Gray: ... Intus Infinity: ... Razi Soyinka: brain....hurts... Aelus Janus: Parital lobe is secreting the proteins necessary for orgasm... Intus Infinity: HOLY FUCK Aryte: ROFL............ Aryte: UILDIAR Tsume: OH GOD. Aryte: IS CHOKING LAUGHIMNG Keystone Gray: WHO LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG!?!?!?!?!!? Tsume: THAT SOUND Sukasa Rydell: I CAN'T Aryte: YOU CAN HEAR IT Sukasa Rydell: TAKE IT Sukasa Rydell: ANYMORE Gulliver Carpool: OK, is there like a punchline to all this? Sukasa Rydell: LOL Aelus Janus: Adrenal cortex is secreting small amounts. Kytec Switchblade: omg omg omg Aelus Janus: Sweating begins here. Kytec Switchblade: rgthjiok Aryte: The punchline is at the end. Aelus Janus: Pores tighten. Aryte: I PROMISE YOU. Keystone Gray: Someone let the fucking cat out of the bag. Aryte: Omg. Aryte: Durp.. Lestat Umarov: Uilidars vomiting Xayvien Rau: DURP. ShadowFang Blessed: -heavy breathing- Oh god Aryte: ROFL ShadowFang Blessed: LOL Dralkanen Hextall: durp durp durp Rei Kuhr: DURP DUPR DURP Keystone Gray: Derpaderpa... Aelus Janus: Muscles being to tense... Sukasa Rydell: LOL Rei Kuhr: bahahaha Nivanglus Aya: Wtf is a durp? XD Kytec Switchblade: me go durpy Kytec Switchblade: xDDD Tsume: making durrp noises? Intus Infinity: LOL Dralkanen Hextall: TOOUCHIN YOURSELF Razi Soyinka: Rob Schneider is a Derp Hunter Abrams: durpy durpy durpy Niiya Narayan: poor Uldiar, someone buy that guy a beer Xayvien Rau: I DON'T WANT, ANYBODY ELSE. WHEN I THINK ABOUT YOU, I DURP MYSELF. Dralkanen Hextall: Ult: durp durp durp Christ: Fap fap Vladimus Nikolaidis: ..... Rei Kuhr: Aryte, I request permission to shoot myself. Keystone Gray: I want snowcat tail. Ethan Schuman: BIG SNOWCAT TAIL! Lestat Umarov: im crying i'm laughing so hard Intus Infinity: Heck yeah niiya Dralkanen Hextall: cant.. breath.. Dralkanen Hextall: going.. to die... Dralkanen Hextall: ccant... breath.. Aelus Janus: ... Dralkanen Hextall: hyperventilateing.. Rei Kuhr: OH NO Rei Kuhr: NO Dralkanen Hextall: NO Xayvien Rau: I think I laughed so hard it--- NO. Xayvien Rau: NO. Dralkanen Hextall: NOOOOO Rei Kuhr: NOO Xayvien Rau: NO. ShadowFang Blessed: NOOOOOOOOOOO Rei Kuhr: NO Dralkanen Hextall: NO!! Xayvien Rau: OH GOD, NO. Dralkanen Hextall: NOOOOOOOOO ShadowFang Blessed: FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ Rei Kuhr: FUCK NOOOO Dralkanen Hextall: DUURRRRRp Vladimus Nikolaidis: ohno Sukasa Rydell: LMFAO Aelus Janus: T -20 seonds! Aelus Janus: seconds* Niiya Narayan: it sounds like he's crying with shame lol Rei Kuhr: NOOOOOOOOOOO Xayvien Rau: If he moans it's a gesture for my new grenades. Intus Infinity: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo Keystone Gray: LOL, XAY. Dralkanen Hextall: OH GOD IT WILL HAUNT MY NIGHTMARES AND DREAMS AND WAKEING HOURS Gulliver Carpool: lol Rei Kuhr: SWEET JESUS NOOOOOOOOO Intus Infinity: I'm so .. numb.. Xayvien Rau: 'GRENADE OUT' 'OOOHH.' Rei Kuhr: NOOOOOOOO Intus Infinity: SDJKLGKOFa Rei Kuhr: aeruijgohpaig Dralkanen Hextall: *bites SMG barrel* Nivanglus Aya: HEHEHE Intus Infinity: AND PEOPLE LEAVE VEN Keystone Gray: TASTE THE FURY OF SNOWMEW EXPLOSION! THERE WILL BE FLUID EVERYWHERE! Intus Infinity: IT'S SO HARDCORE Aryte: [20:38] Grey Nolder: NKVD gets stuff way before Frumentarii [20:38] Aryte Vesperia: . . We conducted this operation. [20:38] Grey Nolder: 3:< Xayvien Rau: YAR, THIS WILL REPLACE THE WHALE IN MY NIGHTMARES. Intus Infinity: LOL Aryte: [20:38] Aryte Vesperia: All I can say is: BERLIN ANYONE? ROFL [20:38] Grey Nolder <3 Aryte Rei Kuhr: Aryte, you are no longer the anti-christ :( Xayvien Rau: He orgasms like Darth Vader. Razi Soyinka: lol Aelus Janus: [20:38] Grey Nolder: NKVD gets stuff way before Frumentarii Dralkanen Hextall: HOLPHER Aelus Janus: Wtf. Dralkanen Hextall: HOOLLLPHER Dralkanen Hextall: DURP Dagger Exonar: he's so loud Dagger Exonar: dear god Aelus Janus: He has like two people in NKVD. Intus Infinity: UUHHHHHHWHHWHHHWHHWHHWWWWWHHH Intus Infinity: UUUUUHHWHWHWHWHW Dagger Exonar: his parents are going to fuck him up Sukasa Rydell: LURDAN Aelus Janus: Lurdan showed up righ ton time. Dralkanen Hextall: LURDAbn Xayvien Rau: PSSHHH... *Inhale away from microphone.* Dagger Exonar: OHHHH CHRISTOPH, WHAT'S ALL THAT NOISE? Dralkanen Hextall: Here is where i spooge away fromt he microphone Dagger Exonar: NOTHING MO- *connection lost* Xayvien Rau: LOL. Intus Infinity: lOL TRY Rei Kuhr: WTF Intus Infinity: UUUHHH Aryte: ROFL Sukasa Rydell: LMAO Aryte: ROFL... Rei Kuhr: NO NO NON O NON ON ON O Dagger Exonar: try Hunter Abrams: lol Dagger Exonar: TRY Sukasa Rydell: WHAT'S THE SHAKING Nivanglus Aya: WAY2GO LURDAN XD Dagger Exonar: mawr Dralkanen Hextall: Hes fuckign cutting his wrists Sukasa Rydell: LOL Ethan Schuman: HEAR THE GLASS! 'ShadowFang Blessed' has left the chat. Rei Kuhr: DAMN YOU ARCH YOU SAVED US Aelus Janus: Wow, it takes these guys way too long to do this. Vladimus Nikolaidis: omg Aelus Janus: Holy fuck. Vladimus Nikolaidis: what the flying motherfucking Keystone Gray: MEWMEW IS GETTING CLOSE. Dagger Exonar: REMEMBER MY COMMENT IS THE DOWNLOAD Lestat Umarov: did he just meow? Dagger Exonar: GO Dralkanen Hextall: MEWMEW ABOUT TO LOSE HIS BELLY SPOTS Lestat Umarov: lolol Dagger Exonar: GET IT 'Arch Graves' has joined the chat. Keystone Gray: SNOWMEW... GONNA... GONNA DO IT IN... MUZZLE... Rei Kuhr: ANTIQUE ROADSHOW IS SEXIER THAN THIS Razi Soyinka: stay on target! Keystone Gray: FUCK FUCK FUCK... Keystone Gray: KA-BEWWSSH. Sukasa Rydell: ARCH Kytec Switchblade: jesus tittyfucking christ on a pogo stick i just shit my own dick Hunter Abrams: some one kill me now Sukasa Rydell: LOL Dagger Exonar: MY TAIL IN YOUR RUMPHOLE YEEEES Rei Kuhr: HALP ARCH Arch Graves: I spent all day laughing because of this eathan Vladimus Nikolaidis: has christoph deleted his account yet? Vladimus Nikolaidis: because he needs to if he hasnt already Arch Graves: ethan* Gulliver Carpool: Rei, I agree about Antique Roadshow. Aryte: Uildiar is.. Aryte: Crying laughing. Vladimus Nikolaidis: im turning this whole thing into a gesture pack Dagger Exonar: He won't have a pulse in the morning, I swear to god Aryte: Listen to him. Sukasa Rydell: UNTIS BABY Aryte: ROFL Dagger Exonar: this is an hero stuff Aryte: OHMFG Dralkanen Hextall: this is the funniest thing since that one retard hit hard ally on voice Keystone Gray: Mroowwwllllmoan. Aryte: OFGDFGDfgd Arch Graves: jkvxflbvlfb Dagger Exonar: he says MAWRRRORW when he comes Aryte: OMG. Rei Kuhr: ROFL Sukasa Rydell: LMFAO Aryte: THIS IS WHERE Gulliver Carpool: Lol Aryte: WE DEMANDED Kytec Switchblade: hahahaha Aelus Janus: I SHOULD GO TO BED NOWS Intus Infinity: VRVVRVRMMMMMMRMMVMMM Aryte: HE BACK OUT Tenaki: Gonna go find a knife now Aryte: THIS IS WHERE WE TOLD HIM TO STOP Aryte: LIKE Dagger Exonar: TOO DEEP Aryte: "UILDIAR STOP.." Arch Graves: DID YOU GET OFF?! Hunter Abrams: GESTURES I DEMAND GESTURES! Dagger Exonar: YOU'RE IN TOO DEEP, GET OUT OF THERE UILDIAR! Sukasa Rydell: YES Lestat Umarov: is that it? Razi Soyinka: Uildar is Eric Cartmann llol Dagger Exonar: BAIL OUT BAIL OUT Aelus Janus: Wayyy too early Sukasa Rydell: GESTURE Tsume: So... ulidar was like.. working for us >_>_ Rei Kuhr: EJECT Xayvien Rau: ABORT COCK, ABORT COCK. Dagger Exonar: PULL THE PIN 'ShadowFang Blessed' has joined the chat. Dralkanen Hextall: PULL OUT ShadowFang Blessed: MEOW Dralkanen Hextall: PULLL OUt Rei Kuhr: THIS IS A CODE OMEGA Dagger Exonar: I poke you I poke back, I poke you again OH HOT Aryte: GET READY FOR THE PUNCH LINE Sukasa Rydell: LMFAO Aryte: GET. Dralkanen Hextall: HES GOING TO FROSTING YOUR INSIDES Xayvien Rau: EJECT, EJECT, CODE MEW. Aryte: READY Dagger Exonar: I LOVE YOU CHRISTOPH Aryte: ETA LIKE 3 MINUTES Keystone Gray: Yes. Yes. Yes. FUCKING YES. Gulliver Carpool: Aryte, do you really care for us? Dagger Exonar: DO YOU REALLY LOVE ME Dralkanen Hextall: WHAS WRONG Dagger Exonar: he sounds so fucking gay Dralkanen Hextall: DONT YOU WANT MY PENIS Dagger Exonar: WHY AM I PAWING OFF TO THIS Dralkanen Hextall: DONT YOU WANT SNOWMEW TAIL IN YOUR SMALL INTESTINE Aelus Janus: Damn. I feel so much closer to all of you, not sure why. Rei Kuhr: rofl Nivanglus Aya: LOL Keystone Gray: LOOOOL @ Dralk. Dagger Exonar: Aelus, we've been to hell together Dralkanen Hextall: AND MY PENNY THICKIN PENIS IN YOUR NOSE Aryte: HERE Aelus Janus: It's like collectively watching a porn. Aryte: IT Aryte: COMES Nivanglus Aya: 'I love you' Dagger Exonar: raw Niiya Narayan: WHAT'S WRONG?!?!?! >XO Dagger Exonar: YOU WORRY ME ShadowFang Blessed: you worry me. Dagger Exonar: ORLY Nivanglus Aya: OH GOD. Hes worse than a fucking clingy girlfriend. Tenaki: Collective mental scarring is the strongest kind of bonding. :D Rei Kuhr: D: Keystone Gray: He promises. Dralkanen Hextall: SEE YOU TOMMAROW Aryte: That was my line. Aryte: "SEE YOU TOMORROW." Ethan Schuman: *********************PUNCHLINE IN 60 SECONDS!!!!!*************************** Aryte: "TELL HIM THAT." 'Fellon Miles' has joined the chat. Aryte: LOOONG LIVE OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND. Rei Kuhr: BAHAHAH Dralkanen Hextall: DRINKING SNOWMEW Aryte: HERE IT COMES Aryte: HERE Aryte: ITC Aryte: COMES Rei Kuhr: wtf Nivanglus Aya: AHAHAHA Rei Kuhr: Aryte turned into Grey Gulliver Carpool: O.0 Ethan Schuman: 30 seconds! Vladimus Nikolaidis: .... Dagger Exonar: I DRINK YOUR SNOWMEW, SLLLLLLLLURP, I DRINK IT UP Dralkanen Hextall: OH GOD Intus Infinity: ............ Intus Infinity: oh my god Nivanglus Aya: . . . . . Keystone Gray: IT's like a fucking reverse shuttle launch. Dralkanen Hextall: DRINK YOUR TIGERS MILK Rei Kuhr: ETHAN YOU OWE ME A NEW BRAIN Keystone Gray: In Christoph's pants. Vladimus Nikolaidis: Can I IM Christoph and be like "I love you too Christoph" Aryte: BOOM Intus Infinity: I love youu Xayvien Rau: 'WATCH ME MAKE THIS SNOW MEW...DISAPPEAR.' Sukasa Rydell: LMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMOALMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAOLMAO Dagger Exonar: I wanna hear you mean it Dagger Exonar: I mean it ShadowFang Blessed: SAY IT Dagger Exonar: i mean it!! Dagger Exonar: ERR Dagger Exonar: I MEAN Aryte: PUNCHLINE BEGINNING NOW... Dralkanen Hextall: DURP Niiya Narayan: *reaches for a strong drink* Ethan Schuman: HERE! IT!! VOMES!!!! Dralkanen Hextall: I WANNA HERE YOU DURP Dagger Exonar: teeehehehehe Kytec Switchblade: this is hilarious Ethan Schuman: NOW! Dagger Exonar: Stressed out cuz my generals are leaving Arch Graves: AT LEAST YOU ARE NOT RECORDING THIS!!! Aryte: BOOM HEADSHOT MOTHERFUCKER. Sukasa Rydell: LMAO Rei Kuhr: :D Dralkanen Hextall: Stressed out cause i just fucked my own carrier Keystone Gray: ... Sukasa Rydell: lmaolmaolmaolmao Nivanglus Aya: LOL Dagger Exonar: AT LEAST YOU WHEREN'T RECORDING Sukasa Rydell: Lmao Keystone Gray: ................................ Sukasa Rydell: Lmao Rei Kuhr: OWNED Sukasa Rydell: LMAO Sukasa Rydell: .... Vladimus Nikolaidis: HEADSHOTNUKKA Keystone Gray: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Dagger Exonar: I DIDN'T THINK SO ^-----^ Sukasa Rydell: PWNZORDORDED Nivanglus Aya: LITTLE DOES HE KNOWN Dralkanen Hextall: MURR PURRY ^.=.^ Keystone Gray: I'm sure he knows full well. Dagger Exonar: What's it like to have enemies, Christoph? Sukasa Rydell: LOLOLOLOLOOOoLOLloOLllolOOLlOlOloololoLlOOLLloLloOLlolOololololoLoloLoLlOolololololoLolololololololllooloolololololoLoLoloLoolOLo Xayvien Rau: BY THE WAY, I'M CHRIS HANSON. YOU'RE LIVE ON TELEVISION. Vladimus Nikolaidis: ALLAHUACKBARJIHAD Rei Kuhr: ROFL Dagger Exonar: he goes outside and hangs himself now Keystone Gray: LoLolOLOlolOALWORALORARAROFLEFREOFLROFLEROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLRFRforlFOrlforflzorfLORflOSRflSOFZflfOREOfl Dralkanen Hextall: hes going to cvomit Rei Kuhr: ROOOOOOOOOFL Intus Infinity: lol Sukasa Rydell: LMAO
  2. haha From lagest most pointless group ever (in relation to this) [17:30] Juste Massiel: MP3 downloaded :D [17:31] Juste Massiel: Dunno what it could be used for, but you never know. [17:33] Alto Erlanger: To piss people off? Lol. [17:34] Juste Massiel: Should make a mix with samples from it, lol.
  3. Last costume I was some emo kid shaven head and all with black pants and a black hoodie asking for candy >_>
  4. You don't really have to quit... Just go inactive and when things settle down you can come back >_>
  5. No we are just Arytes sheep and he is our shepard. By the way... We have the "make my day law" in colorado wich means I find some one in my house I can kill them :D
  6. Brian Spry Colorado Springs 719-359-1970 WEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee.
  7. Weeeehhhooooaaaahhh! Weeeehhhooooaaaahhh! HAHAHAHAHA Cry some more.
  8. ANd here I thought I would never make it to officer.... I think im about to cry.
  9. Wolfstanus Warrior Priest Level 23 Renown 14 Strenght 337 Toughness 118 Wounds 278 Initiative 89 Weapon Skill 203 Balistic 57 Intelligence 73 Willpower 200 Armor 1002 Coporeal Resistance 299 Spiritual Resistance 146 Elemental Resistance 231 Block 0 Parry 4.7 Dodge 3 Disrupt 5.1
  10. i can do this... gunau you must have a fat nose to hit all those buttons at the same time... i did it.
  11. We allready have a name for our guild :P
  12. Side = order server = chaos wastes its a open rvr rp server
  13. Means it can't connect to the internet because of a firewall setting. Also lol
  14. IM on vacation also I have no real duties as of yet. so :P
  15. wow I hate windows movie maker.
  16. The only lights are the buttons and the screen also the blue and red lights thats its
  17. Terra - E-7 Terra Adiutor Terra Offensus Armatura - Terra Instructor Munitorum Architecti same color as before
  18. Wich is better? Left one is the new look = 77 prims and animated screen. (cell phone look lol) aka Ordo Defero Unit v1.0 Old on is right = 47 prim (very simplylistic box look) aka Ordo Walky Talky v4 Wanting a serious opinion. As in replace the old or be a optional version.

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