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Hunter Abrams

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Everything posted by Hunter Abrams

  1. I have seen him do this... but it was 5 minutes till he noticed.
  2. Stop abusing them till they brake seriously its annoying. Last night I found the outpost elevator was broken but it fixed itself after I had summond it. So please stop doing this. Because we may need them to actualy be working. Same goes for the doors.
  3. I say uniform mods are to be directed to the persons century commanders and the commanders should be told what is and is not acceptable in a note card.
  4. I use the medium belt too should see what the officer belt dose for me in the heavy.
  5. Sertain mods will be allowed like if you put on alot of duct tape and glue. In general you must only wear things provided by ordo if its a third party addition then it will have to be given a once over. If you did not get permision then don't wear it unless its approved.
  6. I asked him in vent although I can't remember the exact words but I do belive he said it was fine on the hat >_>
  7. I was actually thinking about the srounds people use for reloads or grenade throwing. all other kinds of gestures were never allowed.
  8. Im going to keep using the prim cross on my officer hat untill its replaced >_> or Aryte tells me to remove it.
  9. I just wish people would go to officers about what is ok and what is not for modding their armor... I mean I have really cut down on the extinsive mods I used to have. Just to look more Ordoish without massive ammounts of shotgun shells or pockets. I also made medium armor style boots if anyone wants them. Since the first furry boots I made was for the heavy armor
  10. GG guys you just ruined it for every one. Hope you're happy.
  11. [3:45] Silverlight Yoshikawa: Its a VerterANUS [3:45] Hunter Abrams: hur hur [3:45] Kono Kestenbaum: A witty pun, sir. [3:45] Hunter Abrams: you are teh witty
  12. How will we know if we are not told I mean could be that you didn't get to it yet >_>
  13. So the officer hat is still good?
  14. I done did it sah! Because I didn't feel like waiting.
  15. Today showed one thing they will never change.
  16. I got confused and voted for Bush -.-
  17. lol neat trick. I have always considerd those with holsterd weapons to be armed. Because I don't know if its the actual gun or not.
  18. I have a question on the advanced terra training deal. Im tired now SO I may or may not make sense. Are those that complete this able to unlock anything they want that a normal terra person can get or can they unlock stuff that the Alphas normally get like fulminatas powerfist or their jetpack or gravpack or Antesigani mechs/mechs or are there restrictions? I really want to know this because I don't want to blab on about this if im not informed about how it runs.
  19. Reminds me of Gundam... I liked Gundam.

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