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Everything posted by Xoza

  1. Yeeeeeeeehhhh, I think I'm going to be awake all week...
  2. Xoza

    FC: 2012

    How about some more details in the actual post for those of us who have no idea whats going on where? And if you have a stop in SLC LETMEKNOWSOWECANMEET and so you wouldn't get bored waiting between flights...
  3. Ok.. is.. this is getting kinky? or.. ?
  4. Ever hear the phrase "Have to hit the nail more then once to drive it into the board"? No? WELL I JUST MADE IT UP, but it's logical. Some people don't understand until you tell them several times, over and over, several different ways, from several different sources. The only time I've really encountered these kind of people, are those I worked with in.. supportive living homes however..
  5. I just love how people can't invent their own designs, they're always inclined to infringe on others or copy RL. Just continually points out that I'll have to better protect my works, but also means I'll have a pretty secure job in the future. People tend to copy things they like, where I like to invent and design new things and experiment with new ideas.
  6. Xoza

    Your SL history
  7. Here's Achtai's suggestion and.. I like Constantines.
  8. lol, I played Revan as female as well... HOWEVER, canon does say Revan was male, and the outcast was female.
  9. I DON WANNA, I never uninstall anytin unless I never intend to play it again! Seriously though, do we HAVE TO? It wont re-install overtop the old one? I don't want to loose my settings, not that there are many to set anyway... FINE
  10. Aww... we all know who the lovers are
  11. Congratulations Drace, don't let this discourage you, but there's a lot more to go. The plus to that though, you'll acquire a lot of experience, and get plenty of good friends. We look forward to seeing you in action!
  12. I think we have a lot of people who are willing to throw signatures together. I'll do em as well, just have to speak up!
  13. I'll be honest, I've never really played on a "PvP" server, I did have some fun as a Jedi in SWG when they were permaflagged, and played a few games that were PvP only anyway, but really that was it. I don't mind trying PvP, in the past I've avoided it because I've been more into the single player story aspect. I also prefer an RP server over regular servers just because there seem to be less noobs and more respect between players. We should add a poll to this thread just to see where everyone is leaning. In Order my preferences RP-PvE RP-PvP Republic Empire All in all though, I'll likely end up following the bulk of everyone else as I really don't care THAT much. But I do want to stick with a server that I can enjoy, and not go hopping around, that's stupid.
  14. hmmm.. PvE servers can always run around flagged. I ran around the entire beta flagged as PvP.
  15. Xoza

    Your SL history

    Ordo members now have a place on the wiki to toss up history and dossier's of there own information now (just message me for an account)
  16. [2011-12-04 17:02:41] Xoza Tyron: Rifle in one hand, samach in the other! [2011-12-04 17:03:14] Dascede Aluveaux: haha as much as that would be cool, I don't particularly want to try saying "EI southwest" through a mouthful of gyro [2011-12-04 17:05:31] Dascede Aluveaux: it would be like "EI soufwefff mmnhmhm"
  17. We we all be sticking to one server, even on both sides? Or... we going to span across two? I'm not really fond of spanning across them myself... Just means you'll have to deal with different traffic loads, and have to switch servers when you switch characters, thus a possible que time, because you don't log out of the server when you switch characters, but you have to log into a server and que up if its full.
  18. Achtai is going to LOVE this!
  19. I always liked the white version with the silver designs.
  20. to bad, not allowed, jk, I have no idea, thought there was a "leave guild" on its main page.

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