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Posts posted by Nakita

  1. Cross posted from another forum.

    A New York man retired. He wanted to use his retirement money wisely, so it would last, and decided to buy a home and a few acres in Portugal . The modest farmhouse had been vacant for 15 years.; the owner and wife both had died, and there were no heirs.

    The house was sold to pay taxes. There had been several lookers, but the large barn had steel doors, and they had been welded shut. Nobody wanted to go to the extra expense to see what was in the barn, and it wasn't complimentary to the property, nobody made an offer on the place.

    The New York guy bought it at just over half of the property's worth, moved in, and set about to tear in to the barn.......curiosity was killing him.

    So, he and his wife bought a generator, and a couple of grinders.......and cut thru the welds.

    What was in the barn...............?






  2. Bruno Ziskey wrote:

    Like how you're swarming Anamur right now? play your own heads maybe.

    If you are so anti swarm, get more people into your group. I hold ZERO sympathy for you because you don't have a high number of people. Fix things, make you group enjoyable to stay in and not just give them a candy coated view before they join, later finding out what problems lie inside you group and leave for somewhere else.

  3. Hmm, where to start here. In the beginning of November 2007, I started having doubts about my current group, the Alliance Navy. Several factors lead into this.

    The first was my position in the group. I had reached the NCO rank of E-4 and took a look at things. I was in a dead end position. There were simply too many veterans how were ready to take the officers slots, so I had no future other than a NCO, maybe getting a few more ranks.

    The second reason from my departure was the promotion on the infamous PattehPh0x Katsu to the rank of O-4 after just coming back from never logging in. His scripting was the sole reason and he abused the fact, and I constantly heard him talking about bothering Jim until he was given Admiral. It disgusted me.

    The by far, biggest reason I left was the constant treatment of other groups, all the enlisted being fed the lies about how other groups cheated, lied, and everything, the biggest figure of their slander was Aryte. I never knew him, and the only other time I had seen him was well, being shot down by him and having a....conversation. I bit my tongue and said to myself that I was going to get the truth starting with Aryte himself. I simply IM'd him and asked for some history, why the AN had their views over them. Over the next week I had more conversations with him, along with Sukasa, Katsuhito, and Myoukitsune.

    November 11th, after the Veterans Day, I resigned from the Alliance Navy and applied the same day and entered Schola. And the rest is history.

  4. Well, from where you when you were when I got on map, which was the far north, this is what I think happened. He sithacked in, killed you and you ended up over in the north, where he tried to run up, meeting the lava in that part of the map.

    My best thought

  5. [1:33] Ordo Praetorian Left Shoulder(Radio): (Izaea Qinan) Anyway, it is, like most ordo builds, very aesthetically well-done.

    [1:33] Ordo Praetorian Left Shoulder(Radio): (Izaea Qinan) I take some issue with the prim efficiency of it, but it's pretty, at least.

    [1:33] Ordo Praetorian Left Shoulder(Radio): (Izaea Qinan) Considering I command the division of lego starships, though, that's not saying much.

  6. Praetorian Forte

    Navis-Praetorian Liasion.

    Merczateers-Praetorian Liasion

    Schola Instructor

    If you could fit in the "Fear the Purple" somewhere, you will be my hero D:

    I swear if I have to tell you the color theme I will hunt you down and paint you the color. >:O

  7. Everyone go review the map I have out built by Emma, Inoue and Myself. It will give a excellent idea what what you are going to face. It is in the bunker near the titan map. Just say "goto:radar" and you will be near.


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