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Posts posted by Nakita

  1. It is my turn to post one of these myself. Last week I lost control of my emotions on during the early morning of Saturday. I had a public disagreement with the OIC during the time, and ignored multiple requests to take it into private.

    For that, I am sorry for my lost of control during that event, and I have absolutely no excuse I can lean on. For the people who left, I am extremely sorry for causing that.

    I learned my lesson, and truly, a weeks suspension opened up my eyes a bit.

  2. I will see if I can get things worked out so that me and Seb can come as well. Also might anyone be interested in a couple games of paintball at a nearby course? I think it would be interesting to have some training that doesn't involve learning how not to be killed by your own bullets when the physics shut down. And I would also like to know of any ordo that have booked a room that me and seb can stay with and pay our share of the cost.

    Ooooo! I would love to do that. Never have gone paintballing

  3. IRL Name:




    Trip Decision Status:


    Admittance Purchased?:


    Hotel, Housing:

    -Staying with Friend

    Transportation To Pennsylvania:


    Transportation At Pennsylvania:


    Transportation From Pennsylvania:




    Planned Luggage:



    -No(2 months early?)



  4. There's a difference between seeing and writing. I want to see it too. But if no one writes in it, the there's nothing to see! If only one person writes in it, then he/she would be better suited making threads in the off-topic.

    I didn't mean it litterally. I wrote some stuff when I was a E-3 and still living in Aryte's vault.

  5. Haha, i saw that one coming. Aside from the things aryte named as things that make a praetorian is there something else that all praetorians seem to have in common. Most if not all of them are responsible for creating our gear , weaponry or technology or in eazy's case our 2nd sim.This in combination with the praetorian requirements named by aryte and the handbook brings praetorians to a higher level. So this was truely deserved. Congratulations syl :D

    Only thing I built was a missile used in a old ship ;.;

  6. On reason two, EVE-Online is going to be releasing the next patch with uncharted space, allowing less static gameplay.

    Well we are going to change that. We are going to give you uncharted, unknown places to visit via paths that shift and slide through the fabric of space. We are going to give you thousands of new solar systems which will contain new NPC's, new exploration content and new pockets of resources to exploit. You will have the chance to venture into places that promise great rewards but also bring with them great risks. We are going to establish the untamed frontier that lurks at the fringes of known space and into which brave souls bent on conquest and riches will venture with high hopes. Some will return as heroes, some will return as fresh clones spewing from the medical vats. Some may never return at all.

    Wormholes will bring us to this new frontier, appearing all over New Eden as a result of a cataclysmic event, the nature of which we'll reveal in the coming months. These wormholes are unstable and will spawn and vanish randomly throughout the known universe. A pilot who stumbles across one of these stellar phenomena can fly through it and travel to unknown space, where there are no stargates or stations, just the unexplored void of a new solar system. And when I say "new solar system" that is exactly what I mean. It will not be moving you to instanced space but rather to one of the thousands of new solar systems we will be adding to the EVE universe.

    The wormholes themselves will be open only for a randomly determined amount of time and can only let through a certain amount of mass before they collapse. Pilots should carefully consider the information their ship's computer gives them about a wormhole before committing to travel through it. Although there will always be a way back to known space from wormhole space, you may have to search long and hard to locate it. And in that process, you may find wormholes that lead you to even more unexplored wormhole systems, launching you on a voyage of exploration the likes of which EVE has never seen before.

  7. I am extremely aware of how many prims it is.

    And no, as far as I know the old logo has NOT been fully pushed out. If it had, everything would be being redone already. Realize I only wear the Officer Dress Uniform when it is needed, not all the time.

    Having it on a hat made for looking good, fine. Having the logo spammed everywhere else, No.

  8. [2009/02/01 16:22] Karlhockey Forte: Are you going to continue to harrass a admin that I work with>

    [2009/02/01 16:23] Draith Xiao: Yea idc if I get banned if I did I would stop because they are assholes

    [2009/02/01 16:24] Draith Xiao: its like u try to live life have a shitty day at work and u come home to talk to some friends and some fuckers decide they want to be assholes

    [2009/02/01 16:24] Karlhockey Forte: Maybe you shoudl rethink how you go about things, maybe this wouldn't happen.

    [2009/02/01 16:25] Draith Xiao: all I did was make a little noise for like 5 secs

    [2009/02/01 16:25] Draith Xiao: OMG

    [2009/02/01 16:25] Draith Xiao: lets be an asshole to draith

    [2009/02/01 16:26] Karlhockey Forte: and I quote.

    [2009/02/01 16:26] Karlhockey Forte: "[16:21] Draith Xiao: nothing to say because u know u and ur BF are lame right? [16:21] Draith Xiao: thought so stupid woman"

    [2009/02/01 16:26] Karlhockey Forte: Again

    [2009/02/01 16:27] Karlhockey Forte: Maybe you should rethink how you go about things.

    [2009/02/01 16:32] Draith Xiao: stfu ur an asshole

    [2009/02/01 16:35] Karlhockey Forte: No actually, I am being as neutral as humanly possible to you. Had I been a asshole, I would not have even bothered to IM you, and ban.

    [2009/02/01 16:35] Draith Xiao: u butt ur fucking nose into shit

    [2009/02/01 16:35] Draith Xiao: just fuck off

    [2009/02/01 16:35] Karlhockey Forte: And I once again quote:

    [2009/02/01 16:35] Karlhockey Forte: "[16:27] Karlhockey Forte: Maybe you should rethink how you go about things."

    [2009/02/01 16:36] Karlhockey Forte: Until then, I will not have you in the FN simulators.

    [2009/02/01 16:37] Draith Xiao: thats ok im gonna kill myself anywayit doesnt matter where im banned from thanks for making mylife shittier


  9. [12:20] Karlhockey Forte: you have no idea how much control I am exhibiting right now

    [12:20] Jason Backer: Whats the problem?

    [12:21] Karlhockey Forte: Eye Korobase's existance.

    [12:21] Jason Backer: Ahhh

    [12:22] Jason Backer: I hear him and ordo get along very well

    [12:22] Karlhockey Forte: You have no idea~

    [12:23] Jason Backer: Enlighten me?

    [12:24] Karlhockey Forte: He left the Ordo, and badmouthed the entire group, whined and bitched, caused immense havok in the Mercz, joined the Chaos Imperialis, disgracing my uniform.

    [12:26] Karlhockey Forte: my only suggestion is to not let him into AN if he applies

    [12:27] Jason Backer: As I said to him

    [12:27] Jason Backer: [12:26] Jason Backer: Just when people leave old accounts we have to ask ourselves why

    [12:26] Jason Backer: And in this case it's because you pissed off half the mercz and Ordo

    [12:27] Karlhockey Forte: LOL

    [12:27] Jason Backer: 12 months ago we'd be like YAAAAY join the group

    [12:27] Jason Backer: Right now... nah

    [12:28] Karlhockey Forte: I love you.


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