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Everything posted by Angelin01

  1. See Xoza? No Javascripts coded into your post and no snow!
  2. Explain to me that javascript when I quote your comment :| Also, for day 3:
  3. Did you just add a script to the page using the comments?
  4. I'm gonna see if I can fiddle around and find a time for everyone.
  5. For the second day, you get a Santa Toothless And ya better like it!
  6. Here's a link to the collection so far: Nuzzy has some other stuff that doesn't download through the workshop so... yah...
  7. Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.

  8. Send me the links and I'll add them.
  9. You're not supposed to get it. It's GMod! What we are trying to do here is custom game modes. Believe me, it can actually be quite fun. We just need to get a server setup and work out the technical things.
  10. So, me and some other folks on the PS2 channel were talking yesterday and we thought it would be awesome if we did something like Prop Hunt on Garry's mod. Just for the lols. Of course, stuff like Trouble in Terrorist Town was also sugested, so we thought, why not gather a bunch of people and do it? This topic is really unformal for now, because we still would have to get a server setup and find a proper day and time, so all I would like to know is, how many of you want to play something in Garry's Mod? Don't worry if you have never played anything other than sandbox, we'll guide you through things if necessary, it's super easy. Also, while I'm at it, I would like to know if people have map sugestions, preferably maps that don't need CS:S textures because not everyone has that game. So yeah... answer that pool, we'll see what to do next :)
  11. Tests all done! Woot!

    1. Odin047
    2. Angelin01


      @Odin047 I get the results for one of them on the 10th. The rest... only in January.

  12. 2.5 tests down, 0.5 to go and this 0.5... man this is the super important one.

    1. DeumDeorum


      Good luck man cram week starts in 2 days for me D:

  13. 1/2 test down, 2.5 more to go :)

  14. Big test coming up, it's on November 2nd! Kinda anxious...

    1. Odin047


      Funny enough November 2nd is when DST changes here in the US.

    2. Odin047


      But good luck none the less.

  15. 8 hours a day of study + school for the past 12 days. Gimme a break :(

  16. Oh man, so much stuff! I would post random pictures too, but most of the stuff where I live actually comes from other cultures! Except for this one drink made with some very special ingredient.. but it doesn't LOOK awesome, just tastes awesome. Oh well, you don't get to see it then.
  17. I wouldn't call Twitch Ffffed right now. It's probably really good for them: Twitch was growing way too fast and they needed servers and better support and other things. Amazon can supply those things. So all-in-all, it's probably going to end up being better.
  18. Gotta study Gotta study Gotta study

    1. Odin047


      Can't stop. Won't stop.

  19. I don't think Xoza's couple is Achtai... but if you want to pretend xD

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