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Everything posted by Angelin01

  1. So it's the 3/14 thingy... yeah, that doesn't work here, it's 14/03/14 (DD/MM/YY)
  2. Why do things need to be so hard?

    1. Odin047


      Because they are just happy to see you...

    2. Dagurath


      If it were easy, everyone would do it!

    3. Angelin01


      @Dag Everyone does life right? It's still hard for me right now :(

  3. It's like a raffle, but with more waffle in it. Get it? It's just like moneyfood. OOR... if you prefer, you can try the raffleshaffle. But that's an entirely different thing.
  4. This one is for the actual entry. But again, rafflewaffle or regular raffle?
  5. Lone wolf... sadface

  6. I need more time!

  7. ^ Totally should've known about the trick < Knows about the tricks v Will show us a new trick
  8. ^ Will be disappointed after reading this < Doesn't play that game and probably won't have time for it v Will deeply think about participating
  9. ^ Should just make a post about Drizzt < Does not want to open random links v Likes cheese
  10. ^ Thinks he know about others peoples lives < Is doing his best to become the top shouter v Will be Huttser
  11. I feel like pretty much everyone that was registerd for beta got one. Aside from that, I think some keys are tied to the email, so watch out for that.
  12. ^ Is majorly wrong < Really enjoys coffee v Will say something about me
  13. ^ Is completely insane for doing that < Posts random stuff on the shoutbox for no reason v Likes drinking coffee 24 hours a day
  14. Well, I don't use windows 8 so I don't really care. Hopefully Connor can get his stuff working, nobody wants something to be broken. (except maybe the competition but still).
  15. Well, I'm sure a lot of you people remember that 8.1 brought a lot of problems in. You remember the mouse lag? Yah... Good luck with fixing those things Connor.
  16. Here's what Microsoft told you: FREE UPDATE, IMPROVEMENTS, YEAH! Here's what they actually meaned: Get Ffffed
  17. Why is my internet so s***ty right now?

  18. Yeah, we will always be here when you return! NO WE WON'T YOU TRAITOR!

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