Aww, the Mint Royale remix doesn't appear to work. There was a great video from their song. A commercial for spearmint gum or something, where they reworked the film clip so that the guy was breakdancing and other crazy stuff instead of the normal singing in the rain in the film. Unfortunately all of them got pulled on youtube.
Am I the only one who doesn't find this surprising? Thats a product of yesteryear, and a delectable snack of a bygone era of sandwiches in all varieties. I somewhat doubt that product is still around in that particular packaging, if at all, but there is probably a website somewhere...
I am dissing the article itself for poor workmanship entirely. It is perhaps a worse pile of words than the SL Herald has produced. Even despite the numerous errors to be corrected with a basic spellcheck (or current generation Firefox), there is no general form for the content. Though I already outline my disdain earlier.
You're a little late to that party, as that mere mention doesn't somehow magically make the article anything more than rumors without a proper title encompassing it.
We'll also need groin and ass attach points, for attaching the requisite 'girls parts' and 'boy parts' so we are able to... do various things. Additional attachment points have never been the answer. Why dual wield? Because while we could easily decimate opposing militaries with old-fashioned muzzle-loading muskets, we should at least look cool doing it.
The only recent news on attachment points was the prospect of attaching multiple objects to the same point while retaining a total overall limit on attached objects, which would be incredilby beneficial to everyone in SL, for the sake of prim clothing, gauntlets, and various head accessories.
Wow, just wow... perhaps one of the least coherent and uninformed pieces I've read yet from Jessie War Journal. I am terribly displeased. If you do an investigation on something like weaponry, you either research 'rumors' from people with wild ideas, or go straight to the source for the actual information.
Or in simpler terms, we already have people running around with odd hues of glow, therefore a change in the firearms won't really change the total outlook on the current uniformity (other than matching our own armor modifications).
Actually used to do Meets with an area art group not long ago. Same can be said of the MUDs I've partaken in. Just a matter of finding who is where to get together for something fun.