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Sera Otoro

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Everything posted by Sera Otoro

  1. Sera Otoro

    AC 2010

    gah... pretty bad for some this year... anyways, we need to make a list of who is actually going... suppose ill make one even though im supposed to be working... XD post here if you are going to make it or not so i can update you... Green : Going to AC Yellow : Maybe going to AC Grey : Need status update Red : Not going to AC
  2. ▲ needs moar baseball... ◄ too lazy to refute anything at this point... plus is at work... ▼ is just lazy in general, most likely proud of it as well...
  3. i be wandering the areas in the north... looting and killing anything i see...
  4. Sera Otoro

    AC 2010

    i surely hope so... AC means a LOT to me after going there last year... i can say now, id be broken if i do miss it... ;-;
  5. ▲ is getting boring... ◄ got a payrise at work, even though it wont really matter soon... ▼ think of something creative to post that is NOT related to fish...
  6. Sera Otoro

    AC 2010

    anyone willing help out and link me to any ferry trips from the UK to the US...? wonder if that means ill be able to drive to AC aswell with my car since ferries can hold them... XD
  7. Sera Otoro

    AC 2010

    well this is worrying... since the volcano in iceland erupted, the entire airspace in the UK has been grounded... i hope this doesnt carry on over to june, otherwise im screwed...
  8. wurm got pretty quiet... havent been on it myself since thursday...
  9. agares has not been feeling too well lately, so hes been having trouble making the arrangments... he will post up when hes gotten it sorted out...
  10. the main fortress is in lockdown until further notice... i apologise if this has affected anyone, but we cant afford to have these idiots taking anything from inside... also, to completely wipe the need for keys, ive heard of these things called gatehouses... which are just 1 tile houses with only 1 door built on the side you wish to limit access whilst the rest of the house remain unfinished... might want to think of doing that as well, even if it looks odd... also, i am handing over leadership to ethan, whom is better suited for the job... please support him in every way possible... oh, and if you have ordo buildings, please pass the writs of ownership to him... this excludes your own made houses of course... also, please keep an eye on the first post of this topic, it does get updated...
  11. yay for having two of 278 in there... also, i realised we havent even gotten 0.1% far yet... lets pick up the pace people...
  12. ▲ is correct... ◄ blue... ▼ neither pink or blue...
  13. always best to start around 2 - 3pm SLT with me, so i dont get bugged...
  14. ▲ dirt... ◄ hates mondays... ▼ think of something to say that isnt random...
  15. well so far very few are building up the foundations of the fort, so we are left without an open secure spot... the fort i meant to be our top priority right now, so we need people mining shards and chiseling them into bricks, then use them to build the fort walls...
  16. why does the bad stuff happen when im away... anyways, people, you seem to forget that we are supposed to be working together... locking everyone out of each others places or pushing everyone away from helping out just because you want to do it yourself is going to cause a lot of stir between everyone, which it seems it already has since you scared off bizcut... everything ive built has been left full access for other ordo... if you want to lock other ordo out of a structure just because you built it, then go elsewhere, because im not having it... we started this off as a team and this is how it is going to be kept... is this understood..? in short... you are building for the ordo, not yourself...
  17. Sera Otoro

    AC 2010

    i still need to find somewhere to crash for the 22nd...
  18. ill pust the updated map when i get back from work... also... start making our neighbours more uncomfortable... any means possible without overstepping the boundaries... once they are gone, the expansion will begin...
  19. i love your praetorian armor idea... people need to listen to you more...

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