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Everything posted by Aelus

  1. PERKELE HAPEA [media]
  2. Aelus

    AC 2010

    I have an internship with Exxon Mobile lined up, so that might prevent me from making the trip.
  3. Aelus

    Aelus Janus

    Update: theme song. />
  4. Many years before the advent of Second Life, I spent my life slicing space-stations in half with an exceptionally long masamune. This occurred in space, naked, and with no protection from: electromagnetic radiation muon and graviton bombardment micrometeorites near absolute zero temperatures extreme pressure gradients My off-time was spent pushing boulders up Mt. Olympus, among other privy tasks. Suddenly, there was Second Life. This is a story about how I manifested on the grid. A story, about how my significant presence has shaken the grid and stirred the inhabitants. This is a story about me, Ex-Praetorian Primus Dr. Aelus Eugene Janus PhD.(x1). I was a wandering, esoteric cacophony of immortalized epic when I found the God Imperator Dr. Aryte Manual Vesperia, PhD.(x4) on a casual trip to a tail-sale. Needless to say, I was wearing my single doctorate (in badassery) on my chest so he could clearly see that I meant business. Suddenly, I was a Praetorian--no more no less. I was his left paw, invigorated by the purest blessing of Lux Vesperiae, Or Light of the Vesperia in low gothic. Some shit went down, then more shit, and soon it was three years later and I headed the Frumentarii in what would come to be known as ERA AELUS. My professor, God Imperator Dr. Aryte Manual Vesperia, PhD.(x4), signed my second doctorate, this time in applied badassery. Now my time is spent in The Eye of Terror; I have been for nearly three thousand years. If I left anything out, it's probably classified or irrelevant.
  5. Because you two are like pokemon; cute(sometimes), fightin', and by putting you in the pokeball you go away! <3 CRASH AND RIB Pokemon - 2 B A Master
  6. Aelus


    (Some warm words of welcoming.) <3
  7. Haha, intel in our Literature boards? WHAT
  8. “A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.” -Carl Sagan “The hypocrite's crime is that he bears false witness against himself. What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.” -Hannah Arendt
  9. Once upon a time we had a game room.
  10. xNTJ; distinctly intuitive, thinking, and judging, however I'm balanced between introversion and extroversion.
  11. Sorry it took me so long to post here--he asked me last night before I logged off to sleep if it was OK to assault Titan for entertainment purposes only. He is not affiliated with any military groups. If you have any problems with him, talk to him about it. Suffice to say, he wants to remain friendly with the Ordo. Be nice. >:|
  12. This was absolutely amazing.
  13. See you Xang; I miss the old times. Come back and say hello every now and then!
  14. Another picture. From left to right, front row: Hokusai Otsuka, Fen Fouroux, Aelus Janus, Liana Pera, <unknown>, Yoru Itoku, Uchi Desmoulins, <unknown>, <unknown>. From left to right, top row: <unknown>, <unknown>, Ante Flan, Fox Kilian, Sam Darrow, Equino Faulkland, Smittens Silvera, <unknown>, <unknown>, <unknown>, <unknown>.
  15. Let's see some more pictures.
  16. Wow, that was both emotionally and psychologically deep.
  17. Faron Karu's version of the entourage picture.
  18. Post EVERYTHING here. Quotes, pictures, videos, links, bitchin', and drama.
  19. Dont' worry about it Shadow; I hope to see you back in the future. We've had many good times. Some individuals find it morally appeasing to extrapolate on topics of discussion, thereby reducing the necessity for these extracurricular threads.

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