Well I was talking with Deadmon and so far the symbols that we would associate with Final Fantasy would be Crystals (Many of the games focus around crystals including 14) Chocobos (The most common form of transportation is most FF games) Green orbs with fire in them when you summon something (Used 4, 5, 8, 9, 10)
Here is my Vanu Archives holdout videos: >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fRaD5F1RHA >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6pbJ4_8KBg mad a separate thread with all of my videos and a palylist. http://forums.ordoimperialis.com/index.php/topic/19674-ps2-war-1st-operation-videos/
Short because of the meeting that ran way over time.
Wouldn't that be specific to just Ordo 3, because I believe the first 2 are full unless people left. For Ordo 2 I gave Steeltael officer since he is always doing squad stuff, if Ordo 2 needs more officers just let me know.
Spaceship flying shooter game, maybe e should take a look at ti to pass the time before Star Citizen comes out.