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Posts posted by Nakita

  1. [15:53] Kono Kestenbaum: Also.

    [15:53] Kono Kestenbaum: Question.

    [15:53] You: murowl?

    [15:53] Kono Kestenbaum: Should I recolor my horns n' stuff?

    [15:53] You: iunno

    [15:53] You: purple

    [15:53] Kono Kestenbaum: Don't say-

    [15:53] You: :>

    [15:53] Kono Kestenbaum: Goddamnit.

  2. Sekonda Huet wrote:

    It's nearly impossible to copybot something that is worn by an avatar. You can take skin textures and profile information easily but even that is being corrected by Linden Labs. As for prim copying the code to do such a thing was acctually removed by "libsl" the creators of the tools required by proxy to run the bot. Thusly to acctually do so would require someone with an immence knowledge of code for programs of this nature and would have to reprogram copybot, the actual copybot was "sabotaged" completely to disallow such practises by libsl and is pretty useless at this point in Second Life because there is no desire to continue the project because they keep being cut off by Linden Lab's technicians.

    Realisticaly and in this case it's not going to happen.

    It is possible to brute force an objects information and open it in an open source sim but again we're talking about a lot of resources here and a large understanding of the code. Even then it's not a prim copy, but meerly information interepreted by the code to produce a basic shape that can be built upon, recovering textures from items is also no longer possible.

    It happened all the time last year around this time Sek.

  3. [21:28] Ethan Schuman (COM): Motivational poster time : "Kanaki - What the fuck is a salad bar?"

    [21:29] Desereck Creeggan (COM): HAHA

    [21:29] FireFox Breed (COM): :\

    [21:29] Kanaki Hornet: What the fuck is a salid bar?

    [21:29] Kanaki Hornet: salad*

    [21:29] Kanaki Hornet: Oh

    [21:29] Kanaki Hornet: I just got that

    [21:29] Kanaki Hornet: =|

  4. [12:20] Trinity Heckroth (COM): my only complaint is that it ramps up ARC like whoa.

    [12:20] Thrace Vega is Offline

    [12:20] Karlhockey Forte (COM): that is build end

    [12:20] Karlhockey Forte (COM): scream at keno for that XD

    [12:20] Syl Kiranov (COM): That's Keno. Luckily his ARC is pretty low when he's wearing nothing but a swimsuit.

  5. Posting this in Off-Topic for all to see, before it got out of hand.

    Apparently, there is currently a rumor that was brought to me, about me leaving Ordo...


    I have no plans on leaving, nor have even thought about it. I love my position as a member of The Ordo Imperialis and part of the Praetorian Guard, nothing is going to make me give this up. Shut up and stop drama mongering.

    And if the person who started this would have the balls to say hi to me, go ahead, I am waiting.


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