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Desereck Creeggan

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Posts posted by Desereck Creeggan

  1. It could be very possible, there is a certain amount of time of which the bullet is scripted to die at, probably in milliseconds after hitting, or on the rare occasion, seconds.

    Impossible. Bullets even set to llDamage(1); which would do 1 damage to you, instantly die on contact with an avatar. They do not with prims, which is why

    collision_start(integer lolololol_lol)




    is used to kill the prim on collision with an object (not with land though, land_collision or something is used for that). Even as fast as that seems, scripts have a hard time in lag telling when it hits something, which is why they bounce of prims before dying.

    The more you know :rolleyes:

  2. Looking at current Armatura activity, if the instructor count gets cut to 6, the three extra people wouldn't be shoved to Ludi but cut outright. Bad thing: Less instructors. Good thing: Active instructors remain.

    I have a feeling that massing everyone into one entity to teach whatever would be complete chaos. I won't go into detail, but people would either be

    1) Sitting on their ass doing nothing


    2) Doing everything so others /can/ sit on their asses.

    I don't like the odd number 9 instructors, and think it should be flat lined at 10.


  3. [2010/03/23 19:08] Zatuichi Bosatsu: (Saved Tue Mar 23 17:07:34 2010) hey aryte can i be unsim banned so i can raid with 2142 when we go on raid there

    [2010/03/31 10:44] Zatuichi Bosatsu: (Saved Wed Mar 31 06:44:30 2010) hello?

    [2010/04/06 11:21] Zatuichi Bosatsu: (Saved Tue Apr 06 09:45:40 2010) hello

    [2010/04/07 18:56] Zatuichi Bosatsu: (Saved Wed Apr 07 15:07:31 2010) hello?

    [2010/04/08 19:00] Zatuichi Bosatsu: (Saved Thu Apr 08 17:28:40 2010) hello

    [2010/04/08 19:00] Zatuichi Bosatsu: (Saved Thu Apr 08 18:34:23 2010) hey are you there?

    [2010/04/09 18:52] Zatuichi Bosatsu: (Saved Fri Apr 09 17:41:49 2010) hello?

    [2010/04/13 16:55] Zatuichi Bosatsu: (Saved Tue Apr 13 16:32:01 2010) hello?

    Omfg lmao.



    ect. ect.

  4. Why do I have the feeling I've read this before and you edited it to fit SL. Massive Deja-Vu

    Either way, bad-ass.

    I fight because what else is there to do in SL? Going to clubs and experiencing massive amounts of lag is nothing compared to shooting people in the face and experiencing massive amounts of lag.

  5. Every spot along the defensive line is accessible by jetpack besides on top of the towers, just putting that out there. The only controversy about being up there is that you can see the spawn and shoot into it from there, so common knowledge is to be used when up high.

  6. Do NOT mess with Gorgon. End of story. If you do, you will get us all banned. Even if you do not get banned I will make sure you won't be around Ordo Fort.

    I've said this multiple times over Vent not to mess with Gorgon. He's not only a cool guy, but he's very suspicious of his neighbors (mostly us because he knows that we got Panda removed), so he will know anything that happens to his land is 90% probability it's us.

  7. Operation Betrayal is a success. Sanitized has broken to my will and betrayed Panda into giving him the writs to all of his houses. I told him all of us are now his friends (because of his feat, and it's what his weak point was.) I will start helping him rebuild his place to show him I was right and panda is just an evil person.

    In other news, Panda stole invaluable items from azoth's courtyard area.


    We tricked RedSolution into suiciding to go see dragons. NO MORE PROBLEMS FROM HIM.

  8. My shit got taken and split up, as well as anything of value I had is now gone because of the trip between old ordo fort and new ordo fort. Verge of quitting if I can't get my island or my seeds planted and find another cow/horse


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